Zelda girls thread

Zelda girls thread

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the fish girls are always the best

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go on

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Yea bro, love the fish, gotta love them fish girls

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mhmmm yes continue

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y-you got any more of them midna gifs?

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Attached: HW midna.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Shame the devs decided to make her suffer.

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jfc hyrule warriors was pretty based at times wasnt it

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I wish I had a going into games machine

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trust me dude no you don't. my uncle worked for nintendo and i used to use his i still have this reocurring dream 30 years later where im walking through the jungle with donkey kong and we end up fucking candy kong for a while until funky kong comes in and we watch him go to town for a while until eventually he tells me im going to hell and then i wake up but i actually wake up in DKs house and then he's like "HEY LETS GO BUDDY TIME TO GET TO WORK" and then we get through the levels which is fun but once we hit candy kong's spot again it just repeats. i have this dream like 3 times a week and it really fucks with my head. i wish i never used the go into games machine. he ended up quitting his job at nintendo and selling the machine to a local game store so maybe you can find it out there in the wild

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what would you use it for haha

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yes post the bug girl

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how do we feel about the item check girl

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Why was the Gerudo thread deleted?

because this is the good thread and cross dressed link is stupid

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But we posted nothing but actual Gerudo women.

any fish in the chat?

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does that bitch have nothing better to do than hum all day?

well then if you have more post them here i didn't see the thread i just assumed it was a tranny link thread

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One of the most romantic moments in VG history is fishing with Hena while the sun sets and that comfy AF music starts playing.

Attached: The-Legend-of-Zelda-Twilight-Princess-HD-Guide-How-to-Fish.jpg (1280x720, 159.39K)


Someone want to redpill me on what a "going into games" machine is?

I love how you can piss her off just like her dad in OoT. Hena is one of the best Zelda girls

Attached: hena.jpg (1920x1080, 267.37K)

Almost forgot that aspect lol. Ahh I may fire up the Wii U and give TP HD another go soon. God what an underrated gem. Still dont understand why the Zelda community was so meh about it aside from Wiimote controls.

most of them got rounded up by 9-11 and destroyed in the pentagon. there's still a few out there but good luck finding one these days

I have mixed feelings about TP. I love the story and the dungeons are some of the best in the series. Midna is also my favorite character in a Zelda game. It does start out very slowly and it takes hours to get rolling. I also really disliked the Palace of Twilight segment and how Zant's character evolves

It's an amazing game, but the wolf segments are just bad.

What if Zelda was a girl?

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Alright clearly a Polybius style story but still curious about it...YT video or something?

I love mipha but I wish we got her concept art version

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i just wish i had her onlyfans

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every time i see this thread, I feel sorry for the same incels spamming the same pics. sad.

aw my bad dude here's some new OC just for you. it's mipha eating links asshole and giving him the old reach around handjob

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