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Which bomberman game is the best?

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I only really played the very first NES one and loved the fuck out of it. Clearing half of the map in a few seconds on later stages felt so satisfying. :chaikaface:
I also played some java 3D bomberman but hardly remember anything about it.

The first Super Bomberman would be my favorite due to nostalgia if it wasn't for the i-frame nuke exploit.
>inb4 just don't use it

Super Bomberman 1-5, each one is a different flavour
Bomberman for the DS (because of nostalgia mainly)
Power Bomberman

>if it wasn't for the i-frame nuke exploit.
that's the best part of the game though

Bomberman 94 on Turbografix.

>Smarter than all of humanity put together
>Perfect body
How does she do it? How can we even compete?

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She stores her brains in her boobs

ah yes, the new Aqua thread has arrived

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Lamp oil?



The cutest!

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no matter how smart she is, she shouldn't underestimate adults.

A lovely loli

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I busted so much because of her

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I literally know not one thing about this game besides 5 seconds of gameplay and many saved pics of bombs.

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Now post their spread pussies

How is pine so perfect?

>classic style
>3D style
>classic style with actual support and good online
>I want to show my real life friends how cool Bomberman is, but they don't seem like they'll like retro and prefer laughing at cheesy VA work

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She smart and smug

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you cant curl your toes like that

nigga how the fuck can't you do that

I mean you cant curl your toes while you big toe stays straight

nice try user, i'm not falling for this trick to get me to post my feet

And no, I am not posting my feet as proof.

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Grrrrr... smug brat...

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Lamp oil?

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Just because you can't doesn't mean no one else can


show me then

That explains a lot

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Covered booby tips.....

You really want to see my toes that badly?


For all her brains, I can still just physically overpower her and do whatever I want to her.
The law of the jungle reigns supreme


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Bright yellow and cyan is such a tasty colour combo

fuck off erp trash

Just because your anti-depressant meds have fucked your libido doesn't make you better than us, go back to your reddit ring game

:BOOBA: :bombs:

pine wife

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Bombastic wife

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Good girl...


Muh third eye!

keep posting I'm close

She's indeed cute

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Wait a second... She is gonna explode! instant loss 2koma is so hot

cute and smug.

Cute and perfect

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God I wish that was me!

i am weak to this pic...