Zanzibart... no

Zanzibart... no...

Attached: Screenshot_278.png (1182x836, 2.06M)

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>le american meme

You didn't beat the game

i love memes where you just repeat a word and that's when you know you're supposed to laugh.

Nice Mario 64 hack

Where do i laugh during this post?


Me too, that's why I'm on Yea Forums.

when he says zanzibnart... no

You imagine poster's face

Zanzibart... forgive me

ha ha

If you wanted a king's field thread, you could've just say so. Although, there's not much up to discussion, given we're not getting another one and there isn't anything remotely similar out now.

HAUSER,,,,,,,,, AVENGE ME,,,,,,,

Attached: SLUS-00158_2022-04-08_21-30-49.png (1920x996, 472.26K)

Right? It's like I'm really in the game

Attached: Screenshot_274.png (1181x833, 1.86M)

KING'S FIELD I is the best game in the series. Best characters, best story, best combat, best catacombs.

man what game is this it looks comfy asf

Does it say sex in the right corner of the screen

It's King's Field. If you're willing to wrestle with pre-analogue stick controls, you're in for a ride.

Yes that is Alexander's SEX radar. It was a unique element of KING'S FIELD II but didn't return for any other From game.

bros... your filter...?

Attached: 1629753655289.png (1183x905, 1.02M)

don't take the sword bro, it's a trap.

I can still hear the music, most maddening track on the most maddening floor

for me it's
the floor 1 and 2 music changing spooked me though

Attached: 1643838139823.png (1185x902, 1.33M)

wait, is this the game where these skellies come from? The background is kinda similar

Attached: 9ar8p1gfpan41[1].jpg (640x640, 91.71K)

yeah, it's one of the first PSX games
What do I have to do to get another king's field game? I'm willing even to hand it over... my dark soul...

>guys really live in apartments like this and don't see any issue.

Needs more scanlines, I can still sorta see what's going on.

King's Field 1 to 3 should be remade and combined into one game. The story is great and would be a fantastic entry to experience Fromsoft's early history.

cope seethe tranny ywnbaw

>there isn't anything remotely similar out now
Lunacid is out in early access, but it's a le epic postmodern deconstruction, so I wouldn't bother.

4 was so fuckin kino

Someone explain to me why other NPCs don't respawn despite everything else respawning since Death was stolen

japanese 1-3 or NA 1-3?

Maybe one day, but I'd imagine From are done with sword and sorcery for now, hard not to be done after 7 kind-of-same games in a row.

they go hollow

But they don't even respawn to go hollow

this but unironically
i liked elden ring and i think zanzibart memes are hilarious
you dont have to hate everything just because youre on Yea Forums(nel)
Imagine outlining the gist of the plot in one cutscene and not spreading it through a million item descriptions

Like a laugh track on an american sitcom.

>It's a thread of vaati fans

wrong thread retards. This is about KING'S FIELD, not shart souls 4.

They're talking about King's Field 15

The Field genre ended with Demon's Souls.



The 3DO would run this game at 3 frames per second

what's the name of that pc indie king's field ripoff someone was shilling last month here?
There is another, far shittier clone but it's so bad I can't even remember the name of it.

it's not that one, it has Hexen graphics iirc

Devil Spire

The shitty roguelike where you pick a class and assign stats etc? It's trash


cope fromtranny, don't you have a patreon to donate to a 'lore specialist' in elden ring?

It's Devil Spire, dev is a Yea Forumstard who shitted up every gamedev thread with it

lmao I didn't realize it was a roguelike, why can't indie devs just put the work to make memorable levels in their games?

There is a number of issues with this piece of shit, and the random generation is not the worst of them. The fact that it has glowing reviews on steam just shows how starved people are for a proper first person dungeon crawler.

>japanese 1-3 or NA 1-3?
Japan 1-3. King's Field 4 is a stand alone story.

I will beat a rod until a tank empties.


How is almost a decade plus and borderlands is still shitting up the board with it's shill influence?

Yea Forums memes are the ones that should infest Twitter, not the other way around.

for me it's when they make the 10th thread witht he same forced meme, that's when it gets funny