What kind of metoo sjw bullshit is this?

What kind of metoo sjw bullshit is this?

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better question is why is her head so fucking massive?

big head mode

its a lego game is probably a parody/joke/taking the piss
are you fucking stupid

what the fuck else are they gonna talk about. what sucks is the sanitized corporate writing, it would've been way better if it sounded like Jabba somehow.

better question why are they talking in the first place
this is a Lego game

Is there a setting to turn on lego speak?

>LEGO games with full voice acting

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man, remember when all media wasn't exclusively for 8 year olds?
One character in that pic brutally murdered the other for keeping her as a sex slave, on screen, in a blockbuster movie.
Now they're plastic, inoffensive little chibi slaves to Disney for all eternity.
Also this

>Jaba gets away with everything by just apologizing

no, im tired of sjw's, my jabba de hut is a ragging unapologetic rapist, and would never apologize!

>remember when all media wasn't exclusively for 8 year olds?
isn't every blockbuster movie now a PG-13?

Is the context said in a joke? It looks like a joke

>why are children's games woke instead of saying NIGGER a bunch?
I swear this board gets more braindead every single year.

>remember when all media wasn't exclusively for 8 year olds?

oldfag detected

>LEGO game
>the levels arent made from LEGO

Watched 2 of the latest the rock and ryan renold action flicks
Nobody died once, zoomers man

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i dont even think its woke i think its just making a joke

Jabba would literally say this if he didn't die and Leia came back at him later.
I don't see the problem.
Hutts are scum anyways, he doesn't mean it.


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>Zoomers don't know about big-head mode
Get me out of here.

No lego games have levels made of lego.

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I miss squibs

The Rock latest Action movies, you mean Red Notice and Free Guy?
Red Notice has deaths.
Free Guy is about NPCs in a video game.

yeah, why

Timestamp? Cant see them
And i meant the adam project,
But, i realize its already a movie aiming young

Also, it has nothing to do with Zoomers, it has to do with money. Parents will let a 6 yo kid watch PG13 stuff, PG16 has boobs and gore, which is bad for the parents. So money wise, PG13 is the sweet spot. That's why Ryan Reynolds refused to do a PG13 Deadpool.

Making it easier for kids to discern interactibles and environment objects

I don't know how to feel about the game not having traditional levels, on one hand I suppose it's a step up with the side quests and missions but on the other it feels like there's going to be no replayability bar the side quests

I mean, yeah, that's like a kid movie. The Rock seem to be more kid friendly while Ryan jump between the two. But pretty sure that the Rock kill people has Black Adam.

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That's funny, retard

>man, remember when all media wasn't exclusively for 8 year olds?
it's a fucking Lego game

>metoo sjw bullshit
but he's getting away with it and not being #cancelled?
Do you have brain damage OP?

wasn't he killed in the movie instead? seems like you should be mad about that

Lego games dont kill characters, because you can play as them as unlocks.

No deaths was the gayest thing about that game
Arnold's arm, Eddie being ripped in half etc were a perfect fit for Lego minifigures

That's nothing, I'm pretty sure the writers of LEGO DC Super-Villains managed to sneak in a line about a lesbian couple.

She choked him to death in the original Lego game

I'm more concerned that Jabba isn't dead.

But Woke is full of pedos so it's more dangerous to kids than hearing NIGGER a bunch desu

Statistically speaking, the right has more pedos than the left.

Doubt it.

>thirty (30) parts

I'm not American, mutt. This won't work on me.

>Nuwars shit is shit.
Wow, who could have predicted this?

>why are children's games woke instead of saying NIGGER a bunch?
This but unironically

You'd be in good company with the Republicans in the US.

mumble mode in the extras menu

jabba is ashamed of his words and deeds

its canon that jabba stuck naked leia in his mouth and tongued the pusy

so... zoomers?

>"Disney will never let them acknowledge Slave Leia again"
>she's in a children's Lego game


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he's a single father, don't judge him

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Jabba the hut is a freemason

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>jabba the hutt
>skywalker the human

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>not "luke the skywalker"

The joke was
>michael the human

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we live in a world that has traditionalist religious agressive moralism and post modern cultist woke moralism
no really good writing can come out of any work these days in the mainstream, be it on kids games like lego star wars or a really good challenging writing works.
the exception would be for people who already have some artistic status in their market and corpos will give them money because is profitable nevertheless.

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Didn't they also change boba fett ship name from the slave one to just his ship or something?