Finally finished elden ring

Finally finished elden ring
>100 hours in and only malenia left
Should be done in like 1 hour tops right? Feelsgood.

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>1 hour
user I...


Wasn't this game speed-run at 12 minutes?

Melania's easy if you learn to dodge waterfowl dance yourself

If you look up videos on how to dodge waterfowl dance then you didn't beat her though

It's possible to skip very far to the end if you know what you're doing

>look up videos
i aint no pleb

You probably missed a lot of stuff

Not really I didnt every quest and explored everywhere
I dont die a lot

Heh that's what you think, there's so many missable things.


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You definitely missed stuff

I'm 100 hours in and still not done and found the game to not be too hard, but even I have seen people mention names of NPC's I haven't met or interacted with, despite trying to be really thorough and exhaustive with the game.

I've seen webms of people finding crazy invisible paths and illusory walls that take 30hits to dispel too. The game is full of secrets like the first Zelda game

Yeah you found most of stuff but you still have things to discover.

lol you really think going through the easily accessible zones means you got everything, keep playing
>that mountain top

I looked up images of waterfowls in anticipation of the fight

You're far from done

It took me 40 tries to defeat Elden Beast with Rykard sword and only did because I sat in a point where the Elden Beast AI bugged out and wouldnt move.
What a fucking bullshit fight with that ball of light following you forever.

I looked up images of your mum's cunny in anticipation of my cooming session

I mean playing with bleed, summons, etc makes the game easy and boring, yes.

only for bs bosses like the 50th astel fight and godskin duo

Using those things makes the game feel just right dificulty wise. Summons aren't nearly as powerful as you elitists pretend they are and many bosses and enemies are actually immune or highly resistant to bleed.

I don't get this argument. Why are you supposed to restrict yourself to have fun with the game? I agree that overlevelling, and exploiting a.i by cheesing the game is a dull way to play, but earning items and spells that the game offers is a valid way to beat the game and is not the players fault at all. That's on the game.

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Using wrong warps isn't playing the game.

There's literally not a single bullshit boss, holy fuck you're a shitter, nevermind

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Hoarfrost stomp is known for being an OP ash of war, these anons are stupid for trying to criticise the way you've beat the game though

>hoarfrost stomp
You unironically didn't beat the game.

You haven't even been to the sewer or the frenzied flame proscription yet. Bet you haven't even killed Mohg yet.

>made the bleed/frost/ashes scrubs come out of the woodwork
Holy based

Crucible knight duo is bullshit as they don't split up and is basically just a test of your patience. You have to rely on their ai getting stuck near a pillar leaving them behind to get a hit in, but even then, their combined range is ridiculous. It's not a well thought out boss

There are more than 2 astel fights? I mean, named bosses, not enemies with Astel's model that hang from the ceiling in various dungeons. I only fought boss Astel in ainsel river and inside a mine in the consecrated snowfields. I'm not done with the game yet, please don't tell me there is another Astel boss fight somewhere later on.

Why are those things even in the game if they're not meant to be used? This is like saying if you didn't okay the game with one hand, you didn't beat it.

you didnt beat off

Poke one with a long shaft weapon, sometimes one will sprint at you leaving the other behind, once one of them enter phase two they will close gap you most of the time giving you time to deal damage.

i didnt use it vs bosses

The game can be perfectly won without them and it shows much more merit and competence from the player not using them. Or in other words, they are more skilled than you.

cope lol
reminder you didnt beat the game if you used op shit

I can say that too lol

>using a straight sword without square off

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of course I beat the game. In fact, I beat it much easier and more effectively than you did. That makes me the better player.

You didn't beat the game. You're gonna have to restart and use a Greatsword.

That's why it's bad. It's just a test of patience. And when they sprint, the other is usually attacking, and by the time you've avoided the attacks you can only get a hit in before you're back on the defensive. It's a bad boss fight, it doesn't give you enough options.

you didnt beat the game

>i used the baby tactics; therefore, I'm better than you
??? You are literally less skilled, though.

Elden Ring is an action RPG. The goal of the game is to make your character as powerful as possible. You yourself have leveled up your character and your weapon of choice, so you too are making the game easier for yourself. Your arbitrary rules as to what is and what isn't allowed when it comes to power progression is just pathetic. Either beat the game naked with a lvl 1 wretch and an unupgraded club, or stop talking.

>Elden Ring is an action RPG.
That wasn't intentional. Miyasaki's vision was never to make an RPG.

How so? I was able to utilize the tools the game provided me much more effectively than you did. As a result of that, I beat the bosses pressumably much faster than you with much less struggle. I am objectively better at this game than you are.

>reductio ad absurdum
Nice fallacy, but no, it's just called: being better.

I mean sure. I've played the game that way up until after radahn before I decided to respec and change class. I got bored with it. All I did was roll through attacks and hit a jump R2 when the boss recovered. We can all argue that this is more difficult as you basically have only one mode of attack, but the game itself isn't that difficult. It just catches people out for panic rolling. The combat isn't the point of these games or the difficulty. Other games do this shit way better, like monster hunter. You guys are missing the point and trying to be all elitist to gain internet special club license.

>hahaha op u the real game starts now!
>Bet you didn't do all the quests! There's a ton!

I don't understand why people say this. The game is fucking tiny, I can count the number of quests in the game on my fingers, and there's a grand total of MAYBE half a dozen things to actually find that are hidden off the main path of the game.

Am I wrong in assuming that people just actually play games, and don't have some retarded blinders on all the time? I played every piece of content this game has, I explored every possible location, beat every boss, found every secret and even a good number of places I managed to get to that I WISHED had secrets there but actually didn't, all in less than 100 hours.

So what the fuck did all of you manage to waste your time doing where you're way over 100 hours, and have managed to miss stuff or leave shit unfinished?

You literally took shortcuts and no skilled your way up, and this is how you cope? You realize a better player doesn't need to use all the tools given right?

We get it, you used the wiki, what a shitter.

You used a guide and found things out online then. Simple. I'd bet there's stuff in this game NO ONE Has discovered yet. Look at all the illusory walls, hidden paths and the huge size of the underground map in addition. You haven't got everything in under 100 no way.

Name me one single thing you think someone would need the wiki to find. Just one thing.

Not him but completing Sellen's questline, the chances of you finding the doors is incredibly tiny and a matter of pure coincidence, often times you never return to these zones ever.

You used objectively worse strategies. I used the best strategies in the game and took the victory.

>I'd bet there's stuff in this game NO ONE Has discovered yet
This has to be a meme, I don't know why anyone would perpetuate this retardation. Justifying your own lack of exploration and spending most of your playtime dead by saying "B-b-but maybe there's a secret invisible wall you didn't find! Maybe! And then you'll feel silly!"

You know what? Maybe there IS a secret hidden illusionary wall neither I nor anyone has found. Maybe. And you know what will be behind it? A fucking Smithing Stone 4 and a Rune [3]. Wow.

>radahn armor
didn’t beat the game

You admit you're less skilled than an honest player, ok, weird concession but i will take it lol

That has nothing to do with skill, that's just you having bad game sense and being stupid. Just imagine how nonsensical your mindset would be when applied to any other walk of life like art or professional sports or the military. If you can't make use of the tools given to you, then you fail at your task and you are objectively worse at it than someone who can. There is no honor in being a tenacious gimp when you are gimping yourself on purpose.

Seluvis gives you a potion and doesn't tell you who to give it to. I don't remember there being any hints as to who either, except that it's a woman

>Name me one single thing you think someone would need the wiki to find

If you aren't playing online, there are no player messages to tell you where things are hidden. You would never have found doll man's rape dungeon without a guide. There are also plenty of complete bullshit hidden walls throughout the game and some that require multiple hits.

So you conceded but still insulted me. Interesting.

>Crucible knight duo is bullshit
crucible knights are a joke once you learn you can chain parry them so easily

I am more skilled, I used the best strategies. You are less skilled, you used awful strategies. It's that simple.

>he got help from his friends
You literally
The game
Seethe cope and dilate

>the chances of you finding the doors
You mean the door in the floor that looks exactly like the other 3 secret floor illusions, and also happens to be part of another NPC's quest? Not that hard to find my dude.

Nigga what he literally tells you to give it to Nepheli Loux.

>So you conceded but still insulted me.
It was a joke. There is no secret hidden wall that no one has discovered, and even on the off chance there is, there's nothing behind it.

That's not the only secret floor in the questline lol

>There are also plenty of complete bullshit hidden walls throughout the game and some that require multiple hits.
There is ONE wall that requires multiple hits and that is because it's not an illusion, it's part of a cut game script and the devs set it to be a breakable object with 9999 HP, so you technically can break it if you deal enough damage to it but it just gets fixed the next time you load the area since it's not meant to be broken.

There is nothing else in the game that functions like this.

>There is ONE

There are two.

There are two actually

>no Shunning Grounds
>no Volcano Cave
>at least 5 visible catacombs/caves not found
>no west divine tower
>no double boss grace in Radahn's castle
>no consecrated catacombs
Did you even play the fucking game?

Pathetic shitter. Cope.

>decide to summon ppl to finish the game (i dropped it because of all the recycled stuff)
>they all use the same weapons, flask and spells
>they somehow all die instantly
>it's easier to beat the bosses by myself

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Is that why other anons can beat it as easy with worse strategies? What a sad cope lol

I can beat it with worse strategies too, but I enjoy using the best strategies more.