Romhacks / Overhauls

What are your favorite romhacks / total conversion mods?

I feel like Pokemon kind of has a monopoly on romhacks but I'm curious if I've missed out on some other huge releases.

I just want to bring life into some of my favorite older games. I recently played through Parallel Worlds for Link to the Past and it was great.

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for me its super mario world: call of cthulhu and metal sonic hyperdrive

>super mario world: call of cthulhu
Never heard of this. How is the difficulty compared to just vanilla super mario world?

just slightly harder but its pretty fun

The Newer Team hacks for the NSMB games are better than their source games in every way.

This is how I feel about Pokemon. It's kind of crazy that a group of dedicated autists know more about what the fan wants than the actual development teams.

However I'm not sure how many original developers that worked on Pokemon Red still work for Game Freak. Same with idea how much of the original teams still work on Mario games.

Pokemon Clover is the single best ROMHack ever.

Super Mario Star Road and Zelda Nimpize Adventure

I really like Newer Super Mario Bros Wii.

Hope they release the Plus version soon

I recently started playing Mario Bros. 3 Mix, and the first world was a great time except for the castle. It's altogether very charming, especially once I got to world 2 and realised what the theme was.

This is more of a mod, but it finally made a video game playable for my autistic ass.
Last Remnant has awful enemy scaling where if you love doing side content you can basically buttfuck your progression and it may make the game unbeatable. This mod set it to flat scaling and I've been playing through it and actually enjoying myself a lot. Curious if there are other mods like this that turn otherwise unplayable games into decent ones.

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I've been asking this everywhere and it baffles me that it's never been done: how has no one added the SMB Deluxe content to the NES game so it can be enjoyed in a proper resolution?
Even just the challenge mode would be appreciated. It seems like such a no-brainer hack.

The Yea Forumsorld SMW hacks are awesome. Same goes for similar hacks like the JUMP and VIP series. I also enjoyed Super Mario Odyssey (the hack) and Luigi's Adventure back in the day.

Been looking for an anti-austim mod for Morrowind. Specifically one that negates having to plan around "optimal" level ups and/or the whole automatically learn skills by doing them system in general. Know any?

Not sure. Unfortunately, more often than not with those types of mods people push the game MORE in the direction of autism than less. I hate that the majority of overhauls and mods focus on making games harder or in TES sake, more just lean into the existing systems to make shit even more tedious. I fear most of the Morrowind mods you find will give you exactly the opposite of what you're looking for.

There are dozens of leveling mods for morrowind.
Here is my suggestion

Fire emblem has also a lot of rom hacks

>difficulty options are numerous sliders
Fucking KINO
God I will never understand how this isn't the default for every video game. Just give me a bunch of shit and let me tweak it to what I want. It's not like all the options are a bunch of 1's and 0's on the back end anyway.

Obligatory Rockman 4 minus infinity recommendation.

Brave New World is amazing if you can get past the cringe script.

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There's a lot of great SM64 ones. I'd say Star Road and Last Impact are the highlights.

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How are these tiered? Just general quality?
I always find romhacks for games like this to be focused on just making a bunch of fuckhard levels for people that have 500 hours in SM64. As a general retard would I still have a fun time with Star Road?

>As a general retard would I still have a fun time with Star Road?
yeah its not hard

the mario Yea Forumsorld hacks

Attached: 1646935571099.png (767x672, 144.67K)

>Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food

Megaman X5 Improvement
Doesn't completely fix X5 but it makes it 10x less annoying

its a meme

>originated on twitter in 2013
Ah...that explains why I've never heard of it.

Besides the ones already mentioned
B3313 (SM64)
Final Fantasy 4 Ultima
Final Fantasy 5 GBA with custom classes
Block Mesa 64 (SM64)
New Super Mario World 1 and 2
A Plumber for All Seasons (SMW)
Extra Mario Bros
Zelda Outlands
Paper Mario Master Quest Jr.
Metroid Rouge Dawn

Maybe you should consider Ace Attorney fancases or even fangames

Jiggies of Time was so good. With all of the new areas it felt like playing OoT for the first time as a kid.

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Anyone have experience with FF8 modding?

Been looking into trying a new playthrough of FF8 but I keep getting mixed signals on decent mods to try. I don't really want to download "FF8 but 10x as hard" as much as I just want a general gameplay overhaul.

Outside of FF7's New Thread mod and the AI Moguri Mod for FF9, I'm not really aware of the recent FF modding scene. Seems most of the releases are focused on FF1-6.

Attached: ff8 mods.png (701x794, 63.08K)

Are any of them as good as the original trilogy?

I'm skeptical whenever the romhacks touch scripts outside of general translations. For a game so heavily dependent on writing, I'd wonder if the quality is as good as the actual games.
Normally I just play ones where someone tweaks how the game plays or makes new levels in a mario game or whatever.

Conflict of Interest is definitely up there

idk I don't think I want to ruin my good memories of Phoenix Wright

That river city ransom mod I payed as a kid that pretty much turns everything into porn

>Super Mario 64 Land
I still refuse to play this hack because of the rank shit.

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>the rank shit
Like an online leaderboard or does it rank you based on how quick you beat levels?

Pokémon rom hacks are the only reason i still play those games.

Translation romhacks might be boring, but extremely useful.

It ranks you based on how fast you beat the level, on how many coins you collect and how many enemies you kill. It's really annoying to get a high rank on the later levels.

>ranking systems
yep, ruined. FUCK replaying the same exact level only a tiny bit faster

do people really care about ranks that much? i only work on good ranks if i really enjoy the game. otherwise i just finish the game and move on

Does it unlock anything or is it just purely cosmetic to track performance? Like do you need an S on everything to unlock more levels?
I could probably just ignore it as long as it was only cosmetic.

Getting the highest rank on every level unlocks a extra Star. So it's pretty much required to 100% the game. Fuck that shit.

>content locked behind gold medals
it's the shittiest way to pad out a game and i hate it. I just want to play the game, not play it in a very specific way to trip an arbitrary flag

oh didnt know about that
nevermind then. i hate that shit too

I got all S ranks except Champion's Road. Still despise the haunted clock tower level.

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my most favorite total conversion is an Amnesia mod about a hospital. It was so well made it felt like its own game and deseved to exist as such.

I still haven't played that even though I intended to years ago. Should do that. I wonder if modding ever pick up from the new Amnesia game

funny I was just playing pic/related on my sega last night

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Glad I'm not the only one.

This, Rockman 4 Minus Infinity is a technical marvel and also just a really solid game when it comes down to it.

It rewards repeat play because you won't get everything right the first time, and perfecting your play to get a 100/100 score at the end is very rewarding.

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I love the Drayano style ROMhacks for Pokemon that add more challenge with trainers having more move coverage for their pokes, for example the Elite 4 fighting guy pokes have ice punch and so on, also adding some quality of life changes and allowing you to capture all pokes from that generation and so. I can't play any Pokemon games without that hack that makes trainer battles much more tense

I'm appreciative of hacks that just make the games accessible to whole new audiences.
It's fan efforts that make things like having the entire Klonoa series playable in English for the first time, though granted it was only two games that were Japan exclusive.

I just want hacks that make games I don't like, playable. I would kill for a hack of FF13 that converts it entirely to turn based combat but I know it'll never happen.

>no Another Mario Adventure on the chart
The guest levels in that hack are the best SM64 levels out there

Attached: AMA.jpg (1280x720, 189.41K)


These are all covered by the SM64 Grand Rom hack megapack, right?

ff4 ultima is a pretty fun one. its funny playing with encounters off realizing how much padding those gave these older rpgs time wise

also arcana SoR and tharcia lil manser ive been playing those lately