Optional easy mode is good, actually

Now that the dust is settled is it time to finally admit that Jim Sterling and the other journos were actually right about having an easy mode in all games?
Think about it. Kids and people who just want to enjoy a good story can put the game on easy, or even an option to skip fights, and have a good time. They're included in the fun and you're literally not affected at all. You still have the option to play the game on Hardcore or Nightmare or whatever and still maintain your clout.
There is literally no good argument against this.

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>every developer should include an easy mode even though games are art and it's up to the artist to make them how they wish

yeah he really is a communist faggot isn't he

s'pose so. but its gonna be a few more generations until they balance it out right to accomodate journo mode

might as well just watch someone play it instead if you just want to enjoy the story

It's Jimma Sterling you fucking chud


How does it have anything to do with communism? They can make their game hard and even highlight that Hard or Hardcore is the way they would recommend playing it.
For players who want less stressful time, or even for disabled gamers, they can switch to easy or even the invincible mode from the last Starfox.

>journo mode

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the only game I've played with an explicit baby mode was Psychonauts 2, and the balancing in that game felt fairly poor with the health system feeling horribly tacked on.
the first game healed you when you left a mind ffs, the entire idea of the health bar was that it represented Raz's mental ability to stay in another's mind.

>Now that the dust is settled is it time to finally admit that Jim Sterling and the other journos were actually right about having an easy mode in all games?

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As someone who puts effort into beating the games the way developers intended, it's important that everyone who claims to have beaten the game experienced the same game. Easy modes would allow people to accurately say they beat it even though they diminished the accomplishment. This makes talking about and discussing the game less satisfactory because now when you're talking with someone you have to determine first if they've beaten the game properly. And of course most of the time they lie.

I'm fine with easy modes as long as easy modes lock you out of parts of the game.

I can't believe there was a time when I used to listen to this dude to keep up on current events.

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That's not really the same as actually exploring the world yourself though, is it?

>just restates the same fucking thing

it's the developer's choice on whether or not they want to put an easy mode in a game. "well they should because it would be nice" doesn't fucking matter. there will never be a mandate for all games to have an easy mode. developers are in charge, not you. you don't make games. you post sissy commie faggots.

Why be this elitist? So what if they beat it on easy?

>every enemy dies in one hit, including bosses
>every time you kill something the game puts up a giant banner with stars and smiley faces that says "You did it! Yay!"
>when you get to the final boss he just immediately kills himself
>his final words: "You didn't beat the game."

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If the gameplay doesn't matter then you're effectively watching a movie anyway?



I would say "Normal" is the difficulty mode Developers intend their game to be beaten in. They say it right there on the label for Normal: the intended difficulty level to play the game at.
Hard Modes very rarely introduce any new mechanics to combat but instead simply bloat numbers. A true Hard Mode would add new routines to the AI to make the foes more wily and unpredictable, rather than just "ha ha now enemy have 10x more HP and hit 2x harder"
Meanwhile Easy and Journalist Mode are on a 'why even bother' tier of difficulty. It's like they might as well simply have Press X bring up the Victory Screen if you're going to make encounters too easy.

Even if you're being charitable towards Sterling now, his videos for the past two years in particular have been insufferable. In every single video he expresses how much he hates games and the whole gaming community. Surely he has enough money to just retire now or do something else with his fame to pander to the trannies.

Easy mode is a good idea but hard mode is bad. Normal should be hard already and everything should be balanced around normal. If journos need kid difficulty give it to them but they should know it's not normal.

Why do you need easy when you have cheats?

Don't know why Jim Sterling bothered, he still looks like an ugly fat fuck

Ima be honest, I wouldn't mind an easy mode or something like that. Rain World is an amazing game and has it, I see no reason other games can't.

There really is no downside, as long as the game doesn't try and balance the game for a passive/easy mode I see no reason to not add it, it allows for more accessibility, and good for people that just want a chill time but still experiencing a story or world.

all games already have this, it is called gameplay no commentary, look it up.

Wringing developers arms to try to force them to homogenise games even more is never a good thing. Just the very idea that something should be accessible to everyone is something I disagree with.

if video games are art they can be made in any way the creator intends

personally, when i play games, i prefer no difficulty setting. something like RE4 scaling difficulty is okay, but i dont want to have to make the choice to find an optimal experience.

when i played skyrim for the first time, i chose the hardest difficulty, because i wanted i felt like that would be the best experience

however, it ended up being a horrible way to experience that game

having some choice is okay, of course
do you want to read a novel on a kindle or on real paper? do you want large or small print? hardback or paperback? you can read the cliffnotes version of harry potter but i dont think a single person out there will agree that you read harry potter.

if i go to buy harry potter and it includes a children's version i can ignore it, sure, and know im not missing out on anything...
but if i buy harry potter and it comes with a super extra long difficult version as well, surely THAT one would be the "real" version of the story, right?

ideal: designated developer "way to play" and children's mode, and freeroam/sandbox mode for modding
semi-ideal: designated developer "way to play"
bad: easy, normal, hard

But that isn't how FPS games in early 2000s were made, the normal difficulty was usually the second highest difficulty, with normal meant for normal people and easy meant for people that were learning a new medium or didn't want to die and just wanted to enjoy.
The fact that easy mode has been removed from games over time is more confusing than why they should have them. Easy difficulty used to be common place in games, now it feels like no games have them because devs are lazy and don't wanna spend the minimal amount of time making a game have decent accessibility for easy modes.

I agree with this, I think Halo and CoD unironically did it best, with 4 options, with a clear way the developers intended the game to play, but a harder difficulty for the people that wanted a hardcore experience, and two other difficulties, one for just your normal person wanting to play and not die, and a almost god mode for people that are just trash at the game.

I don't get why people are mad easy mode exists or some people want it
It exists in so many games, games had cheats for invincibility too.
You don't become part of a special club for beating it either, rather you get laughed at as you're expected to have beaten it and you're laughed at if you call it hard.

Their personal pride revolves around beating video games and if some shitter can do that on easy it makes him realize just how worthless he is as a human being.

don't forget
>games are art and an artist has to make no compromises in his vision except when his art is problematic in which case he should be crucified by the liberals

If you want a story read a book or watch a movie. If you're to retarded to play video games, don't play video games, or just watch a playthrough on YouTube. Fuck normies

Imagine how much less free publicity and advertising From's games would get if their games did come with these easy modes and whiny dipshits didn't kick up a stink about the unavoidable difficulty every time

They'd be fucking idiots to start at this point. Stupid journo bitches.

Might be because a "cheat code" can be done literally within seconds (you or I can do it right now in nearly any emulated game) while an entire difficulty not only requires manpower to create, it can easily slew perception on a piece of content.
You only don't "get it" because you refuse to, simple as.

when will this troon insanity end?

>They're included in the fun and you're literally not affected at all
Except I am affected because having to make an easy mode uses up development time that could be spent elsewhere if the devs didn't have to spend it balancing a whole separate difficulty.

It's hardly any effort most of the time, just weaker enemies or more health.
Hardly do ever need vast amounts of manpower.

>"I'm a girl btw :)"
>nigger doesn't even bother to change his name
come the fuck on

>downloads cheat engine
>downloads table for the game

Didn't he say he's non-binary? Retarded mentally ill faggot seeking attention regardless

optional easy mode mode is bad, i know i'm not forced to play it but uhhhh it's just bad okay?

Both having and not having difficulty options are perfectly valid decisions that should be left to people making the game.

We all know you'd still be here whining about how the easy mode isn't easy enough if it wasn't a total redesign of every single remotely challenging mechanic.
There are threads on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW where people are whining about the easy mode in their game not being easy enough because the platforming hasn't been made easier.

At this point I feel like people dont actually want to play the games they just want to say they beat it and move on.

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Once upon a time Jim Sterling was a pretty decent pro-consumer voice in an industry leaning harder and harder into anti-consumer practices by the year. Obviously he lost his way pretty badly.

It's almost like gamesjurnos hate games and gaming and just want to burn through the shit as fast as possible so that they can say they have in order to write their retarded shill """"""review"""""""""".

Yeah but you should only get achievements if you beat the game in hard

Is there anything to suggest that games with difficulty options have on average less content than games without?

>Used to watch Jim Sterling
>Used to listen to philosophy tube
>both went tranny
>now no longer watch them
to be fair I stopped watching them long before then but still

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Obviously they do.

You do. They're called the "Beat the game on hard mode" achievements.

>good story
name one (1) game
pro tip: you can't

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What are you talking about? There are actually complex movies and books out there that people have a thin line in grasping the plot. He want an easy translation mode for those things as well.

Cause OPs a useless bitch.

He felt the urge to consume... the troon

Stop with the deadnaming

Kingdom Hearts series. Next question.

You are a fucking commie. All you can do is try to sound like you have a functioning brain but everyone can see how broken you are your commie friends are.

Jim, you will never be a woman

It's when they bought politics into their field instead of being on topic.

No that's stupid. It should be like eu4 where you can only get achievements if you play in ironman mode.

When are you finally transitioning?

>dude, what if we put final fantasy in disney world lol
try again

Doesnt this fatblob have a girlfriend? Like he is married with her or some shit? why'd he go full trans?

The fact that this fat piece of lib shit is in an open relationship AND trooned out is literally too good to be true. I wish this was still 2006 or that gaming circles wouldn't be so fucking castrated so we could openly make fun of the guy

>Think about it. Kids and people who just want to enjoy a good story can put the game on easy, or even an option to skip fights, and have a good time. They're included in the fun and you're literally not affected at all. You still have the option to play the game on Hardcore or Nightmare or whatever and still maintain your clout.
>There is literally no good argument against this.
This is just the same dumbfuck argument that get's repeated every time.
Most people will never CHOSE to make the game harder for themselves. The developers have the responsibility to decide how challenging their game should be where as the player is supposed to do everything in their power to make it easier.
This way all the game elements like: Leveling up your character, upgrading your weapons, finding new gear and learning the mechanics are given purpose.
If I could just flip a switch to reduce the enemy HP by 90% why would I bother searching for upgrades, or leveling up my stats for the same outcome?

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Adjustable difficulty assist settings like Control does it is the way to go. It's a solved problem.
Contrarian faggots and terminally online retards need not reply.

I'm sorry that you're too much of a brainlet to follow the somewhat convoluted plot and the depth of the themes explored in the writing.

No. If they want it to be easy they can use cheats.

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>There really is no downside
that you can think of

Bait, this is bait.

contrapoints was also better as a gay man

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I cheat engine my way to achievements in EU4 IM.

Cheaterchads win again.

Are you talking about his land whale wife? Nah she left him a few years ago j think.

It's pretty poor if that's the case

>serious replies
Finally Yea Forums accepts transfolk, good for you anons