Has anyone here played eve online ? How was it ?

Has anyone here played eve online ? How was it ?

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Played for nearly a decade. Changes around 2016 torpedoed the game. When I was running with a cool group of dudes in the game in the years prior to that it was for sure the best experiences I ever had in any game, no exaggeration.

this, it's dead and has been for nearly a decade

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Cool. What kind of activities did you do. What did you guys talk about?

Used to be amazing. Just a toxic shit hole these days.

I've played, was in a big fat corp in nulsec for a long time. That got boring, so I tried mining but that was even worse, despite being able to make tons of money.

There's no sense of adventure. No reason to participate in conflicts. Everything has been reduced to meta fleets fighting meta fleets.

One of the last things I remember enjoying was the exoplanet analysis. That's when I realized I should quit.

it is kind of dead in some ways but it has cool elements. I like the combat with the smaller to medium ship hulls, it is actually pretty unique and has a lot of mechanics to learn, and the amount of freedom players have in fighting each other and playing politics is really impressive. I just think it's probably time for another eve-like game to come out that addresses some of eve's shortcomings

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I spent the majority of my time in the game in wormhole space. Fleet coms on boring ops or during isk making mainly just devolved into linking porn, and shitting on each other's tastes in entertainment. Good times.

youll meet people that you wont believe are actually real, we're talking the weirest fucking sociopathic creatures in existence
if you think Yea Forums is fucked, you aint seen shit until youve played eve
>tfw fellow eve player literally uses mental torture procedures on you for the lulz
>tfw eve player sends you photos of himself naked covered in mayonnaise
>tfw eve player uses deep web to hire hitmen to chop your hands off so you can no longer play the game because you blew up his one-of-kind-beyond-rare ship worth 100,000 real life dollars

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It's an ok game but old alliances (guilds) have a deathgrip on the game's world that makes it nearly impossible to carve out any space for yourself so you just live under their boot the whole time. It might actually get better when it fully dies and the world is empty so you can explore it at your leisure.

In the meantime, I set up shop in a distant system and produce all my own stuff without ever interacting with anyone else or even buying things from the market. Some things are a pain in the ass to get (like anything from null security moons) but most of that I can just do without, though I do wish there was a way to farm that stuff without needing a massive investment to set it up.

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I once had some autistic anime retard in eve who had a hard on for me track me down in real life, find my apartment block on google street view, circle all my windows on then eve-mailed it to me in game demanding that I ''BE NICE'' to xim/xer

I reported that shit to the devs and he got a 14 day ban, for doxxing me

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If you don't multi-client, you probably won't make enough ISK to pay for your sub with ingame currency.
However I was able to get by after paying for like 3 months by buying a freighter and taking on very expensive and dangerous courier contracts. I used to jump into lowsec systems with it to pick shit up and charge multiple hundreds of thousands. Good fucking times, even if I died a couple of times. I made some good friends doing this shit
>um, what the fuck are you doing flying a freighter blind into lowsec"
I wouldn't suggest it, but that's how I got my kicks.

Last note, I only really played Eve while I was working from home. As soon as I wasn't on someone else's clock, I was straight to "real" video games. Eve is not very mentally stimulating.

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>I reported that shit to the devs and he got a 14 day ban, for doxxing me
You're too fucking soft.

Oh and I forgot to mention, xhe screenshotted my apartment building and then photoshopped a bunch of anime cartoons into the pic

I think xhe was German

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>multiple hundreds of thousands
Type, hundreds of MILLIONS of ISK. I used to be able to get a month's worth of ISK in like 3-4 contracts.

Eve online is shit. Every single last activity, from PvP to mining, involves you targetting something, pressing F1, then going AFK until you target the next thing and press F1 again.

I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been all that many real life assassinations by the EVE playerbase. Some people have tens of thousands of dollars tied up in the game, and at that point it's literally cheaper to hire a hitman IRL than it is to fight wars in game.

It's one of the reasons I really hope CCP fucks up their game to the point where the major alliances bleed players and ultimately quit themselves, the meltdowns will be priceless since EVE is all some of them have. Watching new blood move in and take their shit because they don't even have a fraction of the force they used to would be hilarious.

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i think i know the ((guy)) youre talking about, was a prolific ganker for a while

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It's not really multi-client players who are the only ones who make enough to pay for their sub, but the methods for ISK making are more direct if you have a larger amount of characters since you can run your own mining fleet and starbase more effectively. Single client players can still do exploration or venture into dangerous space to make money, but their earnings will fluctuate based on the sites they can find, who's there to stop them from doing them, what actually drops from those sites, and of course how much time you put into it.

I did about 10 hours of exploration in high sec a week for a while and made on average about 700m from it all, it was enough to PLEX my account and still buy other stuff. Ultimately I decided to just pay my sub though since I didn't want EVE to turn in to a job of me grinding ISK just to stay subbed for the next week, it's a game I want to log on and play on occasion when I feel like it rather than be shackled to it.

what is it about eve that attracts the mentally ill?

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I played EVE back in 2006-2011 and the game is effectively dead now if you're the sociopathic type that actually wishes to ruin people's day. I was part of Goonfleet and was part of the group that formed "Blackops" which entailed getting a cloaking ship and just going afk in a hostile Alliance's station or PvE hubs. Since you show up in the chat list for being in system the enemy wouldn't really be sure if you were active or not and would just hide in station. Eventually you would get a person either exceedingly stupid or just upset that they couldn't play the game and would go out to make money in the system. Every now and then someone in the group would alt-tab back into the game and check out the system for activity and would send a ping to everyone in the irc channel. We'd form up into a squad and blow up the ship before going invisible and afk again for a period of time. Sometimes killing a person would cause the enemy to round up a gang of people who would talk shit in the local chatroom for HOURS with no response from us, think your usual Boomer bluster but in a chatroom with no response. Back in 2006-2008 most major Alliances ran a feudal/tenant system where shitty corporations would PAY to rat(make money by killing npc) in specific systems, since we effectively shut off the flow of income these corporations would start melting down since the overlord would kick them out of their space for defaulting on obligations and the leaving process was exceptionally dangerous since we would kill everyone. Usually the corporation we were stalking would rip itself apart in interpersonal drama in what we dubbed a "failure cascade" each critical player leaving causing a morale hit and further departures. During the high water mark in 2007 we had some of these vassal corporations paying us protection money just so we wouldn't shoot them.

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By 2008 the idiot developers broke the game by allowing people to have Jump Freighters, Carriers and Jump Bridges which let people teleport over vast distances and around the usual chokepoints that pirates would inhabit. EVE's map has constellations but leading to them usually is a string of singular star systems in a chain called a pipe by the players. Pirates would set up shop on these pipes and anyone jumping in via the gate usually got obliterated. With the advent of Jump Freighters and Jump Bridges attached to player owned structures it was harder to pinch these garbage organizations. Not to mention players just got better over time and knew to have alts in NPC space capable of doing missions for supplemental income if their capital or PvE hubs were camped. It got to the point that I would log in and spend 8 hours with the game on the second monitor while I did other stuff and I wouldn't see a single player jumping through IN MAJOR REGIONAL PIPES. Since the game's mass fleet PVP stuff was garbage, is garbage, and always will be garbage I just gave up playing. I still talk with my internet spaceship guild but very few of our core group still play the game.

i like it
it's not a game i play 40 hours a week into like FFXI or a MOBA, but it's something I know I can always come back to in between other games.
there is no game that has the same sense of scale, butterfly effect, community or history as Eve.

thats a dead meme from 2007
game's been streamlined heaps now, UI updated and you dont even need any 3rd party tools anymore like in the old days (its all integrated into the game). also smartphones makes for some handy fucking apps these days. its nice being able to adjust some market orders when i'm not at home.

>game is a job
nah, thats fake too
if you want a game that'll consume ALL of your spare time then get addicted to a MOBA or something.
Eve's playerbase is mostly 35~45 year old married Dads with kids.
these guys can only play on weekends or after they've put the kids to bed.
as such the game throws absolutely shitloads of passive income options at you so the little time you do have to play you can just focus on PVP
>but finding a fight takes ages because i used to play heaps years ago
not anymore
you can buy consumables called "filaments" that allow you to teleport to a random nullsec system.
you can use one every 15min and can take up to 25 people with you.
there's also a weekly instanced solo PVP leaderboard thing you can do called Proving Grounds
also FW has always been a thing, go to Tama or Ostingele in your favourite frigate and dunk russians in novice plexes.

Just dont fall for the classic traps people fall for when they "get bored" of Eve
>trying to play solo
>not doing pvp
>endlessly grinding pve
>not branching out and doing a variety of content
the last point is the worst offender.
so many people jump in, just run missions/anoms for 20,000 hours and wonder why they hate the game

but yeah i like it, ive met some cool fucking people thru it, no other game gives you the PVP shakes like it and it'll still be here in 20 year's time for me to log in to

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>did nothing
>wonders why he had no sense of adventure

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This is one of the reasons to only winning move is not to play the game at all. If you interact with the universe at all, you're helping to line someone's pockets. Industry is specifically designed so that some goods are unique to dangerous space which is colonized by other player organizations and the flow of goods are managed at the alliance level, namely in the hands of a few players, who help to control the prices and ensure that people who don't own space will be dependent on them.

Some of it's gotten better in the past few years, but it's still a game ran by a few large player blocs where anyone starting recently is going to be at their mercy in some regards. Since the game is starting to collapse under its own weight (Very few new players are getting into the game because of the numerous difficulties in getting started, older players are leaving through attrition and just getting bored), there might be changes in the works once it hits the point where it's barely turning a profit, but at that point the game will probably be totally unrecognizable and not worth playing anyway.

tl;dr the game is dead and only stays alive because of sunk cost fallacy and whales.

if anyone wants a good long story to read about eve shenanigans, check this out (cant believe its still up after all these years)

>If you don't multi-client, you probably won't make enough ISK to pay for your sub with ingame currency.

>run abyssals for an hour
>pay for sub

>do wormhole sites for an hour
>pay for sub

>do 5min of updating market orders every morning over coffee
>pay for sub

>do 5min of PI every morning over coffee
>pay for sub

>afk mine in a laptop while playing other games
>pay for sub

>orbit havens in an ishtar for 10 hours
>pay for sub

yeah wow so hard to make money in Eve man lmao

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Was there a first person view in the game. Do you ever see humans or just ships.

What's the best X game to start with? Terran Conflict or Albion Prelude?

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its the only game where its almost impossible to get banned.
just dont DOX anyone in RL, hack the client or gank someone in a starter system

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go with albion prelude, its basically terran conflict with more stuff

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Any essential mods I should consider, or just play base game?

It's not surprising people stopped going through those routes since jumping through them alone was essentially suicide and if you actually brought a squad capable of fighting against a gate camp, the pirates holding it would just warp out. And that's the crux of the problem with EVE's PvP in general, every fight is a foregone conclusion based on numbers and ship fittings, the actual gameplay of ship combat is nearly completely uninvolved.

The game's got a decent strategy layer and an awful tactical one, even in small fleet combat most of the gameplay happens when you're scanning down targets, warping in to launch disruption probes, or warping around to tacticals to control range, everything beyond that is usual tackle or F1-down-the-overview garbage. Nothing is ever going to change to make EVE PvP not completely one sided outside of stuff like the proving grounds, which itself just devolves into meta fits and rock paper scissors combat.

i never use mods, base was always enough for me
enjoy what is effectively eve offline!

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It's one of a kind but it's not for everyone. It's pretty stagnated now. You can take 2 years off and go back and see the same players camping the same gates.

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Shame it was a sleeper hit

Thanks fren! Tried making some threads the other day and go no replies. Ded game I guess lmao.

there's a 1st person view when flying ships, but it's useless, puts you at a disadvantage and doesnt have a cockpit or anything.

there used to be the Captain's Quarters youtube.com/watch?v=HtbuenKWt8A
it was released about 10 years ago alongside the graphics update at the time and new character customization that was considered State of the Art at the time.
it was meant to be a prototype for the World of Darkness MMO that CCP were working on at the time and the beginning of a bunch of "Walking in Stations" updates.

but it came at a time when the game's core mechanics were completely broken, the servers were still a bit shit and when there was other dodgy shit going on like Eve devs using GM characters to spawn in items for friends etc.
So due to community backlash and the game almost dying, the whole WiS idea was scrapped.
Eventually they removed the Captain's Quarters because Icelandic Jank Spaghetti Code meant they couldnt rewrite/fix some core mechanics without just deleting it entirely.

It was all for the best though, all that drama changed CCP's tune and they spent from 2012~2016 balancing and fixing the game.
since 2016 the game's been getting lots of new content, new ships, new factions etc.

i just wish their writer continued the lore novel series. those books were great.

>Do you ever see humans or just ships.
the only humans you see are character profile pics
ships are what you see most of the time, because technically you're in an Evangelion-style escape capsule controlling the ship from inside, not actually walking around a ship like in Star Citizen.

Pic related is how you'll see the game most of the time. Zoomed out, tactical grid on etc.
Without it you're at a massive disadvantage and will get your shit kicked in by anyone smart enough to do more than "orbit @ 500m and turn guns on"
note the APM clicks in the video

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Used to be so much fun
but the game's bleeding players and content is just staged fights, no one commits, no real stakes
plus I can only take being yelled at by autists to press F1 for five hours on a fleet that was supposed to be 2 hours for so long
was still fun killing goons and causing them to do that funny angryposting they do where they suddenly become ultra sarcastic and butthurt when you don't engage with them and they continually scream "I'M NOT OWNED" into the void

no worries mate, X still has a fanbase, but they (thankfully) alienated all the normies with the failed release of X: Rebirth
check out the forums sometime, peace!

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I played it for maybe 15 hours and got as far as learning to mine and killing space pirate NPCs. it was relaxing and the game had a great soundtrack

>angry bittervet
game's been a steady 16k~36k logged in for about 10 years now, calm your tits sweetheart

>Tried making some threads the other day and go no replies
cuz we always have a thread up on /vm/, ironically /vm/'s most active thread
also Yea Forums never talks about games people are actually playing, because the people playing them are too busy playing to post.
the only games people make threads about on Yea Forums are dogshit AAA non-games that need to beg for players

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Scratches that itch to occasionally log on and shoot NPC spaceships for a while, but a lot of the fun stuff I'd want to do requires too much of a time commitment to bother with.

All I really do on EVE is do missions and exploration in high sec, Incursions (sort of like MMO raids) were fun, but nowadays dedicated groups watch the routes on where they spawn to pick off players going to do them, so they're not really worth the hassle anymore. Industry is only viable if you multi-box several characters to mine with or as a side job for researching blueprints.

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>Wanted to make an RP Amarr fleet
>Limited to lasers and the rare missile ship, one of the easiest weapon types to counter in PvP (just equip EM/Thermal hardeners)

New damage type for lasers when?

this desu, and this is someone who played since 2006 and loved to farm tears, but this whole culture of afk in a cloaked ship for weeks on end because you're an autist with 7 accounts is just one other reason not to play the game.

It panders to the giga-autistic. I used to roam for hours on even back in the day, get a load of kills, get my tears and then log out. Now eve is an 18 hours a day job

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>a guy called James 315 starts bumping miners in asteroid belts
>mining ships are slow, and he uses a fast cruiser to bump them out of range of the asteroids
>it takes them anywhere up to 10 minutes to get back in range, and he just bumps them away again
>this makes them seethe so fucking hard its almost unbelievable, death threats flood in
>James starts offering "mining permits" which means he'll leave you alone to mine in peace, they cost 10m ISK each (a small sum of money in EVE)
>this enrages the miners further who liken him to Hitler for daring to extort them
>over time, James builds a following of bumpers and gankers, who all just want to harass miners and laugh at their incessant whining over a videogame
>James writes The Code, a """legal""" document which basically declares himself the leader of highsec, which causes even more butthurt
>James' following gets organised, and becomes the most destructive force in highsec, dunking trillions of isk worth of mining ships over the span of a decade

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All footage of this game looks like boring ass shit.
I haven't looked it up in years, did they change anything or is it still a floaty WoW in space (a.k.a. a piece of shit)?

amarr ships are actually good right now though
no amount of EM/therm resistance is gunna save you from a gang of Omen Navy's, sitting at 100km, going 3km/sec shooting at you.

Yes. I was in a Yea Forums corp, joined the reddit alliance, heard The Mittani in person, then left it all to run angel missions in neutral space and stopped playing 2 months after. It was really fun, but after some time it became too monotonous.

all elden ring footage looks like garbage to me
all mmo footage, including eve, looks like garbage to me
if you arent invested, you arent going to find enjoyment in the videos
but if anyonme wants to see one oif the greatest eve videos, here you go:

>this desu, and this is someone who played since 2006 and loved to farm tears, but this whole culture of afk in a cloaked ship for weeks on end because you're an autist with 7 accounts is just one other reason not to play the game.
>It panders to the giga-autistic. I used to roam for hours on even back in the day, get a load of kills, get my tears and then log out. Now eve is an 18 hours a day job
Being a part of the group that came up with the cloak camp style, we only did it because local chat was just too much information. Belt piracy was possible back in 2006 but then the developers added in standings to the player in the chat window which allowed people to know if a hostile entered the system. Its progressed to the point that the major alliances have characters sitting on the new kind of pos which can be anchored anywhere, including on the same grid as the gate. These gate characters do optical scanning of the chat window and overview and will automatically enter in a notice that a hostile is coming down the pipe into a chat room. PvE has dominated the game so fucking much since 2012-2013ish that ganking has become almost impossible outside of cloak camping. On top of this, the developers made it so Rorqual mining ships could go invulnerable for 5 or 15 minutes I forget, but also activate a cyno so everyone who is ratting with Supercarriers, Carriers and Titans can just mass jump and drive off the gank. Its fucking stupid.

I tried to get into it a few months ago but I got confused and dropped it. I probably would've put more effort into it if there was a general on /vg/ so I could ask questions constantly.