Invading PVP

>invading PVP
>invade the world of some faggot named Ciri
>go to their location and I see another invader just shooting arrows at a building
>some faggot named Ciri decided to hang out on top of an inaccessible building
>other invader just nopes out
>decide to teach this faggot a lesson
>use environmental parkour to reach the side of the mountain this faggot named Ciri was hanging out by
>start sniping his ass with arrows
>faggot named Ciri tries to hide behind a pillar, but because you're not suppose to be up there the pillars have no hitboxes and go right through them
>run out of great arrows before I have a chance to finish the faggot off
>decide fuck it, I'm not letting this guy farm any more invaders
>sit behind the mountain so the faggot named Ciri can't see me
>go grab some watermelon and put my pets to bed and shit
>come back to find a blue cipher buddy looking for me exactly on that mountain I'm hiding on, no way they would know I was up there unless his friend was bitching to him on discord that someone was ruining his invasion farming
>take the little faggot out, then put on a mimic disguise and go get some food and brows Yea Forums for like 30 minutes before I go back
>faggot named Ciri finally went off the top of the building and is trying to hide by a cliffside
>literally one swing and I know a faggot named Ciri off the mountainside

fuck all the invasion farming faggots on this game, I will waste 100x more of your fucking time for wasting mine bitch

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>>come back to find a blue cipher buddy looking for me exactly on that mountain I'm hiding on, no way they would know I was up there unless his friend was bitching to him on discord that someone was ruining his invasion farming
Blue summons are automatic aren't they?

Sounds like you put in more effort than them. You lost.

Yeah but you can set custom passwords and shit, especially since you can't summon your friend from the top of a building

>more effort
>eating food, playing with my pets and shitposting on Yea Forums for almost an hour


PVP thread?
>turn on my tongue while I paly for classic style invasions
>half the people who invade me are using something strong to counter ganks, the other half are just doing it for fun
>in both scenarios they die in seconds to basic rollcatches
Its a nice change of pace from all the cancer you run into when you invade to be the one getting invaded, but I wish 99% of invasions didn't end in 30 seconds. I guess that's what happens when invasions are nothing but cancer vs cancer, you don't actually learn how to pvp properly.

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Buy explosive greatbolts that's what I use

>invade subterranean with my blood build and blow up three guys simultaneously with corpse piler and my lobster bros providing cover

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PvP is either people having fun or people try harding to win all the time, at least until fight clubs start picking up steam as more people beat the game

based, I wonder what the range on the hand canon is
there's like 50 videos more to upload, didn't know YT has limit of 10 videos per day.

I don't understand how anyone has fun with dark souls pvp, the combat isn't suited for it at all and the latency is often god awful.


Honestly I've been PvP-ing for like 2 days now and I might just give up. Literally every other person is running rivers of blood and spamming the special move over and over

>still playing elden ring on April 11th, 2022
lol, lmao

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I've only been invaded once during 60+ hours and that was in Raya Lucaria. I think it's my weapon levels which do this? +12 [redacted] and I'm only lvl 70 now.
Even the coop matchmaking is pretty iffy.

Wanna know a secret that obliterates these niggers?
>clayman spear, cold infused
>WA, icespear
>54 str 50 int
>alexanders shard
>backstep after their bloodshow into l2
Nukes them everytime.
For extra retard shit pop int and magick boost in physik and pocket carry the rallying standard.

>having trouble with Godfrey because i suck at vidya
>try to summon frens
>only one summon sign shows
>it's a guy named git gud
>tell myself that I'm gonna laugh if we don't kill godfrey on that attempt
>take turns playing bait while the other heals and damage him
>we make easy work of him
Was this game made for co-op? couldn't imagine ever getting past this if I played on my pirated copy

>tfw invade a lone host
>drop them some runes because I feel bad due to my overtuned build

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Tranny detected.
Doing duels is like a breath of fresh air from invading. People actually have unique builds, here.

That's cute as fuck
What pets do you have?

yea i honestly dont know how the fuck some of these bosses can be beat unless you just exploit some shit. like i made it up to mogh solo with a str build but realized i could either waste two larval tears just to get a bleed build or summon someone who had katanas. guess which one i picked.

It's just not fun seeing 0 build variety, I swear the last 8 invasions had someone running rivers of fucking blood

what areas are populated for invasions at lvl 90? i can't find anybody at the capital for some reason

rivers of blood or moonveil katana 100% of the time, how long until the people that watch youtube for OP builds stop playing

I got from level 20 to 616 from AFK farming, stay mad you invading piece of shit.

Try and ruin other peoples game with invasions? Yet get mad when I ruin yours lmao

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You either block and setup parry or just jump over it, both very consistent
RoB is easy to counter, the real garbage is dual spears bleed you in one hit builds

>ruin peoples games

no they don't and golden parry is overpowered and i'm not watching that shit. everything in this garbage game just fucking stupid overpowered and it's never going to be fixed. passive poise is never going away. this game's pvp is dead

>invasion farming
for what purpose? to farm levels? aren't there much better methods if you just want to cheese the game and not actually play it? someone explain please, I really don't see the point here.

>like 10000 runes per invasion
>level 600+
Why would you go on the internet and tell lies

Best you take a break from the game, friend.

a cat and a bearded dragon

Especially since you can choose who to fight lol
This is the build I've been using, mainly with the Golden Order Greatsword and the Godslayer Greatsword. Sucks having so little mind so I may back up this save and pump to 135 for more
>Golden Parry is overpowered

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i already uninstalled a week ago and i'll never play it again. it's shit in all aspects and will never be fixed. no one likes the pvp in this game except youtuber shills that are in denial because they thought they had years of content ahead of them

Where do high levels pvp? I’m like 110 and haven’t been invaded once and want to try out my weapon on some cucks.

Mountaintops of the giants, but you're 100% guaranteed to see nothing but rivers of blood and moonveil katanas

it turns every shield that can parry into a parry shield with better parry frames than the parry shield and also has retarded range

Does anybody use godslayer sword? I feel like the weapon art combined with +fire dmg physick and fire dmg incantation could fuck people up.

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Yeah it's designed around co-op and/or using spirit ashes

>no one likes the pvp
I do
You either need to co-op or use the taunter's tongue to get invaded
At 110 you should see action most of the midgame areas, Raya Lucaria Main Gate is the dedicated duel spot

>underage fag who clearly doesn't play elden ring trying to hop on the band wagon because his friends talk about it

It's ok little champ, maybe one day mom will suck enough dicks to afford to buy you a copy

It also costs for
Most of the parries that guy got were people either mashing L1 at a distance or doing hyper predictable rolling attacks
If someone has a parry shield you either do more varied timings, harass at a range to bait something, or jump attack more
This shits amazing, not specifically because of the WA but because of the unique R1s
The WA is good too

Passwords don't work for summoning blues, retard. Also sounds you got mad and wasted your own time and this dumbass will just go right back to AFK farming after.

Everyone I've seen who has golden parry just spams it, and I still hit them just fine without doing jumping attacks. Golden parry takes too much skill to call it overpowered.

>go AFK
>get free runes
>get even more runes if a hunter kills the invader for you

Baste, hosts are more insufferable in this game than DaS3 and will camp you out forever with their faggot butt buddies so i have literally zero sympathy, hold this L2 niggers

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Glad that tryhard bloodhound step user lost.

mein neger

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I really miss the chaos of 3's pvp

>faggots claim SL80~ with under leveled weapons is the "fair" no one shot pvp
>try it out
>everyone just runs akimbo bleed sticks or halberd + frost rapier
>any other build is just some clueless noob
Bracket so fucking mindnumbling boring I actually get excited when I run into a rob. Fuck you for recommending this shit.

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Awesome I’ve been loving it for pve so far running dex and faith. Big heavy armor lots of poise and I’m just cleaving my through enemies and 3 shotting bosses with the weapon art.

>tfw 400 rune arcs
i WILL find you
i WILL kill you

>or halberd
which one(s), I haven’t touched those


Dragon, Nightrider, or banished knight's is all I ever see.

>fought another summon with 8k health
what the fuck is this glitch that lets you get bazonkers fucking health

fuark. i need a Ciri template for my ER playthrough!

blues are always random invader kun, learn your games

desu 150 is best for invasions.

>feel guilty about invading low levels with my meta faggotry
>decide to try a nice honest build
>half of my invasions are ganksquads, overleved phantoms, teabaggers, and scarlet rot shits

I'm going back to RoB.

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you fought a FAITH Chad

it doesn't matter how much you try to waste their time, you will always waste more time than them, best you can do is finger out

and he STILL got vyke kiked. i dont get it

>mad he got teabagged

>due to the 4 player cap you will never get another invader since blues will pop in before them
this games literally made for handholding spergs through it

but I thought it was harder for invaders now?

>still haven't beaten the game yet
>making my way through as best I can
>never get invaded
>think maybe the co op system or invasion system is broken
>finally get invaded
>guy with some dripping red katana type of thing
>know enough about DS3 (350 hours of just pure PvP) to know it's probably some sort of build up build like poison or bleed
>sure enough he hits me and it's bleed
>Time his shit perfectly and just keep dodging him
>he can't roll catch to save his life
>finally gets frustrated and over reaches with one too many attacks
>punish him
>he panic rolls away
>roll catch him to death
>no invaders since

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