So do you have a significant other who just so happens to originate from the electronic gaming medium Yea Forums?

So do you have a significant other who just so happens to originate from the electronic gaming medium Yea Forums?

Attached: 1633037938002.jpg (800x960, 597.18K)

Yes, my Lady Felicia.

Attached: FIqjKCiXoAMs9-G.jpg (1661x2048, 647.53K)

Lilith a cute

Attached: 2F28D446-4B55-488B-940E-0635D9127082.png (1305x949, 337.66K)

Sorry OP but I've become conditioned to post my wife when I see a picture of that girl. You'll have to deal with it

Attached: 1631785997861.png (392x639, 197.44K)

I love my wonderful wife Nepgear! She's so adorable!

Attached: nepgear sunflowers.jpg (880x1200, 226.78K)

I love my wife Bernie!

Attached: Bernie(592).png (861x822, 920.11K)

omg... she is so attractive...

Attached: Attractive.jpg (752x1024, 111.82K)

I might.
She's taken over an entire shelf at this point, send help. Or more merch and a new shelf.

Attached: 1648275468870.png (1024x1331, 534.72K)


Attached: ee7.png (451x854, 274.83K)

rope, now

But I like Elora.

I fucking love him. My husband!

Attached: shadow_0718.jpg (1768x2592, 1.15M)

>originate from the electronic gaming medium

By posting your waifu in these threads OP is exhibiting control over your waifu through you by exercising his power to summon her anytime at his whim. He's stealing your waifus!


I love Robin.

Attached: glasses.jpg (1496x2048, 335.02K)

I love Reisen!

Attached: 93446832_p0.jpg (1108x1500, 894.16K)


Attached: shadow_0850.png (500x307, 88.35K)

no he's exerting his control over (You) by making you post your waifu via the given signal

also my waifu Muffet

Attached: __muffet_undertale_drawn_by_hajime_hajime_ill_1st__35e4d2b8d8a47646a62ebcd5f57a1940.png (780x851, 343.77K)

Yes, my wife Laetitia!

Attached: 80557925_p0.jpg (824x963, 422.01K)

Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

Attached: Luci holding 2 fingers up because she's telling you what time it is in the afternoon.jpg (800x800, 98.51K)

sure do

Attached: 2360408.jpg (848x848, 173.22K)

Feature in a video game at least then?

my lover Nono

Attached: 3b9fef56.png (1280x1600, 2.08M)

Just got back from the sonic movie was pretty good

Attached: d75c916d5e399589820d73dd361dbc3b.png (800x800, 134.03K)

Oh yes, yes!

Waifu gun

Attached: Bernie(1220).jpg (1641x1671, 194.46K)

her name is nono.

Attached: 7f3c329b.png (1280x1600, 1.61M)

yeah it was good, was kinda disappointed with the lack of Eggman and Stone interactions though

Attached: 06E9CC3F-D35D-467A-83CC-9D8460654600.png (564x1395, 558.03K)

Of course. My wife Medea.

Attached: B5CFA5A5-B6B9-4D0D-BEEF-DE1F14AC380E.jpg (2047x1577, 593.47K)

My beloved Jeanne

Attached: The Saint.jpg (1600x1000, 663.05K)

Are you the all of the Jeannes user?


Attached: Fluff.png (1000x1000, 1.09M)

My 2nd favorite vidya maid.

Thought so. Good to see you again.

I love my wife 2B with all my heart!

Attached: 8c6a686c3f0d3bf69b50446a07b72b1634857b84.jpg (850x745, 170.72K)

I like to pop in every now and then. I sometimes wonder if I actually do love Jeanne the most on this website, as arrogant as that claim is.

Attached: Tripped.jpg (480x272, 40.77K)

Ogre already?

I mean this thread was made pretty late

Attached: 1CAA93C5-72EF-4699-BE6F-88DD9BC0EFB5.png (673x574, 105.08K)

I killed the thread

Attached: AAA.png (100x100, 23.93K)

what the fuck thats my sword

Attached: 20220410_235011.jpg (4000x3000, 3.03M)

At least you didn't kill the deputy.

I really like Callie

Attached: 1645211644732.jpg (1576x2048, 307.59K)

What game? Really dig that design.

more pics?

Jeanne d'Arc (PSP). It's basically what she wears beneath the armor.
That game is the reason why I fell in love with Jeanne

Attached: Disgusted PSP Jeanne.png (379x662, 204.72K)

Shitpost bait character.

Might have to check that one out someday if I ever get a PSP.

You can emulate it pretty easily, IIRC. I should ask my father if he still has the PSP.

Attached: Heaven's Gate.png (451x575, 342.03K)

Attached: 20220411_000029.jpg (1500x2000, 2.83M)

sorry if the quality is fucked up I had to resize everything in order to post them

Attached: 20220411_000045.jpg (1500x2000, 2.25M)

sexiest girl itt 2bh famalamadingdong

Sweet as pudding, my wife Neptune.
Sick, I have a Katana kinda like my waifu's but it's not functional.

Attached: 1618984540495.jpg (1384x2048, 305.62K)

Very nice, user. I wish I had enough money to buy a zweihander or the money and time to make one.

Attached: Excited!.png (850x1228, 961.04K)

Damn that’s cool, thanks for sharing user

Attached: 6FCDEEBE-0967-4C47-907A-14580A496906.png (1234x945, 376.77K)

Falry leviathan

Attached: 95121985_p6.jpg (524x516, 65.3K)

Which one?

post mad waifu

thank you sword friends I love showing it off desu

Mad as in angry or mad as in insane?
It's very cool, but I love swords in general. I need to do more research into them, though.

I may not be a weapons guy but I can appreciate a nice blade

Attached: 1068F49C-6A3C-433D-938E-53AACAAAF390.jpg (1024x960, 54.33K)

Attached: Bernie(91).jpg (1000x1339, 106.89K)

Hey, hey, hey! I love my beautiful Kamen rider, May Lee Jinju!

Attached: 1649651077902.png (403x548, 91.08K)