This was suppose to be game of the decade how did they fuck up so bad?

This was suppose to be game of the decade how did they fuck up so bad?

Attached: Cyberpunk_2077_box_art.jpg (220x220, 18.81K)

You were expecting something no game is ever going to be and violently lashed out when reality kicked in.

I still enjoyed it a lot.

They fired poles and hired diversity trash replacement
ofc i couldn't work


yet Elden Ring surpassed its hype

It's better than Elden Ring at least.

You have to go back...

Elden ring was also very clear from day one what it is was going to be because its had 4 games in the series before it so people had reasonable expectations. Cyberpunk suffered from everyone thinking you could scale witcher 3 up by a factor of 10 which is a ludicrous expectation.

Disaster of art direction and faggotry.

Attached: tumblerinas ruin everything.jpg (962x801, 185.54K)

Gtfo with your shit bait

Then don't falsely advertise and then perform a rug pull where you still charge $60 without the content.
The art in the game was fine, at the very least Night City itself was an incredible design. The art team should all move somewhere where their talents can be used properly.

CDPR thought they could make GTA. Turns out it isn't as easy as Rockstar makes it look.

as someone who enjoyed cyberpunk 2077 enough to get through it once, it's really obvious that they never had any plan for how to deliver anything they actually promised. this game feels like some kind of shit version of GTA with all the pretentiousness of a story game (you spend as much time following NPCs around listening to them talk as you do killing braindead enemies). it's obvious they just fucked around with no plan until the 11th hour and then had to put some kind of game together using all the stuff their artists had slaved over

>Then don't falsely advertise
For the most part, they did not. People just took the marketing and ran with it and that is a train that really has no brakes. CDPR says "rpg game where decisions matter" and players instantly "WOAH EVERY MISSION IS OPEN ENDED WITH ULTIMATE FREEDOM JUST LIKE THE TT".

There were specific instances such as showing the big intro cinematic where Jackie gets merc'd and followed it up with "you may even be able to make decisions to save Jackie's life." I just thought something like that is incredibly disengenious especially given the fact that he was one of the better characters in the game.

The art was fine, small titties are great. The city even looks nice. The problem was the absolute retarded traffic system, gameplay, and lack of any kind of depth to that. The stories on some of the side missions were great too.
But GTA is shit. The only reason people play it is to grief each other online.

No. The art direction is in combination with Keanu Chungus and ecelbs and disaster of the story, the main two reasons the game was such shit.
The fatso and her dyke, feminist, tranny, liberal, whatever transniggers of color, hide behind their faggotry cards and think they are beyond critique.

In reality no one would give a shit about the bugs, or if it didnt even load and run on all consoles, and about many other shit, if the art direction was true cyberpunk kino and the story and characters were lets like in Bladerunner 2049.

All I expected was a game without gamebreaking bugs, so stop trying to use that argument you disingenuous faggot.

>Keanu Chungus
Sorry user, your opinion has been discarded since you're unable to convey it without ironic reddit memes.

Another shill with this same line
>the art is fine
seeThis is not fine, this is fat ugly bubble gum zoomer pop. In a bad way at that.

Attached: fat ugly.jpg (1920x1080, 475.25K)

>All I expected was a game without gamebreaking bugs,
>from a eurojank developer
I would've liked no game breaking bugs as well but to expect none? That is....optimistic shall we say. Especially given witcher 3 required a hundred patches to be "fixed".

>Fat people exist in a capitalist wasteland of overindulgence and hedonism.
Wow, go fucking figure. user I think you might just be a fat dude who hates anything that reminds him of that.

Oh so you're just a retard who thinks "I don't like it" means the same thing as "it's objectively bad". GTA is always a very stable and almost unbreakable game from a tech standpoint. Cyberpunk was broken the moment I launched it because I pressed a button at the wrong time.

Discard this, shill.

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By simply not making something like the tabletop. I hate to admit it, but I guess there was always something true about those Pole/Lightbulb jokes.

>Saved an image for a flavor of the month everyone forgot
Okay, discarded. Again user, use your words, not memes.

>In night city, looks are everything...

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I don't remember having my horse powerslide through a building during a cutscene like when I played Cyberpunk. I wasn't even controlling the car, and yet Jackie left skidmarks through the whole thing as though he'd forgotten the parking brake and just powered through with front wheel drive anyway. It's a shit game and you cannot defend it without being a retarded shill, that is fact whether you like it or not.

People had very little expectations for elden ring, so they were happy with the slop they received.

It is almost as if another user has never even looked at the source material or its inspirations.

Attached: Judge-Dredd-Fatties-int.jpg (1600x1131, 702.95K)

But it is objectively bad, GTA's combat has always been jank as fuck and the only reason it works is because of other players. It'd be absolute fucking cancer with a singe player rpg.

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> Turns out it isn't as easy as Rockstar makes it look.
Rockstar also made sequel after sequel, incrementally improving it as the years went by.

CDPR thought they could side step a decade of slowly acquired knowledge.

And CP2077 was much more ambitious than any Rockstar game.

Eh, I thought it was pretty good. Replay the Witcher 3 and tell me that shit deserved the million GotYs it got

The developers also either didnt see the source material or made their caricature and brainlet retard takes on it.

You're just factually incorrect. Nothing breaks in GTA. nothing. Show me proof of this supposedly jank combat. If I was home I'd gladly show you the dozens of videos of cybershit breaking that I recorded in just the first hour. Lucky for me I don't have to, because the internet is chock full of the same shit.

You're misunderstanding me user, cyberpunk is broken shit. I don't really care for it. But I had way more fun playing this average flavor of the month crap than gta. GTA is for people who grew up playing gta and can ignore the dated bullshit it throws at you.

because the women and trannie crew cared more about adding the option to give a female body a penis or a male body a vagina. then they cared about the actual gameplay.

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Even going 1st person for a game like this was dumb. People want a good action game, but the Fashion Souls element would have been a draw as well (and not just through a camera mode). RPG fans (going to back to table top) always like conceptualizing their characters from the outside. And it also introduces more powers and acrobatics in the skillsets.

Then use entertaining memes. Seriously, if your shitposting is boring you're just learning to become an even more boring person.

>can't decorate your apartment
>can't own more than 4 different cars
>can't walk down the street without a car spontaneously flipping into your face from a dead stop
>more ambitious

Attached: download_20220410_160945.png (334x268, 118.47K)

I could definitely understand that the art direction didn't heavily lean into previous pieces of media with the usual cyberpunk aesthetic however the game was still visually stunning and well put together. From initial trailers and gameplay/presentations we were all shitposting about how it wasn't following the established book of cyberpunk media at all, but the end result wasn't even that bad, it was pretty grounded in the genre, not entirely based off the best aesthetics of it but still quite serviceable.
The real issue with the game was part of it being falsely advertised, the game being riddled with bugs despite multiple delays (including older gen consoles getting shafted since they couldn't even play the game properly) and an AI so fucking horrendous compared to their initial advertisements of "large dynamic crowd systems with all their own schedules, hehe look at us are we Chris Roberts yet," that it ended up being an absolute fucking joke.

You don't know what you are talking about.

>Rockstar also made sequel after sequel, incrementally improving it as the years went by.
They pretty much nailed it on the third try. The core of it at least has not changed.

God I wish the outfits weren't so fucking bad. What's with modern games lately and not having at least a few good looking clothing options?

>still nothing specific
aight troglidyte

It was game of the decade until Elden Ring came out.

Yes, what they intended to do was much much more ambitious than any GTA game.

Don't forget that they first said and showed the ability to climb buildings with mantis blades. and that you could enter nearly every building and visit all the floors on massive skycrapers.
and then they scrapped all that for the final build, but instead added stupid pronous shit

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Ambition would have been simply following the tabletop, and making the Night City the star (not Keanu), with a more openended V/means of experiencing it.
What it became sort of reminds me when Xbox got a chance to make a Shadowrun game, but the retards they hired made an Arena shooter instead. Only CP2077 abused the property on an even grander scale.

It was never going to be an RPG. It was always going to be an open world shooter with some RPG elements.
They fully believed people would eat the shit they put out at first and were partially correct as there are still people who defend their actions to this day.
It could have been a proper Cyberpunk roleplaying game but what we got was what the average casual believes to be a roleplaying game .
Once the DLC gets released the company will be praised as saviors and the game will be remebered as the definition of RPGs only rivaled by Skyrim according to the retarded cosumer hordes.
Nothing will change and these kinds of controversies will keep happening as the people buying them never learn.

>didn't heavily lean into previous pieces of media with the usual cyberpunk aesthetic
>it wasn't following the established book of cyberpunk media at all
2077's worst crime was opening up the floodgates for retarded ignorant takes like this from a brand new wave of secondaries

jews happened.

Lmao. You wish fromnigger. It's a 8/10 at best.

>and then they scrapped all that for the final build
Blame them trying to put it on last gen consoles for some bizarre reason. Elden Ring made it work sure but if you couldn't why fucking bother?


Yeah, no game will ever do thigns that can be done because reasons.

Ignore Elden Ring dickriders on Yea Forums. They're unironic Dark Souls 2 fans which make a lot of sense.

pirated it recently. holy fuck is it still a buggy mess. not a single gaming session without a bunch of bugs and glitches, not gamebreaking but still so fucking annoying. what a dumpster fire of a game. i would be so mad if i had bought it.

ah yes the first true next gen game with dogshit ai and clown physics wonder how it did

I loved the webm threads. We need to bring them back.

idk about you lads but I thought it was a pretty good game.

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It's as good as it was going to be on PCs already. But to be fair, it improved on consoles at least. It's just not fun.

Decent taste barring streets of generic beat em up 4. Play Final Fight LNS, bubs

pretty shit taste

>This was suppose to be game of the decade how did they fuck up so bad?
Yeah they fucked up and made game of the century. Pretty based.

Someone post the 6 promises

>It's just not fun.
This, you can fix all the bugs you can but the fact of the matter is the core experience is heavily flawed and completely unsalvageable. Nothing matters and the only "good" endings are letting Keanu take over your body which is fucking lame. Makes me think he should have just been the protagonist to start with if nothing fucking matters.

>We here at CDproject red have heard your complaints about Cyberpunk2077 and we'd like to offer our apologies for making the game too good. We have retracted all CDkeys and will begin charging 100 dollars for the base game. We plan on releasing our first DLC within the next 50 years which should be right about when most players start getting bored

CDPR wanted it to be the game go end all games
A hardcore RPG, a stylish moviegame, a big open world to rival the likes of GTA (with online too!) all in one package
It ended being nothing but a miserable pile of lies

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>The art in the game was fine
The same 5 ads, 3 of them being SEX! and each area basically being the same everywhere doesn't indicate that.

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>advertised tram system
>advertised seperate life paths
>advertised wall running
>advertised smart AI
>advertised dynamic world
>advertised unique gameplay

You know for a place that usually shits all over solid, well produced games all the time, it boggles my mind that there are those who defend this painfully average, bug riddled, half completed, bore fest of a game. It literally brings nothing new to the table and it's only draw is that it looks good. When did graphicfags take over Yea Forums?

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Streets of Rage 4 is the best in the series alongside 2, thefuckareyousaying?