is dogshit
Dark Souls 2
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Niggers tongue my anus
You came to the wrong forum to talk down on Dark Souls 2, or as we call it around here, Kino Souls 2 Based.
And that's a good thing
>lets post the same old webms from the unpatched vanilla DaS2
Produce the patch notes where this was fixed, or fuck off.
>implying hitboxes aren't still dogshit in 2022
I did a run last month and hitboxes are still horrible, even with 32 ADP i got hit by shit that clearly shouldn't have hit me so many times.
So buggy janky trash is acceptable now?
elden ring is janky trash and its still proclaimed to be goty by basedboys who have never played dark souls in their life so honestly i think so
>he can only see the afterimage
That fight was a load of nutty horse shit. Talk about beyond artificial difficulty.
True, it's almost impressively boring, unlike Sekiro
Best game ever made. Fagot retard. Death to niggers and Jews.
Hey someone post that webm of the Pursuer's "bad hitbox" lol
(I mean we all know the sword actually goes right through the player model, but it's too hard to see in the webm so it looks like a bad hitbox hehehe shhhh hehehe)
it hit his head
>reuse collision detection from DS1
Why does it look like the character has 4-directional movement in this clip
playing on a keyboard and mouse, you can tell cause of the camera movement
Don't care, Dark Souls 2 is the only one that has silly stupid shit like that in it that makes me laugh.
Having just replayed it I'm also 99% sure that the poise system is the reason for a huge chunk of the "hitbox" complaints. Because you don't stagger nearly as easily, it's a regular occurance that you just get nicked by an attack, but your character doesn't react, and you just see the health disappear. If you're a dishonest whiny liittle bitch, you could easily cry about "bad hitboxes" when this happens. DS3 and ER avoid this by making your character have a seizure every time anything touches them.
At least Dark Souls 2 chads are living their lives. Meanwhile you're letting them live in your head 24/7.
It's been 8 years and you're still seething about this awesome game.
Did you never get your 150 arena points?
I still can't believe they just dropped them into SOTFS with that placeholder animation.
Still the best chest armor in all From games.
Anti-Ds2 trannies are so fucking obnoxious it's unreal.
I'll never understand how people got the Blue Phantom aura
shit was impossible to grind
Anti Dark Souls 2 derangement syndrome thread #20853
I hate these attacks that look like you can jump over them but have super high hitboxes
I am replaying DS2 again and I can't explain it, I simultaneously enjoy it and hate it. The sluggishness feels like shit when you're playing but also enables the game to be better than just spam roll.
Acquire skill.
These guys literally just stole a DKS2 DLC boss and made his swords glow
Character movement is slower, but there is a larger shift towards the RPG side of things as opposed to the action side.
Especially so through player attributes and equipment
get the deadzone fix
you cant jump that attack in melee range though
Jumps don't have i frames, attack that hit your head and shoulders still hit.
It feels a lot less sluggish than DS1 ever did. Your movement and sidestep is quicker when strafing, and you have better control of your roll so you can position yourself around enemies and dodge more accurately. The game feels a lot more responsive and fluid between all your actions. It's like people are only ever comparing their
Why do you keep posting webms of you getting rekt
Dark Souls 2 will always be the retarded black sheep of the series
>muh i frames
do you know what hitboxes are?
Damn I never appreciated how bad DS3's hitboxes were. I only sped through it 1.5 times because I hated the look and feel of it. Just couldn't do a second playthrough.
why does the best boss theme in fromsoft history belong to a literal random who in ds2?
it really has no business being as good as it is
oh no no no no no
ds2 tranny sisters, how do we respond to this???
oh lawd he comin
Yeah, the player jumped face first into his foot
based 0 depth perception retarded user
Dark souls 2 isn't bad, its just forgettable and that is probably even worse
If someone puts their leg through your shoulder without magical gameplay I frames you're going to get hurt.
So, "the Souls series sucks ass as an action game is pure jank" is what I am getting from this thread.
is this fucking cope, ds2 has been the biggest rent free living game for this board since the day it released
its not even daily anymore. their might be 2 more ds2 threads before its night
I love skeleton lords. It's really funny having 30 skeletons all packed in chasing you around. Really fun.
it is kind of fun. reminds me of a demon souls gimmick boss thats done pretty okay. you can make it easy by taking just one lord at a time and dealing with his few summons instead of rushing all 3, but i guess if your a retard and kill all 3 and get gangbanged its also okay to instead blame the game like a faggot
it peaked at dark souls 1 and everything after that was normie pozzed trash
normalfags that played ds2 first think that game is actually good
normalfags that played ds3 first think that game is actually good
Dark Souls 2 is the best in the series and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
normalfags that played ds1 first think that game is actually good
normalfags that played des first think that game is actually good
It's a fun fight. I like to kill off the lords first just because i like the scene and spectacle of a horde of skeletons chasing me around. Like you said you can minimize the horde if you have any awareness and pattern recognition.
I love DS2's relaxed pacing, many locations and world exploration. The game's dual wield system is the best in the series, I like Majula and enjoy the small ways you can get a leg up once you know the game like stopping the bell at the end of Undead Crypt.
It's quickly becoming my favorite of the Souls trilogy
Miyazaki bros, we lost..
You think DS1 isn't the normie one? lolkeks
yeah because you stretch your arms out when you jump you make your hitbox wider, dumb fuck
If you watch the frame afterwards the foot actually goes past his right shoulder. It should've missed, but the hitbox is larger than the foot is.
>muh game is better than your game
It's all so tiring.
I have a feeling that die hard DaS2 apologists are people who mostly played it for the pvp.
The actual games is absolute cancer. Any shitter enemy can lop off 80% of your health with ease forcing you to either cheese them or dodge-dance with them for 10 minutes at a time.
Bosses are completely atrocious and this is where ER got it's bad rep from. They all deal way too much damage so the only viable strategy is cheese or learn how to perfectly dodge everything they do.
It creates a really unappealing gaming atmosphere full of tedium.
I can see how pvpers tend to ignore this since they likely just collected their gear and then spent 500+ hours not having to deal with shitty mobs so they forgot how lame the game is.
ayyy I just made it to shulva, looking forward to this DLC.
des was the foundation and ds1 was perfection built upon that foundation
but I understand ds2 trannies getting angry after learning the truth, after all your game was the only one with the tranny coffin (lol)
>we'll fix the servers for our other games right after the release of elden ring
>6+ weeks since then and still no word
they're really gonna leave them offline forever arent they
that little ledge always kills me, there was a trick to skip it though
That boss is the epitome of lazy cheap boss design
Fair, but that's the point of collision boxes ain't it, the player is still as close to the hitxbox as physically possible.?
this one obviously hits you
they almost definitely are, I've given up hope. Managing servers for a tiny playerbase is one thing, but fixing a massive exploit requires a ton of effort. They'll just keep them shut down.
I'm glad ER has brought back DS2 hate threads.
It shouldn't be that way, but Souls games have literally always had awful hitboxes so it's nothing new.
the soft cap for vitality is 20 is das2 lmao, you can hit it after the first hour of playing, and unless you're in company of champions enemies normally do
>Daily threads for 8 years straight
>ds1 was perfection
lmao. it was a downgrade from DeS and all of DaS2's problems started with the first dark souls
god that fucking brick retard bullied me so hard when I first played BB
>ds1 did something bad in 2011
>so it's okay that ds2 did it just as bad in 2014
its not even tiny playerbases.
ds3 had daily 8k people
ds2 and ds1remastered both keep about 1k-3k depending if their is a return event. right now both are keeping 2k.
ds3 still has 8k daily players. these games are more then alive.
maybe they come back but it won't be soon if they do, or maybe they stay down.
i doubt it has anything to do with servers and more to do with is it worth it fix security exploits they could be sued over for old games?
is the risk worth it?
So now we can cross off "hitboxes" as a meme complaint about DS2. What ammunition will you fall back on, From trannies? You should probably stick to graffix bitching and your one elevator joke.
t. never played DeS
>Dark souls 2 has a 24 hour peak of about 2k still
Impressive, especially with the servers being down
Elden Ring is the same way.
>Dodge tree sentinel shield bash 10m away
>Still get hit by shockwave
das2 consistently has the best levels with its dlc being the best levels fromsoft ever put into a game and no? enemies don't delete you in ds2 like that.
wtf are you talking about
did you never bother to put points into hp or something lol?