What is your opinion on Shantae of the Shantae series?

What is your opinion on Shantae of the Shantae series?

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i like her brown skin

Needs to stop being ashamed of her body and show it.

I like her blue eyes.

Attached: Shantae.png (552x505, 384.24K)

The only time I masturbated with her was with an animation where she was fucking a black cock.

Out of curiosity you wouldn't happen to have the source of that would you? hehe

She is tasty and brown

Eh, she's cute.

she's cute and sexy, and i really like that

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>That one giant finger
Boner nullified.

I need source. Or more.

looks like someone skipped hand day

Is Shantae actually good or to people only pretend to like it for the porn like they do with Ranni

made my prostate pulsate many times, never played the games

Cute character wasted on mediocre games

I think she looks cute, but that is literally all I know about her.

Some of them are better than others. None of them are groundbreaking, but they're solid platformers with good music and funny writing.

Mediocre games carried by good character designs

It's two fingers together rather than one giant one. In order from left to right it's thumb, index, middle and ring together then pinky.

I love brown/tanned girls, especially in 2d. On that note, post more.

A rare western waifu that can rival those of the great waifu masters of the orient. The Bozons have achieved nothing less than greatness in character design, even Trigger agrees.

I didn't like half genie hero but enjoyed the rest of the series very much.

Needs a kindergarten transformation.

She's 16 you pedos

I want to be turned into her.

She's not real you retard


No canon age, actually. Just "they write her as an adult".

Cute girls, terrible games

Attached: shantae_farting_by_anonymous0000e_delapdn.jpg (640x483, 30.29K)

Never played her game but she is cute.

the term is Ephebos, amerimutt

Her first game came out in 2002 so she's 36 now.

So what if she rapes me? does that count ameritard?

im gonna need the source of that edit user, it looks really well done

Imagine living in ancient Arabia and walking on a 16 yo girls like Shantae.

Does Shantae have pink nipples or brown nipples

She's legal.

>I want to penetrate Shantae
>I want Shantae to penetrate me
>I want to look like Shantae

Which one are you?

I need more ENF games

ok burger.

Anybody who gives this post a serious reply is a retard.

haha yeah

this. Got memed into buying one of her games and couldn't get myself to play more than a few levels before putting it down.

Fucking idiot she's legal to breed fuck I get mad at these posts sometimes.

it wouldnt go like you expect. females obviously werent allowed to wear revealing clothing, they also shouldnt be seen talking to other males. im not sure how it really was but they had a restricted way of living with the other gender i believe.

try Roshutsu

In ancient Arabia she would have been legal at 6. Just saying.

She probably would have been stoned to death by her village haha

I want a brown gf like her.

Attached: shantae_by_datwondoude.png (850x1100, 825.48K)

We're not pedos you idiot

Virgin here,
what would Shantae's brown pussy feel like, compared to a white pussy from say, Tifa from FF7?

>white pussy from say, Tifa

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>We're not pedos
Hello tourist

>skin the same color as my post-chili diarrhea
grody as heck mate

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I am though?

reverse image search found nothing, where the hell is this from? its really well done

America is retarded and would not believe a woman raped a man.

Any tips on having a brown gf?

It's from that cg set where the guy finds a genie bottle and then walks in on her changing and then he wishes to have sex with her it's kind of boring, lovey dovey vanilla sex. There's no rough shit happening and she gets pregnant.

>it's kind of boring, lovey dovey vanilla sex.

Oh no, how terrible.

anyone who doesn't want that is a subhuman degenerate
you've burnt out yourself on porn so fucking much that just seeing a sexy nude girl isn't enough
that's just sad
get help

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Yandex found it.


I just come up with new ways to appreciate sexy nude girls. Like feet or chub or armpits or tummy or peeing

Twitter moment

brown pussy are usually better. They taste better and smell better.

Trump lost

>wtf you don't want to fuck children? you must be from twitter!!!

guess im fucking blind then, thanks anons

orgullo Argentino negritos


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I spent 10,000 years in Photoshop Pro, just for you.

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Shantae is literally only good for the porn. The games are mediocre at best.

Put pubes on her

>Mfw the only experience I had with brown pussy was some girl forcing me to eat her out while she choked me with her thighs

God what a shit relationship

There should be more alternate endings

I wanted a princess ending for that one part in Pirate's Curse

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