She'S right

If you want accurate translations, just learn Jap: takes ca. 700 hrs
>100 - 200 hours
Ido, Esperanto, English, Volapük
>400 - 600 hours
Spanish, French, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Italian, Portuguese, Irish, Welsh, Klingon, Vietnamese, Mongolian, Indonesian
>700 - 1000 hours
Japanese (medium-level), German, Latin, Malay, Swahili, Lojban, Finnish, Hungarian, Maori
>1000 - 1500 hours
Polish, Russian, Tagalog, Hindi, Sanskrit, Greek, Hebrew, Lithuanian, Icelandic, Qiang, Huizhou, Hlai
>1500 - 2200
Burmese, Amharic, Gothic, Thai, Okinawan, Basque, Nahuatl, Korean, Japanese (high-level), Wutunhua
>2200 - 3000
Arabic, Mandarin + Cantonese (medium-level), Gan, Navajo, Fuzhounese, Syriac, Ping, She
>3000 - 4000
Mandarin (high-level), Wu, Classical Arabic, Pu-Xian, Hmong, Berik, Xiang, Hainanese, Jino, Lahu
>3000 - 5000
Cantonese (high-level), Teochew, Akkadian, Tibetan, Kay(f)bop(t), Hakka, Baima, Pumi, Be
>5000 - 8,000 hours
Old + Middle Chinese, Coptic, Sino-Navajo creole, Jin, Yitdut, Ge'ez, Nüshu
>8000 - 10,000 hours
Tuyuca, Tangut, Yi, Min, Piraha, Wenzhounese, Jie
>10000 - 12,000 hours
Classical Chinese, Tâigí, Taa

Attached: merumeruchann_20190827214154.png (607x361, 41.81K)

People don't want "literal" translations. People want ACCURATE translations. You fucking failed authors just want to claim the work of someone else for your "own" because you know you are worth nothing as an author OR as a translator and you can only get away with this shit because nobody gives a fuck about standards when it comes to video games.

Report for trolling outside of Yea Forums and hide you fucking retard. Do you have down's syndrome or only started lurking yesterday?

Kill yourself localization tranny

If I had to spend 700 hours learning a language I'd rather pick latin. Way cooler than asian moonspeak, literally all asian languages are dogshit. Shame the west didn't teach them how to speak like a human being after Hiroshima

again with this stupid shit?

All right Yea Forums, if you're so smart, take a crack at this untranslatable dialogue between two villagers in Animal Crossing.
>A: 前物、 テレビでフケーキって言葉を聞いたんだけど、 一体、 それはなんだかね?
>B: うーん、イチゴがのっているケーキかもしれないね。
>A: いずれは食べてみたいわね、 フケーキ・・・
>B: そうね! 今度一緒に食べようよ!
>A: あ、アタイも食べたい!


The thing is japs language is dog shit, most japs cant remember or handwrite most of their kanji. Their gubermint know this and tried to simplified the language but failed due to muh tradition.
It's a dog shit language based on chink, honestly don't bother with thia shit

No. When they re-evaluate the language so I don't have to remember and recognize 4000 chinese symbols, then maybe.

Deepl gives this:

>A: I heard the word "fukake" on TV, what the heck is that?
>B: Well, it could be a cake with strawberries on it.
>A: I'd like to try it sometime... mmm...cake...
>B: Yes! Let's have it together sometime!
>A: Oh, I want some too!


You worthless faggot, actually learn something useful like Mandarin or Cantonese instead.
Even Cantonese: despite being one of the many Chinese languages, roughly 3 times as many speak it compared to Japanese. Not to mention, the weeb community is much bigger in China than in the west, so your favorite Jap games have already been translated into Mandarin most likely.
So not only will you have much more job opportunities (as opposed to being paid below minimum wage in Japan like the retarded foreigner you are; why else do you think they're pushing this whole "Japan loves foreigners"-bullshit?) but also play your pathetic little weeb games. Mandarin has a huge amount of ACG vocabulary from Japanese, shit like 的说. It has all the special vocab to represent your oh-so-beloved Japanese idiosyncrasies.

Not to mention, as a language, Japanese is a total clusterfuck. Unlike Vietnamese and Zhuang, who developed new characters coined on the same rebus principle as Mandarin character words, creating Chu Nom and Sawndip, Japanese, Koreans, and Ryukyuans resorted to clumsily trying to phonetically transcribe their native vocabulary with Chinese characters instead of mass creating new characters for their language. This went on until kana and hangul were effectively plagiarized and used for native words. Japanese and Korean words like Joseon, Silla were transcribed with Chinese characters based on phonetic transliteration.
It's like a bunch of retards got their hands on Chinese and didn't know what to do with it.

Attached: 1603731216194.png (747x1009, 566.6K)

>most japs cant remember or handwrite most of their kanji.
They actually can. Go up to any random japanese guy on the street and tell him to draw an obscure kanji and he'll probably be able to do it.

pic rel is harder

Attached: 194201_頁面_07.png (1354x2013, 189.61K)

I already don't trust pozzed english translators, why the fuck would I trust commie chink translators?


>actually learn something useful like Mandarin or Cantonese instead.
Nice bait. Who the fuck wants to have to deal with Chinese people?

Outside of the regular 3000? Doubt.
The point is, language purpose is to convey informations, and when the language itself is a obstacle to that very purpose, its dog shit.
You wouldn't want to eat shit, why bother with dog shit chonk mock off language

Clearly they can convey information to one another, so the language works. Even if it has its quirks.
English isn't perfect either, plenty of people can't spell words they use several times a day.

Is this from a Japanese occupied Chinese/Taiwanese school material? the furigana and the tones combined looks extremely cursed.

I've been learning Japanese for maybe 10ish months. I can already tell that subtitles in games often do not match the spoken dialog. I can't entirely understand what the characters themselves are saying, but I can certainly tell you they're two different things.

they're pretty good

Attached: s9nkodolmcq81 (1).jpg (1032x2236, 260.93K)

>don't wanna learn japanese because of chinese symbols
>lmao learn something useful like chinese

Attached: 164588171111.jpg (800x450, 39.57K)

wait a minute that thread...

I don't read moon, does it say, "the nigger", in multiple different dialects? Are those little symbols next to the big ones there because they literally can't read their own symbols and have to dumb it down?

Actually he has a point. Japs kanji is really inflexible and poor equipped for modern world, thats why they have to ise a lot of katakana for technical terms and shit.
In that regard chinks is much better, but still, I wouldn't go near either, fuck them aymbols bruh, barbarian language for subhuman.

This this. So much this. It's also about doing your fucking job properly and not add your political agenda into the dialog, by using words like "xe".

How the fuck is this trolling you nigger redditor?

Found the bugchink.

>Are those little symbols next to the big ones there because they literally can't read their own symbols and have to dumb it down?

Attached: sqyomel8yms61.png (733x498, 4.82K)

I have a girlfriend who lived in japan for about three years and she's not nearly as autistic about the true essence of vidya or anime but she constantly points out how the subtitles are inaccurate. I know it's particularly bad when she brings it up because then it won't be a simple mistranslation, the character would straight up be saying something completely different.

Japan reformed written Japanese in the 1950s to cut out a lot of the more difficult and rare kanji and replace them with kana. Try to read documents from the Imperial era, 70-80% of any given page with be kanji. And a lot of them will be kanji that schools in Japan no longer teach, so you’ll have to dig through obscure kanji books to read through it because even the average modern Jap will struggle to read it. It’s like reading mediaeval english written in gothic script. Picrel

Attached: 887EB44F-E65E-4121-8617-5E467844A895.jpg (738x1438, 401.22K)

fpbp no need to scroll down here

>game uses slang
>localilze it into slang equivalent so it makes sense

Attached: 1636272729076.png (773x268, 25.17K)

>What we want
>"Guess we can't do anything about it now."
>What we get
>"Shit that sucks senpai."

Don't learn Mandarin

Attached: china anon.png (1400x5552, 946.04K)

I forgot about the filter for family.

I don't care about the effort, only the end result. Literal translation retains the japanese character and is more authentic, plus no intruding on the dialogue

I'm fairly certain picrel is in German, user.
Nice cursive gothic though, very neat.

go fuck yourself Meru

The ancient chinese royally fucked up written language in asia by trying to make their writing system use symbols for entire words rather than individual sounds. The egyptians and the mayans fell for the same trap. Because most of the rest of asia fell under china’s influence, most of the rest of asia ended up copying that same mistake. Korea eventually created their own writing system, whilst the Indochinese just adopted the latin alphabet. The Japanese meanwhile get stuck with an unholy combination of modified chinese characters (that are often so divorced from their chinese roots that they no longer resemble the characters they were originally based on) and TWO different indigenous writing systems. And they mix all three of these

Why is it when people defend the concept of changing things in localization they always go to puns, when there's tons of examples of things that aren't untranslatable puns getting changed for no reason and are what people are complaining about.

middle English oftentimes looks like Dutch/Frisian, because English is a germanic language. The further back you go, the more ‘german’ it looks. There are some early english texts that native German speakers have an easier time reading than do English speakers.

This but unironically. English slang is lot more ephemeral and retarded sounding than Japanese slang.

>People want ACCURATE translations.
EOPs are always so fucking funny, spouting gibberish like this.

English should be higher

Okay groomer

"..., die namen der selben sind /
Gregorius, Johannes und /
Benedictus [darmus?] dann nu(n) /
Keyser Sigmund coroli der viert(er) /
sun sich mitt groser [etc.]"
I'm sorry, but that's definitely middle German.
This kind of script is maybe 14th century at the earliest but more likely 15th or 16th c.
At that point the Germanic languages had definitely split to a greater degree.

If you didn't realize this thread is being spammed for days straight.

>sussy baka

>Something about not knowing what a fukake is
>Mmm... it's strawberry cake isn't it?
>something about wanting to try the cake, fukake...
>Oh! I want to eat too!

this goodness for this one user's personal account without an absolute shred of proof. It's not like people here are known for lying.

learn Mandarin then

>I'd have to try a lot less hard
this bitch is literally retarded

This, if anything I should trust the post that says Mandaring is good, because at least it has a gigachad image instead of a cartoon owl. Owls are fucking vile, while gigachad is a meme I can understand and emphatize with.


Street slang and twitter slang are not the same thing.


Nailed it.

Don't care to, my main issue with that retarded spammed post is that it makes absolutely 0 sense and just seems like the perfect storm of idpol shit the type of retard here likes to post. And that's ignoring stupid shit in the post like "his friend" sending him alone to inspect (that's fucking retard you wouldn't send 1 person to inspect heavy grade large materials) or the fact that he mentions them moving it with a forklift (never done they're moved with magnets on cranes).

The post reads like someone who spent 10 minutes looking this up and concocted the perfect outrage story for retards looking for any reason to shit on retarded chinks even more. I don't even care about it being another generic anti-china post it just sounds like flat out bullshit.

Chinese is also a lot harder to learn than Japanese.

This, honestly, the more you look at it, the more it becomes obvious that most anti-china posts are propaganda. A key example is constantly posting webms of accidents etc, omitting the fact that they're usually from TV shows, movies etc.