What old archetype would you like to see get more support?
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
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Solfachord support when?
Who would win?
An army of polar bear mechas, or two crickets and a chicken?
Never, I think. RIP.
just lost to chaos max turbo lads
got rid of it immediately, but he summoned it back and solemned my counter
Unlimit astrograph and electrumite.
>think all the pendulum archtypes are cool
>Pendulums are at the absolute weakest they've ever been
What deck?
What makes tri brigade so powerful? Is it one card or a bunch of them?
What would even fix them other than changing their pendulum effects.
Speaking of Ra, anybody got any ideas on how to make him work? Yes, I know he sucks. You don't have to tell me. I just want some ideas on making him playable, somewhat. I have something going but it could be better.
The gate guardian trio should get more base forms and xyzs
It's how compact the deck is as a whole, letting you run dozens of handtraps and staples.
Still suffering for PePe's sins to this day.
Consistency. Pure Tri is also fine it's more that it enables Zoodiacs and Lyrilusc.
As other user said, ultra consistence. Unless you have 4+ negation, they will end up with eventually end up with something.
it would be tolerable if not for pic related
Bakura deck
Bypassing link requirements by using monsters in the GY is a big deal, and all their main deck monsters have that effect.
I know its already got some decent recent support, but it would be nice if the Card Knights had a few more pieces to round the deck out. We already have King, Queen, Jack and Joker, there's still room for Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, and Spades. And all of them serving as archetype hand-traps or searchers so they don't over-congest the deck, and have some synergy with the drawing part of the strategy
>Hearts Knight, based on the 3 of Hearts, shuffles back the knights that are banished by court of cards and probably does other shit
>Spades is an archetype-specific hand-trap, discards itself to negate shit, could work like Herald of the Orange Light and discard itself and a card of the type it's negating to stay on-brand, ace of spades
>Diamond could be an extender, put an extra body on the field if you control the original 3, could be a Tuner, could adjust its level to match another warrior on board to make Synchro or Xyz plays
>Clubs can be whatever the fuck I don't have a lot of ideas I just like the archetype
>Arcana Knight Full House or some shit as another alternate boss because the archetype needs more of those
at this point they’re better off making retrain god cards
the sarcophagus mummy
>but electrumite
Is too much consistency bad for the game?
I just made a Destiny Board deck, Necrofear included. Should I get tested to see if I'm retarded?
If you don't mind post your deck list if temple of the kings works out for you. I've been wanting to build earth machines and that sounds like a fun variant.
I wish there was a Wondering Doomed Archtype that was a sort of inverse of the Wights.
Ra is only playable in Numeron. It's really funny because half the time you have lethal just from the gates on board and people quit, but they don't know that I'm actually not going to kill them that turn kek
A continuous spell that protects their backrow as long as they have an even and odd scale set. A new link girl that's actually a boss.
Gandora. Especially if the OCG refuses to errata Gandora X to unban it and Giga Rays can't use it's level 3 effect
Give us more Mokey Mokey support. I want to be able to more efficiently OHKO.
Give me links and syncros
Fuck that
Unlimit my man Double Iris.
I mean it's basically a meme deck on par with exodia right? They'll never add any serious support to it.
I'm personally hoping for a diabound archetype.
Don't use it in your decks in plat
See what happens
At least Exodia sometimes works.
Everything just becomes very flowcharty and there is no real choice to be made.
The only interaction is stuff like ash but that just means now every deck is a set of the same 12 hand traps.
>Electrumite gets negated
>lose match
I need to get away from Pendulum decks.
Man, Relinquished is a really fun pet-deck why didn't anyone tell me how much fun the SUCC is?
It's also quite cheap to build compared to most pet-decks since it only runs like 3 URs that aren't staples or generic (3 copies of Millennium Eyes) and only 4 archetypal SRs (3 copies of Relinquished Fusion and 1 Thousand Eyes Restrict).
Everything else is just generic Fusion and Ritual support cards.
>Only runs 3 URs
You're playing the deck wrong as fuck. Relinquished is super expensive.
>in-archetype gryphon rider
>in-archetype lair
They really want plant link to be meta, huh?
They're barely even rikka cards
Should I put earthbounds in my monarch deck
Make way for the best (of only TWO) Insect Fusion monsters
He's a pretty big guy.
I'm a DM player up against a Drytron player summoning Herald rn. I have a turtle. He doesn't know.
Nice, good luck user!
I'll test something out and report back with results
>"Look ma', no hand!"
Seriously, Zero Hand is one of the coolest things Yugioh introduced.
post results when he mst's eternal soul
Leave that trash in the trash unless you really, REALLY want the Nazca Lines in your deck.
Based infernity appreciator
Ace Attorney archetype when?!
Anyone got a solid deck for F.A?
Rikka Snowfall
Field Spell
You can only use the [1] effect of this card once per turn.
[1] If you control a “Rikka” Monster: You can set 1 “Rikka” Spell/Trap directly from your Deck, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of the turn, except Plant monsters.
[2] Once per turn, if you would Tribute a Plant monster(s) you control to activate the effect of a “Rikka” card, you can Tribute 1 face-up monster your opponent controls instead of 1 of those Plant monsters.
Is it worth crafting Grass and entering the realm of 60 cards decks? Judging by youtube videos from plat 1 they're wild as fuck. Pure casino high roll.
Rikka White Princess
Level 4 WATER
Plant / Effect
You can only use each of the [1] [2] effects of this card once per turn.
[1] During your Main Phase: You can Special Summon this card from your hand, also while this card is face-up in your monster zone, you cannot Special Summon monsters, except Plant monsters.
[2] When your opponent activates a monster effect while you control a “Rikka” Monster: You can shuffle this card from your hand or GY into the Deck, then Tribute 1 Plant monster you control; Negate that effect.
Honestly, gotta give props to 5Ds, Kiryu's duels (both in Season 2 and Crash Town) sold me on them.
Now give them a Link-1 floodgate.
I did it for witchcrafters and either I draw it early and go to town or brick like a bitch
I love em', but part of me wishes they looked more like plants.
>doing my daily duels
>opponent is playing infernities
>oh shit, this might be cool
>needlefiber-auroradon combos
I don't know what I was expecting.
How many turtles do you have because you may need more
>set 1 “Rikka” Spell/Trap directly from your Deck
Making sure it's insulated against ash, very good konami.
You made a hand trap too good and now every new card has to be designed around it's existence in every game until the hand trap itself becomes useless.
Such is competitive, no one plays pure, well, pure.
>casino high roll.
precisely so if you're a goomble fag go for it.
This is fucken great to add but might be limited
user it's Rikka, they would have this card at 4 and it wouldn't matter.
gamble but with two o's.
You know like coomer and it's thousands of variants.
>no Beetroopers since Master Duel is going by OCG
Oh just say gamble then
Did someone say gamble?
>Play Harpie Feather Storm
>have another one in my hand
>draw my third one on the next turn
>opponent literally can't do anything
Is luck a skill?
>Asian player with Herald as their avatar and running D.D. Dynamite in plat
>Instantly scoops of course
The sad thing there's a part of me that would respect them somewhat if they just owned up to being a scumbag, but the reality is even with all of that I'm sure a lot of them would argue they're doing nothing wrong and they're not being complete insects.