Vsync: On

>Vsync: On
>Motion blur: High
>Anti-aliasing: Off

Attached: 76494127_p0.png (1254x1771, 2.14M)

Damn graphics... need settings correction!

Wash skins: None

Attached: Wash 95.png (2500x4000, 2.49M)

>Anti-aliasing: Off

Grrrrr...dumb brat messing up my configuration

Attached: 1646260093304.png (1200x1200, 50.5K)

>Age: 0 |-----|---o-| 10
Yep, it's gamer time.

>Vsync: On
Unironcally mandatory now that gsync exists.

Damn brat ,using VSync and Motion Blur

Attached: 92237769_p0.jpg (1336x992, 303.24K)

>Motion blur: High
Damn brat needs eye correction

Attached: 1607463207263.png (500x500, 22.77K)

AL x GF when?

>brats: female
>adults: seduced
>correction: pending

Enabled [/]

>Anti-aliasing: Off
well, at least it's not TAA

>aim assist off
>look acceleration off
>sensitivity high
>grabs dual shocl
its gamer time

Attached: coomd.jpg (1280x1821, 182.56K)

bache best girl >>> grim aloe

and dont come back, discord trannies.

Attached: 1647998953641.jpg (1000x1391, 594.52K)



Attached: 67599121_p2.jpg (1373x1720, 441.33K)

Attached: 1645676751494.png (1604x1280, 224.34K)

>vsync off
>motion blur off
>depth of field off
>aa 4x
>screen shake off

V-sync increasing lag is proof god doesn't exist. Change my mind.

>resolution: 1280x960

>Chromatic Aberration: On

Attached: 1647712185756.png (1280x720, 1.5M)

Why do newfags think you can post loli on /trash/? I have been ban for that multiple times.

>motion blur
Either choice results in projectilevomitingwiththeforceofahypersonicmissile.jpg

Damn brat...

you forgot
>gamer socks: on
>plug: inserted

user no Don't do it think of the kids!

Is there anyone here that likes screen shake? I feel like it’s something archaic and you don’t have to have it in games to give the desired effect, like a massive hit or getting shot.

Attached: B63B8092-C59F-47E7-8614-870DAD53776C.jpg (1098x1422, 1.47M)

God I love baroque. I just wish it wasn't so confusing.

Please tell me this is a doujin and not a standalone pic



Attached: 1648417126263.jpg (1728x1152, 151.28K)


underrated post

Real version.

Attached: 1649643570011.png (1728x1152, 660.68K)


>Motion blur
Seriously, who the fuck decided this ever needed to exist? Hmm, today I will wear my eyes out after less then a hour of playing.

Attached: 6E68411A-3631-4FF2-930E-CA0ADA2CB697.jpg (326x236, 42.28K)

Attached: 1622604304739.jpg (640x581, 147.91K)

shitty brat grrr

Attached: FNodhv-VcAANv3M.jpg (1958x1331, 494.81K)

>it's ok to cry
I...I'm not cry you brat!

Damn female kid... using depth of field... needs graphical correction...

Attached: 1645399416528.png (850x1163, 2.33M)

>Why do newfags think you can post loli on Yea Forums? I have been ban for that multiple times.

>loli slut
absolute garbage, get some taste you fucking faggots

Attached: 1644568951611.jpg (802x652, 158.3K)

Tamagoro is based.

what explains the Yea Forums pedo phenomenon? i get that Yea Forums in general is full of weird losers with fetishes frowned upon by most of society but Yea Forums in particular seems to be a hotbed of cunnyposting.

Grrrr...stop looking at me you brat!!

>Why do newfags think you can post loli on Yea Forums? I have been ban for that multiple times.
Oh haha I get it user you said what I said BUT you replaced /trash/ with Yea Forums hahaha oh man I'd give you a updoot if I could haha

Have you told your parents you're gay yet?


Attached: 1649626818338.jpg (991x1024, 50.36K)

and when will you start playing your fucking games?!

What's wrong with little girls that love sex?

>depth of field 100%
Now that’s some wack shit.

Attached: F773F0FF-7A4B-492E-844B-540F40C4850E.jpg (1600x977, 154.93K)

>nooooo we can't post that there!!!
>I'll post it here, where it also can't be posted!!!


Loli itself is not against the rules, dumbass. Only porn.

Attached: 1455983486225.png (650x784, 297.37K)

Innocent lolis that you slowly corrupt into desiring sex are the best.

Attached: 84159103_p0.jpg (2048x2662, 1.83M)

>Why do newfags think you can post loli on /trash/? I have been ban for that multiple times.
you have brainrot

What's so bad about using vsyilnc?

Nah, the best lolis are sexually curious lolis that you build a relationship of love and mutual trust with.

Please continue getting mad at cunny. You only prompt me to post more

Attached: 1649027503782.jpg (1280x1144, 422.76K)


Attached: 1648831913119.jpg (888x675, 174.8K)

>more than 10
Japan-kohai is so naive and innocent

every board is a loli board

Attached: 1649600393418.jpg (850x1149, 562.74K)

>>Motion blur: High
literally eye cancer.