

Attached: 1649431056379.png (530x298, 294.71K)

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people still pay for this shit?


>move to ffxiv from WoW thinking there would be better slutmog
>the only slutmog there is is the 2B outfit

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That's why you use mods

shisui nigga

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There are way better mods, starting to now include animated sex mods

What are YOU doing first on 6.1 day?

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Yea i spent $12 for a costume.

Attached: Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn Screenshot 2022.04.10 - (1920x1080, 1.95M)

They made the previous casual attire genderless.
Will the new glam be genderless as well?

playing wow

the 24 man for peak comedy. First hours of the update are always hilarious

gotta do a bit of msq first before it’s available, it seems


MSQ so I can see the Caedarva Mire/Alzadaal dungeon.

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Holy shit my fps TANKED when I stepped foot into Limsa Lominsa square, am I going to have a problem doing raids?

No, Limsa is just super packed at all times

You are one dumb nigger if you can't make a slut in this game

Making my new crafting/gathering gear even though it will be useless for four months because my autism demands that I must always be crafter/gatherer BiS

bottom surgery

The issue with limsa is there are so many players in one area, plus all the geometry, and npcs. Raids typically have 8 or 24 players plus a few enemies and have rather simple geometry to deal with.

>tank for roulette doesnt join queue and it times out
how the fuck does this happen, you have instant queues. where the fuck did you go?

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Raids are usually optimized very well
I had a 1070ti when I was subbed last month and the thing managed like 70 fps at 1440p max settings
Limsa will shit on even a 3090ti

Savage reclears....
Endsneeder EX
Ultima Unreal (thank you Yoshi-p)
Myths of the Realm

Weird question because shouldn't everyone be doing the same thing when it drops? Just in a different order?

Bad news lalabreeders, the mods dont work on that body type. I'll get on Ysh and Moen's mom tho

Buying glass, but you can't be assed to glam away the accessories? What's the point?

Once again we are denied that which is ours by right

There are Lalafell pregnancy mods, newfag.

Sometimes, its not and when its not I get up and go grab something and sometimes I miss it because of that.

Of course not, if they just default to making things genderless, then they will run out of things to transition and that would cause the community a lot of disphoria.

Kinda boggles my mind they didn't prioritize stripping the cash shop stuff of gender limitations, especially with the whole dream fitting thing they're implementing this patch.

He was asking what you were doing FIRST. It's about priorities.

I need that webm of the Blue Mage cosplayer that's an absolute unit pulling two trout out of his waistcoat.

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So did you do one last Prae today Yea Forums?

I wanna fuck vieras. Male and female, they're all cute.

But then they can't double dip on male players switching to cat girls


What the fuck? My 3070ti handles it just fine.

>latest census has 1.7 million active characters, up 400k from the last census and the most the game has ever seen
But Yea Forums told me Lost Ark killed this game.

MSQ, Dungeon, Alliance
Then new PvP, get rewards from event and shit.
If new PvP is not fun, another hiatus from the game because there's nothing more to do.

Friendly reminder that the 24 man will actually require some measure of progress into the MSQ before it becomes available, no immediate headlong charging into wipes before you kneel before Tataru

He totally did, looks Im ESL-kun now

Why do you guys say nigger so much?

How do I get texture for Bibo+ Bacchante? Does it only work with Bibo+ 2nd gen?

>that's an absolute unit
just say obese

because i am angry

Given that the 24 man starting quest is in baldesion annex you probably only need to do the first 2 or 3 msq quests to unlock it.

XIV may be ruled by fujos but at least the females aren't in danger of turning into fruit.

Because it makes people mad. When niggers stop letting words upset them so badly I'll stop saying it.

It's a funny word
It's cathartic
This is the only place left you can say it
It's a term of endearment here just like 'fag'

Bro, buy a fanta and try again

I gave all these yt bois the N word pass.

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Yeah but the ones i got were just a modpack a fren sent me


Saying goodbye to Kaiten

Absolute unit is a meme way to refer to really fat fucks, user.

>people here actually play this game for the pvp

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Please no, we already have enough trannies putting the maid dress on their fugly bunnyboys

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Alliance Raid -> See how they messed up Praetorium/Ultima Weapon -> MSQ

My 1070 handles limsa really well too. Prob he has a shitty cpu.

Its the only way the losers here can feel rebellious.

Healers have instant queues, tanks have to wait a while especially if it's alliance.

hey im not a loser


Lost Ark took the media focus away from XIV because it has a far more predatory cash shop. Follow the money.

I'm a moon cat :)

can I slap your MASSIVE rear

Why is she such a cute bitch?

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going to go for scuffed blind runs of the EX, thats a unique part of this game that's cool. I read that the ilvl requirement was 580, so I'm hoping groups aren't too brutal with requirements (I'm 588).