Going through the dungeons without anyone dying

>going through the dungeons without anyone dying
>unlock boss dungeon
>party members flat out refuse to do the encounter because their resolve is too high

name a more retarded design decision

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What game?

>Pffft, why would I waste my time with small fries
Makes perfect sense to me. Is this the case of mad cuz bad?

Darkest Dungeon

It's dumb, I'm going to level up party members, buff up their attributes and gear only for the game to cockblock me when I want to use those party members on a boss? It's beyond moronic

are you the kind of person who would grind low level dungeons with leveled up heroes instead of the appropriately calibrated ones? where's the fun in that?

This is really sad because you don't even realize that anything below red dungeon is a total joke in terms of difficulty.

You level and gear up your heroes so they can face adequate challenges, not farm the easiest dungeons ad infinitum for effortless funds and loot.
You want to spam 0 level dungeons? Cool, grab a new party then. There's a reason why you can "store" like 30+ heroes.

>anything below red dungeon is a total joke in terms of difficulty.
The 4 grouper fight in red Cove will always haunt my dreams

>playing DD without mods
Just install the one that lets you bring anyone to any dungeon level

Darkest Dungeon has always been a piece of shit game and the sequel is no better and I don't care what anyone says. Horrible design, unfun from start to finish, and only praised by retards who think experiencing LITERAL artificial difficulty makes them more hardcore. You can make a game both very hard and very fun, and instead they made a slog two times over.

If you're going to lock me out of lower level content simply for progressing through the game normally maybe you shouldn't implement a leveling system to begin with.

I like the game overall, but some of these design decisions are beyond mind-numbing

Building up your team only to have them wiped with a bad roll is not difficulty, just masochism

You're not locked out of anything, you smoothbrain. Are you even reading the post you're replying to?
If you want to keep farming the low lvl dungeons, just keep a low level party for those.
Or play on Easy/download a mod if it bothers you this much.
>only praised by retards who think experiencing LITERAL artificial difficulty makes them more hardcore
kek, as opposed to NATURAL difficulty?

crap, the difficulty bit was meant for

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If a bad roll wipes your team, you didn't beat the game should have come up with a better team to begin with.


no one is locking your from anything, you can use level 0-2 heroes on those areas, it's just that the game becomes trivial if your heroes are too powerful for the monsters in the dungeon . This is exacerbated by the fact even at appropriate level heroes for the the green and yellow dungeon the game is still very easy.

if you're at the point where one bad roll can wipe out your whole team then you've already pushed things too far. Remind yourelf..

This game had a cool art style and that’s basically all I liked about it. It’s full of bad design decisions.

>It’s full of bad design decisions.
You mean bad for you, right?

>It’s full of bad design decisions.
name one

game is plagued with a lot of stupid little things that make no sense all there to just pad out playtime

>nooooo why cant i grind to overlevel my favourite heroes and then steamroll the entire game with them to get easy trinkets and money this is so retarded!!!!

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a lack of half(to fully) naked undead draculer bikini waifu(s) dating simulator, for one.

Modern AAA gam- I mean experiences were a mistake.

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>No one's locking you out of anything
>...except the game itself, which won't let you bring high level heroes into low level dungeons
Why even bother writing out all that text if you were just going to undercut your own point in the first sentence?

-banked gold can make gold trivial
-the entire trinket system is deep as a puddle
-same as the affliction system
-it’s better to just abandon heroes who get too high level or have bad afflictions
-choosing your load out items becomes worthless because of banked gold
-guy will wreck your town unless you defeat him or sacrifice low levels to him like an exploit
-healer mandatory
The one of most overrated games I’ve played in recent memory. Even the voice over guy did nothing for me.

wow almost like a ton of games make grinding near impossible with diminishing returns and avoid this problem instead of being made by incompetent fucks like darkest dungeon. crazy

play in easy mode, pretty sure they allow that

>its better to abandon heroes with afflictions.
honey, its only a thousand gold. are you that fucking poor?

I sympathize with your irritation.
While this design choice shouldn't exist to begin with, there's fortunately a mod to correct this shortcoming.
If only there was a mod that adjusted the application of after-mission traits and diseases so that they are actually logically consistent with how well you performed during the expedition, then DD would number among my favorite games

>guy asks for a single bad design decision to be named
>user names 7 offhand
>you single out one and act condescending and dismissive like it's not a real problem
you're a bitch and your game sucks

unironically, unequivocally, undeniably filtered

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>healer mandatory

By far one of the more annoying aspects of the game, even worse when the game decides to only hand you one single cleric.

Negative affixes like masochist / clepto cost 4k+ to remove on top of taking time. Far better to just swap the party member out.

if being put off of a game by it being shit is being filtered than i am 100% filtered, you apologetic dumbfuck

>logically consistent with how well you performed during the expedition.
you're supposed to suffer, its in the intro sequence, its about suffering and living to suffer again.

you just posted a quirk and an affliction, one is easy to cure (masochist) the other isn't (klepto).

did you not check which one is which?

i posted neither of those actually

bad opinions not gonna go through all of them but what do you mean banked gold? you'll be broke a lot of the times and it's not that easy to hoard shit

>if being put off of a game by it being shit is being filtered than i am 100% filtered
yes, you have been 100% dictionary-definition filtered. truly pitiable, maybe go back to playing snoy movie games or something lmao, real video games just arent for you

If they don't want me to bring over leveled heroes fine just let me have some way to either stop them from gaining experience or have them scale depending on the dungeon it's really annoying I have to grind out a new team for the mid tier dungeons because my roster just reached the next tier and everyone else is too low. Makes the game take way longer than it should forcing more grind whether you succeed or fail.

Not any of those you responded to, also I've never played the game and never plan to, so I have no idea about any of these mechanics and whether they are good or bad. However anyone that uses "filtered" as if it's somehow an argument or response is automatically wrong, most likely an NPC redditor, and by default concedes that the other person is correct.

I don't give a shit about your rules, I have 450 hours clocked in heavily modded Darkest Dungeon and I have no shame in using
>nude mods with visible eyes
>anime mods with visible eyes
>infinite invetory stacking
>4 trinket slots
>10 quirks
>cheap shared camping skills
>zero stress gain on passing turns
>faster walking and animations
>removing level restrictions
>increasing roster size to absurd levels
>buying firewood
>exchanging gold for hirelooms
>removing Stygiant death and weeks limit
>not playing with the most dogshit DLC ever created Crimson Court and ignoring Courtyard, still using Flagellant
>removing Kleptomaniac from Reynauld on starting a new game
Videogames are a medium you should enjoy by your own rules, there's no reason to not modify it to your liking

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jesus fucking christ this thread is depressing. i genuinely cannot believe that there are this many casual crybabies on this board who couldn't even handle darkest dungeon

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Not that user, but the Bank structure is singlehandedly the worst design decision not because it makes the game harder, but for the complete opposite and in the process of doing so, completely fucks over several systems at once. After 2-3 expeditions sitting on an initial baseline of roughly 10k gold from memory, you essentially have unlimited gold to spend, which fucks with the following
>stress relief
>trait locking/removal
>disease removal
>hero skilling + upgrades
>trinkets from shops
>pre-quest shop allowing you to buy out the entire shop every time
Haven't checked on DD in a while, so I don't know if they changed it since, but it was actually absurd how much it trivialises parts of the game.

unfathomably based

sorry, meant for but back to your points, I'll try my best:
>banked gold can make gold trivial
then why are you complaining about how much you spend dealing with heroes stress?

>the entire trinket system is deep as a puddle
could you explain? i don't follow

>same as the affliction system
its purpose is to fuck with your strategies, it's as complex as it needs to be.

>choosing your load out items becomes worthless because of banked gold
you get less items if you constantly pig out on torches and food

i think you're playing radiant, or you are somehow as lucky as dream.

>guy will wreck your town unless you defeat him or sacrifice low levels to him like an exploit
is that an objective reason? please elaborate regardless
>healer mandatory
what did you expect? any game with classes will have a healer or a way to heal

Taking the same team over and over again you may finally reach the boss only to find that their resolve is too high. Screwing you over if you were planning to take that team to the boss because they hit the next tier before they could fight the boss.

this post reeks of cope
its fine if you're bad at video games and can't handle a decent challenge, but don't come crying on Yea Forums about how its totally the games fault that you suck and not your own

you ever played an actually engaging, fun, and fair turn-based rpg that is still difficult even once in your life? something like etrian odyssey? or do you just shitpost about people who don't like intentionally obnoxious games that discourage you from playing them? we both know the answer to this question but i'm asking it to put you on the spot for being a fuckwit

my god, the cope just never stops with you freaks

Shame on you for not sharing the modlist

Holy shit.... Why have I NEVER thought of this. Thank you user. I may actually enjoy this game to the finish instead of burning out with stress a quarter way through.

>intentionally obnoxious games
but that's the point. its trying to be unfair

Based degenerate mod enjoyer.
>something like etrian odyssey
Ah yes, anime lolis. The ultimate encouragement of engaging, fun, and fair turn-based rpg games.

>praising someone for enjoying a game how they want while simultaneously insulting something for having art you can just choose not to use
pathetic hypocrisy, honestly

All that's missing is a mod that removes the torch mechanic in its entirety, based otherwise

>walk 20 feet
>click item
>walk another 20 feet
>click item

such engaging gameplay, I wonder what 200 IQ genius came up with it

Punishment is only constructive if there's some sort of causal link between the punishment and the player's actions. Same goes for rewards.
Randomly receiving a bunch of illnesses and negative traits at the end of a dungeon after a near flawless run doesn't do anything but engender frustration.
On the flip side, receiving positive traits just because the game says so - while not exactly annoying - is a somewhat hollow and unfulfilling experience.
I assert that if this process was intelligently administered based on certain factors such as:
> total damage sustained by each hero
> total stress build-up of each hero
> time spent above/below 50% light
> number of items interacted with
> number of positive/negative interactions
> number of deaths
> number of retreats
> whether any heroes have afflictions, and whether they are virtuous or not
then the game would not have a reputation as such a sadistically unfair suffering box.

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>Pffft, why would I waste my time with small fries
You are defining small fries as enemies that can bring you from full health to death's door in one round before you gain a 1% increase to your power that you have no way to stop other than to just not play the game.
Making you purchase whatever random heroes show up and level them up to 2 or 3 to be able to fight a specific boss because a specific party you want to use has come to the false conclusion that it shouldn't do the job you're paying it to do because it is "far above" the fight is among the worst mechanics I've seen in a game. It's artificially padding the game in a way that would make coin eating machines in the late 80s blush. There are dozens of mechanics that would punish you for bringing high level heroes to low level zones, such as the threat of casually losing a high level hero for almost no reward. Sealing them off entirely is as artificial as it gets.

> its better to abandon heroes who get too high level.

you are a fucking retard. i can't even imagine being this dumb. you have 32 slots for heroes, and you get rid of high level ones willingly?

just add +HP trinkets to all 4 heroes, and take all the available food you can.

you can get away with no healers. except in Crimson Court.

>you're just bad at a game youve never even played
Are you legitimately sub-80 IQ or are you just pretending because you think its funny

>its supposed to be shit

Darkest Dungeon is literally the one ( 1) game where I recommend you play on Easy mode ( Radiant), the very first time.

Yet there is STILL a whole thread full of faggots complaining its too hard, the RNG is unfair, blah blah blah. Absolutely pathetic.

So much cope trying to defend a horrible game. The art style is cool but the game itself is straight garbage.

Some of you need to learn what compound interest is btw.

do they randomly generate diseases? you get the disease during battle.

as for the quirks, i can at least agree with you that they should be relevant for the area you're in

are you going to elaborate what you mean?

What don't you like about it?

Best mods for DD1?

here's my modlist, I also have some R18 level backgrounds and some paywalled character mod that adds a slut with sex animations for camping, but I only used it once since apart from that it's a shit mod
I used to have more mods but I reduced it, became too bloated at some point

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>The game doesn't let me get my heroes to level 100, I'm capped at level 6, bullshit game locking me out

The game could have been great if they didnt double down on some of their bullshit design decisions.

No idea why people compare this to battle brothers. Both have randomized elements but BB succeeded in making me give a shit about my crew while DD is a clone crew with random afflictions and a tiered level system that explicitly doesn’t allow veteran units to help rookies.

Into the trash. The sequel proves they didn’t know what they were doing anyway.

you're supposed to use and abuse your heroes. you literally should be buying stagecoach upgrades at first.

heroes dont matter, killing bosses and upgrading your town matter. the only 2 that matter are Dismas and Reynauld

what would you change?

opinion discarded. Lil zooms use this word when they big mad to emphasize a point even thought the word almost never actually has to be used because their vocabulary is shit and their thoughts predetermined

Everything. The whole idea of DD2 is trash.

>This fucking thread
I knew you guys were bad but holy shit, at this point just watch it on Youtube

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i was referring to DD, actually.

Thank you very much!

> wah why wont it let me use my level 5 heroes on a level 4 dungeon?!?
> what do you mean I cant use my four 50 HP heroes, up against two 8 HP skeletons?!?
pathetic, and filtered. at least you're right that the 2nd one is trash.

i think almost everyone agrees on that. alot of people love DD though.

Since when "degenerate" is a praise, retard? I just respect that he plays like he wants despite ruining the essence of the game.
>insulting something for having art you can just choose not to use
Sorry, i respect everyone but pedos.
"B-b-but it's not real". Sure user.

>are you going to elaborate what you mean?
No cause you are a stupid fat gay retard that will just make the s.oyjak face while drinking craft beer at a barcade and using their wifi to simp for bad games because your favorite homosexual Twitch streamer made funny faces while playing them

I went into DD expecting it to be utterly brutal and it's one of the most fair and forgiving games I've played. The majority of my fuck ups have come from playing while sleep deprived at 4am or simply not taking notes of weakpoints, then running into something unprepared despite knowing better.

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Why even have levels then? I can't think of a single good RPG that locks you out of content for being too high in level.

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