>Russia is going to be the villains of videogames yet again for another fucking 15 years now
God fucking dammit, Russians are boring as villains.
Give me Chinese or North Koreans or something.
Russia is going to be the villains of videogames yet again for another fucking 15 years now
Only an issue if you play shitty military FPS games.
Russia won
What did they win?
i mean if it means i get to blast some russki weapons
>Give me Chinese or North Koreans or something.
why? chinese and norks are more of a "good guy" than modern russians are.
koreans being bad guys is pure burger cope btw, imagine being threatened by such a tiny goddamn country.
>Chinese or North Korean
we had those already as well how about we have a game about shooting americans instead
Why even bother pretending not to be Russian when you can openly shoot or bomb the place and then just say "we didn't bomb you, you bombed yourselves"
>the people of the evil empire are upset that their villains haven't changed.
and that's a good thing
fuck bydlos
Name some modern games where China is the villain.
>Evil Empire
We don't have empires any more.
Remember when Splinter Cell and Crysis had Koreans as enemies
Remember when you could play as Chinese infantry in Battlefield
The United States of America. They are and have been the evil empire for the past 200 years. Almost every story written in the past 100 years bases their evil empire off of the USA. This country will literally go to war with you if you refuse to do what it wants and then will bury any news about what its doing. Then the USA will go around and act as the world police, condemning other countries for doing the exact same shit the USA does all the time.
>The United States of America.
Is not an empire.
If it was it would have invaded Canada and South America, not like either could fucking stop them.
Weak nations like Russia wish they were an empire but aren't because they are too weak.
Strong nations like America consciously have decided not to be an empire.
die kike
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor.
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor.
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor.
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor.
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor.
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor.
>Almost every story written in the past 100 years bases their evil empire off of the USA.
Yeah, leftists are cringe like that.
>Le America is an empire even though it openly stops war between nations and provides protection to all nations in their ability to trade goods
t. Vatnik
No, Russia is too incompetent to be a Villain.
They just chose the path of least resistance you dumb faggot. Why do you think they are the only country with military bases in other countries? Latin America is a shithole because of the US constantly couping presidents and installing weak and corrupt dictators that are loyal to the US
That's what you get for being shit at propaganda war.
Besides, the incompetence and failure of this invasion will make them the second rate villain for the prologue or to be the henchmen for the real villain.
>They just chose the path of least resistance you dumb faggot.
So they aren't an empire.
>wow russia is so based!! fighting nazis!!!!
>S-South America is a shithole
Because south america is a shit hole.
Anyone who blames the US for south america being lower IQ idiots with a love of communism is a low IQ communist themselves.
>A-Africa would be a world super power if it weren't for le white man!
chinese and NK are not white male enough
>Russia is going to be the villains of videogames yet again for another fucking 15 years now
No, it literally won't. If they are the villains it will be Arab tier villains. The "this country we invaded is fucked up" kind of thing. The days of Russia being portrayed as the spooky peer enemy that invades your country are over. Hell, i wager even the "Russian tough guy" stereotype is over. No one will ever be able to take them seriously after this pathetic debacle. They days "RUSSIA STRONK" are over, in geopolitics as well as in culture.
>invades your country to protect you from "communism" when its just a ploy to keep labor cheap
>invades your country to ensure oil prices stay low
>invades your country because its companies were complaining they weren't getting away with building factories and using your population for slave labor
>assassinates your democratically elected leader, arms local gangs, and installs dictators because its hurts the illegal drug trade they are funding in order to justify their domestic policies
>destabilizes a country for whatever reason they want near yours and all the refugees flood into your country because they know you'll blame the refugees and not them
All things good countries do.
Almost the entire world is dominated by American culture and is in their sphere of influence. The world might not all be labeled as "America" but it sure does a lot of what America wants.
>Almost the entire world is dominated by American culture and is in their sphere of influence.
That's not an empire, that's the rest of the world being obsessed with America, including you
Maybe South America should stop falling for the communism meme
I don't care who the villains or the good guys are, I'm a military-industrial complex fag. As long as people are buying weapons and fighting wars then I'm happy. That said, I do want to fight more PLA cause I think china has some cool gear.
>Chinese villains
>Outdated in 5 years
>Triggers Asian-Americans in the meantime
>Still a shitty fps
>games feature modern optics even in WW2
>the absolute state of Russian military in 2020s
It's really funny that you can track the decline of SA and African countries to when they adopted socialism and it just went to utter shit from there with turbo corruption and just apathy from the population.
And specially for Africa, their continent is fucking shit to ship out all the resources they have, but modernity could have allowed them to transport shit for the first time in history to become really rich (railways and building artificial harbours)
But no, fuck having infrastructure and shirt, the leader needs another billion dollar mansion for his cocaine stash, then get free grain from the UN and resell it to the population. Then scream it's whity fault and colonialism and repeat
>more PLA cause I think china has some cool gear
do they?
If we want to talk about the amount of money the continent has received (not individual nations). It goes into the trillions. I can't be arsed to listen to anyone who mentions africa. And maybe I should... not saying that's a good thing. It just feels pointless, to say the least.
>But no, fuck having infrastructure and shirt, the leader needs another billion dollar mansion for his cocaine stash, then get free grain from the UN and resell it to the population. Then scream it's whity fault and colonialism and repeat
It literally is. If the leader wasn't like that, they'd behead or abduct him and support a new one. Democracy 101
How 'bout we compromise and make the 1980s Soviet Union the antagonists?
More personal taste as opposed to performance, I'm not making claims of superiority.
fair enough, I liked their designs in battlefield
>I-It's le white ppls fault
Villains have to be a threat.
Russia is struggling so badly against these farmers lead by an comedian, that they've had to retreat, reconsolidate their forces and take to long range missile attacks.
If they even were attempting to use Russia in a video game realistically, they're armed forces would be laughably inferior. If anything an Ace Combat might be better suited to Russia then a Call of Duty as this war has shown anything.
>Russians are boring as villains
What's more disappointing is trying to portray them as competent or threatening.
>country tries to adopt socialism
>CIA starts arming the local warlords and gangs
>assassinates the people who actually want to make a change
>installs another warlord or dictator
Weird how that always happens.
Everyone will remember this era, and exactly why you cannot be trusted.
Because you South American's can't help but destroy your economy again?
>Socialist country fails
Like always, maybe stop falling for the socialism meme retard
(You) will be judged by God and Man alike.
did you ever hear fucking spoken chinese?
it's one of the ugliest languages out there. fuck no.
>N-No socialism would work this time I promise!
>Socialist country fails
Explain china then
Makes it more fun to blow their heads off
C** missed that one.
China has a GDP per Capita (PPP) lower than Mexicos.
Because Russians can take it. Chinese are the most thin-skinned motherfuckers in this existence.
>What about China
Proves that user right. China is a shithole.
The annoying part is that every time socialists do this they add another country to the long list of shitty places to live. And it just keeps growing. That said, I don't have an issue with the concept of socialism, just socialists themselves.
>Muh CIA
Ok genocide apologist
>Explain china then
why are russoshills like this?
>The CIA is so fucking powerful it single handedly has destroyed hundreds of communist countries
How do they do it bros?
Why are socialist trannies so weak?