Your favorite game just got beaten under 9 minutes. how does this make you feel?

your favorite game just got beaten under 9 minutes. how does this make you feel?

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It doesn't count if it's not glitchless

I sleep

lol this game is a mess of code

tranny voice

>stand still
>teleport across the map
nice game fromsoft

i can beat it in under 5 minutes.

Just another reason All Memories will be considered the only legit category

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>favorite game
its not even my favorite fromsoft game


>glitch speedrun

> glitch glitch glitch glitch glitch glitch glitch glitch glitch glitch glitch
speedrunning is so fucking stupid

My dick can be beaten in 20 seconds, yet your mom will still suck for 100+ hours.

All remembrance runs will be the only ones that matter.

With speedrunners they always have the fag glitch categories but on principle I agree with you. I watched a twitch streamer speedrun it for like 5 minutes, they do this stupid ass glitch involving a macro that teleports the character across huge sections of the map and allows them to skip almost everything. Why even bother speedrunning it at that point? Thankfully there are glitchless categories.

Any% No zips had soul. All remembrances is feels more tedious in comparison considering shit like Astel is locked behind Ranni and you have to go absurdly out of the way for Malenia who could end your run if you're unlucky.

I swear I just saw this on /jp/

Pick one. Yeah, a lot of speedrunners are trannies, but dist isn't.

who cares

Glitched speedrun was always retarded. Pokemon can be beaten in 0sec with a glitch. Does it really count as "beating the game"?

Just wanna point out for arguments sake that its not a teleport and macros are banned for runs to count. You have to block and wiggle on uneven ground, but I think it requires a high frame rate and it has to be done in a certain rhythm.

yeah thats what the stupid teleport glitch is called, zips. Agreed, they completely ruined the run with zips.

Yeah it makes the runs even less fun because the player has to go into settings and constantly change the resolution to get different framerates, zip runs are pointless.

>Speedrun autism lets you skip to the credits in 10 minutes
Any % is always fucking boring. Show me someone beating every major boss under 4 hours or some shit.

>mess up a zip glitch
>mess up by getting grabbed
>mess up dying
>be able to pause the time by exiting out and not wait for your error or death to count because reasons

i get pausing time in loading screen to account for hardware differences, but why would you be allowed to pause time to prevent losing time from your own mistakes? seems kinda retarded even for such a retarded speedrunning category

this, he probably wont stop until all of the zips are done in 1 try, which is just objectively boring at this point

zipping is less lame than quit outs
>no the 15 minutes of logging in and out and restarting my game doesn't count against my time :^)

Speedruns are kinda neat but I don't have much interest in them when it's just abusing glitches like this over really skilled play within the intended boundaries of the game.

Glitches are so stupid you might as well prove you're the fastest to console command "/endgame" since that's "technically" in the game

I really didn't expect so many people on Yea Forums to be complaining about glitches in a speedrun, that's the kind of shit you see in retarded youtube comments. The point of an any% speedrun is to get to the end of the game as fast as possible, no holds barred. Its an absurd concept by nature.

theyre right though, any% usually sucks when most of the run is abusing glitches

Everyone knows what any% is we're just talking about how fucking stupid it is

they need to let it go, any percent is the most popular of the categories and this guy essentially destroyed it in a month.

I agree completely, Hitman speedruns are also cool but for whichever reason they only count in game time and for whichever even dumber reason it gets paused even when you're switching guns so you get infinity time to think and prepare for each mission.

>here's my gf btw
fuck off
didn't watch

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Women really do just suck up the interests of men around them huh? This girl is speedrunning, obviously only because its also what her boyfriend does. She probably would never even attempt it if not for him. Its kind of cute i guess.

Pretty funny that Elden Ring ended up having the fastest run in the entire series even though its also the longest game in it. Zips are such a weird glitch, its very hardware dependant and nobody even knows exactly why they happen in the first place, not even ultra autistic dataminers like Zulie.

i would expect a no holds barred run would find the most optimal route to every “required” part of the game, like all autistically with what trajectory you run to in a section of the map and shit to save milliseconds, not abuse every glitch in the game and arbitrarily pause time at every minor incovenience. but then again i dont pay too much attention to these things and i dont really care about a dumb category, just wanted to see all the bickering in this thread

Everyone understands the point and that glitches are essential to achieving it, that doesn't make it any less boring watching some autist zip around the map for a few minutes. It's a neat oddity and I respect the sheer time and effort that will have gone into figuring this nonsense out, that doesn't make it engaging to watch.

Glitched any% runs can be fun to watch just to see how hard someone can break a game, but only at least a year after the game's release with everything heavily tested and optimised. Chasing it along going HYPE HYPE NEW WR is just dull as shit especially when it's just the runner fixing his own goofs from previous runs.

I remember when the speedrunning world first got popular due to SM64. At least there the categories still made sense since 70 or 120 star had minor glitches, but overall were still a complete game experience. Then nowadays you have garbage like this where people brag about world record achievements for skipping 99% of the game. What's even the point anymore?

What's the speedrun record for all remembrances/major bosses?

poor guy. this madness won't end until he gets every zip first try every try.

>poor guy
He's making bad bank from all the redditors who soi face every time he breaks his own "world record".

Any% means any%. There are categories for Elden Ring that do the actual content.

Mario 64 has any% categories. It has a 0 star category for fuck's sake.

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but any% tied to hardware dependent glitches like the zip considered a no-no ?
can this actually be replicated on the ps4 version?

This is so fucking gay.

>Muh le sonaf build

every boss category is more fun than this stupid shit. even if you zip to get to them, fuckin fight them

ethics of speedrunning all got thrown out years ago when Cosmo bought bootleg chinese consoles with better load times and kept his ladder spots due to being King Oldboi

nowadays you can just turbo controller all you want

this shit is hardware dependent? what the fuck?

Any% means literally anything besides altering game files.

Nah he's lazy and retarded w/ his YT setup so he's not earning anywhere near what he can, and he's also too lazy to properly hire a YT editor. These speedrunners just bumble their way to success, it's fascinating in a morbid way.

>The point of an any% speedrun is to get to the end of the game as fast as possible, no holds barred.

Just use mods lmao

the point is to beat it as fast as possible. is that not obvious? i feel like thats extremely obvious

lol they're gonna patch out that tranny zipping shit within a week

what the fuck are you talking about?

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what’s stopping someone from just scripting the zips on a good pc? how can they even verify your run as unassisted when all you do is run around and zip at a location? if someone zips correctly every first try it would also look like theyre scripting right?

this will be abandoned in a week and everyone will be doing all remembrances. sure you can do it, but why? its just like oot.

It is indeed hardware dependant, but like i said nobody really knows exactly why. Some computers simply can't perform the zip at all, which is why this is currently a bit of a contentious issue the community. There's talks of separating Any% and Any%(no zips) .

yeah im not sure how you couldnt program a macro for this, how would they ever prove it?

I don't see how that's a worthy category though.

vod records are so soulless

Wow, that had to be one of the most confusing Speedruns I've ever watched. He didn't even need to attack anything he just teleports around and somehow killed god by doing nothing. At least in the other games you needed to fight at least one of the bosses. This was really dumb and I don't even get how he was teleporting.

You can indeed program a macro, and i'm not sure how you would prove you're not using it. However, Dist (the runner in OP's video) has already experimented with macro runs and according to him the macros people have made so far are pretty unreliable, probably because nobody understands exactly what causes the zips to happen in the first place.

>in order to even be considered for a speedrun category you need atleast 3080 and 11700k

I don't think Dist really cares about youtube, his money comes from twitch, he went like two years straight without taking a single day off and makes a decent living off of doing what he likes. Plus his girlfriend is Larxa, so theres that too, hes mildly more succesful than probably half the people on Yea Forums.

any% is NOT a speedrun, its a speedSKIP

Kind of surprising to me that sonaf is actually faster than carian retaliation spam.

This skip shit is lame as fuck

He regularly gets 5-10k viewers on Twitch. That's where his biggest income is. For most twitch streamers Youtube is just a secondary source of income. You're delusional if you think this guy is poor in any way, shape or form.

My favorite game can be beaten in a few seconds.
It doesn't make me not like it.