Post your actual criticisms of this game. Prove you aren't a blind fanboy

Post your actual criticisms of this game. Prove you aren't a blind fanboy.

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Fuck off, I'm not giving you material for your shitty youtube review.

It's unfinished and I keep getting paired with Aelinore

The pawns are annoying, doesn't feel like a proper party

There's nothing to do and leveling takes much to long.

an elden ring thread died for this...

how is getting best girl a problem?

It gets way too easy way too quick, you start one shitting everything and taking 0 DMG and that's no fun, world is a bit small

>muh dragons
too generic already

New elden ring thread on the log


>one shitting

the escort quests are bad
pawns are basically useless if you're a ranger

Uh, okay
>world is actually pretty small
>not enough sub-areas
>The Greatwall, Bluemoon Tower, Shadow Fort, and Witchwood have almost nothing to do
>humanoid enemies are a joke
>sidequests basically just give you experience
>no point in looking for gear until The Everfall
>Bitterblack Isle is extremely repetitive
>enemies and bosses one-shotting Pawns doesn't make their battles challenging, just tedious
>music in Gran Soren doesn't loop

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No bully.

Can you fucking faggots stop making threads of the same 10 games over and over

The fact that there isn't a second game.

Several of the levels play like shit shit. Some of the levels have scripted one-off mechanics that are incredibly buggy. The whole thing is held together with duct tape. If it were released today it would get a crowbat video showing all of the buggy ai behavior and errors in the level construction (misplaced textures, random leaks into the skybox, etc). I love this game.

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Welp I'm retarded and didn't read the OP but there are my criticisms of my favorite game to prove I'm not a blind fanboy.

The lantern is awful, no spears is nonsense for a grounded setting like Gransys, no 'infinite stamina outside of combat' feels like a total design oversight. More involved multiplayer would have been cool too, either PvE or PvP. Passing your pawn around is cool, but multi-party ur-dragon-level boss fights could have been way more fun than the shared-healthbar concept was, and let you directly interact with other players more

They lost the rights to have into free on the title screen. They lost the rights to have the berserk armor in the pc version. The game has a lot of cut content that looked genuinely interesting. I had more but the pc port fixed everything else.

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>the pc port fixed everything else
did it though

Two handed swords need more slots

Training your pawn is neat and I frankly wouldn't want it removed, but the pawn system replaces actual characters in your party.
So it could be a semi-immersive conventional multi-companion RPG but instead is a less immersive action game.

The quest requirements & stages auto-failing side quests are inscrutable.
The side quests are unimaginative.
I want hybrid vocation pawns.
Boob slider doesn't go far enough.

Warriors got the shaft in terms of skills and jumping attack being their best move, every class should have dodge roll/blocking, no way to deal with metal golems unless you're a yellow vocation, world is pretty empty, mandatory hydra head delivery every new cycle.
A vanity system would be nice to look how you want. BBI gear is kind of ugly

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warrior being limited to 3 skills is pretty whack when every other class gets six. the ending where your pawn cucks you sucks. that said, it also sucks you can't fuck your own pawn. the open world is pretty borish overall, despite some locales being nice to look at(bloodwater beach, home.) grinding for bitterblack level 3 stuff is awful, as is farming the rune crystals to fund them. i could probably think of other things but i still love the game a lot.

>You should be able to choose between having pawns and having story NPCs in your party.
>game doesn't have enough real content.
>sidequests are almost all trash.

There's not enough information to where to go, which roads go to where, and what enemies are weak to, also you never know how much strength in certain numbers there are

it's not, which is why I should be getting Madeleine instead of AILINGWHORE

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The combat is mostly influenced by gear strength, not skill.
The world is very static.
Quest NPC's have giant markers over their heads.

This game is the reason BotW had climbing.

Needs more lolis. 2 just isn't enough.

>2 just isn't enough
You can have up to 4, player character included

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The fact that they do linear defense and offense values makes replaying the game with said knowledge a cakewalk. Why they didn't go for percentage absorption values instead of a linear number tied to your gear baffles me. They use the same defense and damage system as breath of the wild

Had fun though

Its grindy af like most nip games. Like constanly the same mobs you killed dozens of times get in your way.

I'm referring to romance options young man.

Technically, isn't every child romanceable? Though their romance option might not be deep


Just got 120000 rc from someone using my pawn

Need more villages/settlements around the map. No, not just small camps, proper settlements.

A lot of the NPCs are just wooden dolls bereft of any characterization. Yeah, there's the she-goat but there's a reason why she's pretty much the only character to be remembered so much. There's a problem when I feel that my pawn, which are supposed to be an emotionless personality-less species, is more of a character than 95% of the NPCs.

I was raped

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Also however, Grigori was fucking amazing and I wish the other characters could have even a tenth of his characterization.

Map sucks, map traversal sucks, enemy variety is weak, no moon stage

I am a blind fanboy, I picked it up on a whim like a year ago and its since been one of the best games I've ever played
Dragon fights as melee could use some work, sidequests are a little plain. Some story related things are a little weird even on repeat playthroughs (why does the king strangle his new wife, and if you escape, why is it immediately forgotten you caught them?)
Im anxious they'll fuck a sequel up though.

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>Prove you aren't a blind fanboy.

It's too short and there aren't enough NPC towns or settlements.

Bitterblack Island is aesthetically fucking horrible and the only reason it's fun is because it's content dense as fuck and challenging.

We can't make even younger looking pawns. I want tinier lolis.

The Beloved system felt really lame and underwhelming. Phillipa being the only young girl besides a couple others you could have as your beloved was also disappointing, and she was only 14, which isn't young enough.

>and leveling takes much to long.

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guys how to create good looking cunny?

I actually had the same question. Someone had a image guide posted here a month ago.

the game ends and theres no sequel so im forced to replay it

used goods

kek i was wondering what the fuck you were going on about

No it doesn't.
Still didn't attack the steven senegal, played on and off for hundreds of hours.
Just better this way.

The game should give me the choice to turn down princess bitch after saving her. I'm a hero with standards for fucks sake.

>you can't romance your pawn
>there is no scene where you get raped by a Amazonian Redhead grill with washboard abs and big booba
>the story and writing is not told that well
>vocation system is retarded

>mason should have had a finished questline
>duke should behave like a human (are arisens just autistic)
>the dragonforged could have had his story explained, either by himself or his retard friend
>the dragons fucking glitch out if you move too far away from their zone.
>mage sucks
that's about it. amazing game

I'll also add, not that it's necessarily a problem, that it's not really an RPG

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>Masterworks All
>Be Careful!

Min maxing takes way too much effort

>It's blatantly obvious that 80% of the game's content was cut.
>Relationship meter mechanic is poorly implemented
>Benefits of multiclassing are poorly explained meaning you can fuck yourself if you solo spec the entire game
>DLC area is artificial difficulty
>Some quests have esoteric bullshit required to get the best endings for them
>Zero likeable characters besides Jewtits and Grigori

Soulful casualbros we win again...

You know you can even customize how they behave, right?
If you want a mute partymember that does everything for you, its possible.