Terrible time to post it fren, most linuxbros are asleep
Microshit bros...
Lock your Windows.
Or else.
linux is for ni/g/gers and ni/g/gers dont play videogames
linux users are insomniacs
why do most native linux games run worse than their wine counterparts? are they just shitty ports? ive been playing some source games lately and the native ports just stutter like hell, while playing with proton works just fine. sonic 3 air also has the same problem
should i get retroarch or just use multiple emus?
depends on what you are going to emulate
dolphin and citra run better standalone, the rest runs the same from my experience
mainly NES, SNES, Genesis, PC-98, arcade and PS2 games
>NES, SNES, Genesis, PC-98, arcade
yeah these run 100% fine
never tried on retroarch so i cant say
Linux will never be relevant, nerds
thats ok
it interested you enough to post in a linux thread
don't slip
If that happens I'm probably going to unironically switch to Linux
does ps1 work well? i do sometimes wanna play some racin and crash bandicoot. Saturn too
>They're already doing windows 12
Also I need to sort my reaction image folder, it's annoying to find relevant images
yeah works completely fine too
Anyone here playing SD Gundam Cross Rays? Worked for me a few months ago but now i am just getting a white screen.
Months? Could always try rolling back the Proton used.
loonix bro reporting in... I play starcraft remastered, stalker anomaly, windjammers on fightcade, sims like falcon BMS and velocidrone on a thinkpad from 2013.
Lutris works so good.
I tried dualbooting linux and windows for a while and windows just fucking deleted the linux partition.
windows is malware
still playing terraria master/hardcore, been making themed homes until I feel like starting hard mode
Only time I tried Linux I played nuHitman 1 on it and it had no bugs but had like 20% less FPS than on Windows. I just don't see the point, specially considering how easy it is to pirate Windows.
Still waiting for native Linux port of Hades, Supergiant. Ha ha, any day now.
linux shit usually counts for like 1% of sales everytime some dev releases figures, aint happening, but you already know that lol
how come i get stuttering in l4d2 when i use vulkan?
Depends on a million things, some games work better. Usually because of opengl (directX is just faster) Anything vulkan based usually runs about on par or better for me. fsync helps with newer games if you got a 5.16+ kernel.
It's not always about gaming, I consider being able to play anything a cherry on top of being a freetard. If all you do is use a computer to shitpost and game, it's best to stick with windows.
probably the shaders compiling, should only do it once when it loads new assets, then should be smooth after that
For PS2 you should use standalone.
Everything up to Dreamcast is fine in RetroArch.
did not work. Not a proton thing
how long does it take for all the shaders to be compiled
But then why do literally all their other games have Linux ports?
they probabyl realized it isnt worth it
if you are using steam you can let them pre-cache on the background. there is an option somewhere on their settings that enables that
>Hey, I wanted to let you know that we don't have plans right now for a native Linux build of Hades. However, we have multiple reports from our community that Hades is playable on Linux through Proton without any special configuration necessary, so we hope this solution works well for you.
What it does ia fuck with the bootloader, your linux partition is still there just inaccessible (you can recover your files using a Linux live session with a USB stick)
crystal project has a linux version, i'll play that soon
welcome back from the coma user!
>Also I need to sort my reaction image folder, it's annoying to find relevant images
Can relate...
just get windows 10 ltsc or the education
pajeet fuck off
>Eats Curry
>Stares at underage white girls
>Watches zack snyder's justice league
>Shit's on sidewalk
>Records youtube tutorial
>commits javascript to github
>why do most native linux games run worse than their wine counterparts?
Usually it's either:
>are they just shitty ports?
This, or the devs just didn't give a fuck enough to keep the build updated.
hey null, im not having any problems with manjaro so im not planning on switching back to windows. ill get a copy of ltsc just in case though.
This. It has nothing to do with Linux, it's just a shitty port by the developer. Look at Id game Linux ports, most run better than their windows counterparts. We need more Carmack's and less Unity kiddies.
Quickest path to Phantom Dust PC remaster
>pirate Windows
Why would you ever need to do that?
Microsoft are handing out free licenses fucking everywhere.
I'm drowning in Windows licenses I'm not using, because Windows sucks ass. Seriously.
it does now because only the kernel team is white, all the UI and other shit is fucking pajeets
while I wish it existed. There is simply no such thing.
>1740 linux titles out of total 66275
less than 2% on the most popular gaming DRM in existence
what will we do linuxbros
doesn't count
>xp source code leaked
>nobody has yet to add native compatibility to a distro
who the hell plays native ports anymore? get with the times grandpa
would get sued to high hell if someone actually did it.
only legal way to do it would be a clean room revere engineering. intellectual property is a cancer
said like someone who's never used Wine or Proton
just spent the day playing shadow of chernobyl, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Playing Layers of Fear now, haven't played WoW for more than 6 months maybe will download it again later and re-sub, I don't know.
Last game I finished was Jedi: Fallen Order, I loved it and it worked perfect with even Proton Experimental, didn't need GE
i play all my games with vanilla wine and occasionally winetricks
user, linux fags don't know how to code. they just pretend they are the prime compsci specimen but they just steal everything from stackoverflow like the niggers they are
I think its instant banhammer from MS if someone tried to do something with the code
forgot pic
i'm not saying CTRL+V xp code into linux, you have everything there from xp leak to write native compatibility code
if you ever read leaked source code from windows you are prohibited from contributing code to wine lol its not gonna happen. the risk of getting sued is too high
Adding on to what this guy said, "Independent third parties" intentionally spamming projects like ReactOS with "Accidentally leaked code" happens incredibly often, and should clue you in, and why the WINE project is so thorough in personally avoiding it like the plague.
How do I know, you are American?
UI people are usually women from completely unrelated study courses.
Their primary purpose is to fulfil the female quota on the team, while being in a position of least liability.
Of course they are wrecking everything even in that small field.
Which is the primary reason UIs have gotten shit fucking everywhere.
Pajeets aren't particularly great coders, but the UI is not their fault. That's the women's doing.
>can't even use it as a reference so you can know how it works and rewrite it yourself but better
>you could fix linux's biggest flaw of compatibility (honestly one of the few flaws that holds it back) >but nobody does because M*crosoft would sue anything that looks too familiar
Thank god I'm out of Windows. I already had a bad feeling when moving to W10. Now that games work on Linux I could finally make my desktop a Linux computer as well.
well technically you can tell a wine dev how something inside the leaked source code works so they can code something similar into wine, you just can't show them the actual code.
>muh lawsuit
what's the quote?
>the fact you can means you should or else you are a low-t faggot
>Cloud based and subscription service
you heard it here first folks
user, leaked code is still under copyright. you can't use it unless its clean room. i don't think you need a quote for that.
>intellectual property is a cancer
>t. someone who would get mad if someone did the same with the Linux kernel
yes and?
faggots made shit like hunt down the freeman and got away with it.
just don't post your name on it and there you go. whom will they copyright strike?
I have limited OS experience but how the fuck would this actually work? Does your computer, on boot, contact a server instead of code on your hard drive? This seems like it would have zero upsides. I try to be level headed and consider both sides but what I can't see how this would benefit anyone.
i wouldn't, im not a gpl guy.