Gundam Evolution

>When you live in Yurop and didn't get an invite

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I hit 20, did you hit 20? Time is running out.

Does Turn-A's ult kind of suck or is it just me?
When an enemy Barbatos hears this when I'm nearby on Zaku II

its a choke breaker

you are missing out on literally nothing

He seems kinda dogshit in general but maybe it's just me

I didn't get an invite was it all of NA or just America (I'm a leaf)

>Less than 24 hours until the shit ends.
thought it ended on the 12th? its only the 10th

Seems to have been all Japan and NA.

BP ends, at least.


I don't understand the question

I cleared a control point with it once and haven't popped it since. Turn-a kind of sucks in general.

Anyone else feel like the average player is getting worse? People keep bumrushing the enemy team when they're grouped one by one until the match is over. I've kept at the overall same rating as well.

the third one does, though probably much later

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More people are realizing the playtest is open and joining when the dedicated players were already aware?

You have to fly above people. Not into the. You raid death. Your wings do no damage.

Whats the actual file size of the game? Is it actually 100gb? Fucking 100gb of fucking what? Did the devs just leave hundreds of uncompressed lossless flac files for every sound effect? Uncompressed video for every language of the opening?

It needs to deal like 10x the amount of damage it does. As is, if people are just healing on top of the point it can't even force them off.

Doesn't Battle Operations have PvE DLC? Maybe they'll release that at some point.

Reminder that Barbie is a necessary evil to counter Sazabifags

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It's 11 something gbs

Is it fun?

GBO2 has simulator and training. Simulator can have you and two other people do 3 different missions against bots to earn 1 time rewards from them. These simulator missions rotate to brand new ones ever 4-6 months. The Console version has an entire game you can get that goes on sale constantly that is all Single player content. Which if completed on normal and hard difficulty nets you something like 8 mobile suits for GBO2.


Sazabi can be countered with any mobile suit. Just use either the incindiary grenades/charges or any Stun attack. It either ignores the shield entirely or breaks the shield so you can beat it's head in. Also the Sazabi is only a threat if it's close. If it's not it does less damage than a GM at long range. Just keep in mind where the Tomahawk is.

why does the game run so bad?
rtx 3060 ryzen 5600 and im hovering near 60 fps in combat

superior japanese coding folded over 1 mirrion times

when your team is semi-competent and doesn't quit, yes

No fucking clue. I've had 0 problems on my i7, 1060 6gb card, and 16gbs of ram.

It's literally Overwatch without any of the cancer that plagues Overwatch.

>No endless barrier faggotry
>No forced DPS/Tank/Support no fun allowed faggotry
>Shields are single-person only
>No token donut steel characters that seem to be more of the focus than what they bring to the game

It's just Overwatch. You're not missing anything

It's good Overwatch.

>internet hiccups
>annoying at first but it keeps getting worse
>get banned for a whole fucking day
>assume my ISP is done shitting itself
>play two matches
>internet hiccup, disconnected
>i'm now banned for a fucking week because my ISP is shit and someone at bamco had the genius decision to not allow people to reconnect to matches they disconnect from
I really, really, really hate matchmaking.

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This is my favorite gundam design

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testlet copium

>The Virgin Barbatos
>The Chad Guntank

>shield my sniper
>he wins the snipe-out

im having fun so far but i can see myself getting bored of it after 20-25 hours of it and then maybe stop playing it until they add more suits

Zaku II is so fucking fun, I love shitting on Exias or Barbatos players that think I'm a free kill. Then you just juke them and spray them in their stupid faces.

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DIdn't want to say it but Sniper is really fucking good

got any gameplay webms? i tried Zaku II and was getting shit on by everyone

11.13gb on my rig

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I don't have jackshit since I tried using the windows recording tool being the retard I am, but it didn't work. Zaku II is all about hit and run, shoot retards in the back and get out when everyone starts to look at you.
>easy to isolate 1v1s, you can easily bait out exias stupid charges or barbatos stuns since your mobility is on par with theirs
>smoke when you need to get out, its important to know the location of the health pick ups
>if you wanna go for a dive, just do it when your smoke is on cooldown so you can get the fuck out
>the cracker nade can bait idiots trying to 1v1 you too, throw it in a corner if they're pushing you and they'll eat it. or throw it to a shield nigga at their feet a bit away, or a crowd. just requires prediction
>aim at the head
I think Zaku II is extremely strong on the koth maps but he's a bit harder to work with on the more linear maps, you can still make it work. You don't have to commit to fights, you can just be annoying and harass. You're also probably the best at being the janitor since it's easy to clean up kills if your team is actually doing damage. Pick off low health targets then get out.

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Yell about it in the survey.

I have no interest in the game, I'm just happy there are active Gundam threads again.

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and it's technically not even a gundam.

I sent them a support ticket, is there a different place to submit feedback?

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>mvp two matches in a row as guntank

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>two days
>literally never lose once
>absolutely dominate
>lose every single match
>getting absolutely shredded
Ok...I guess?


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>Retarded DPS niggers who don't understand Guntank is a backliner offensive support who helps others guarantee kills with his Armored Core autoaim and Core Fighter kamikaze
>Proceed to call him a troll pick

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>barbatos tries to be a cheeky cunt by backlining everyone
>judo flip him into the team because it's a low ceiling map
>smash his brains in
god I wish the turn A had just a little more sauce. dashing back when you see the jump unironically hard filters 90% of barbatos players

It's usually the idiots that flock to sniper/exia/barbatos too, those attract the most shitters. A GM Sniper that can aim is oppressive as fuck.

Personally I wish right click was a beam saber or gundam hammer swing, something to finish off people you flip.

>17 player killstreak in one match
>Bully a barbatos to death with my bodyslam
>Rape a Turn A trying to do a butterfly run
>mfw a GM Sniper turns and tries to run away when he sees my core fighter headed his way

a competent sniper is the bane of my existence, your only hope is an equally or better skilled zaku or dom pilot on your own team

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How the fuck do I play Barbatos? I know I’m shit but every time I try to get close they always dash away and just shoot me down.

>calling players pilots
How to spot the real gundam fans

Sneak around back, bully the supports. Basically how Tracer and Genji work.

Be sneaky, you're not a brawler even though the pilot voices classify you as one. You're like some assassin robot or some shit, kill someone then get out. You're an ambush predator, if the enemy team is looking at you or is aware of your existence don't even bother. At the very least hope your team makes space so the enemy team looks at them rather than you.