2013-2015 was the year when we lost gayming

the game (((devs))) took a huge bet and won:

>cdpr made fake trailers for witcher 3, downgraded it to pre 2010s levels lying to their customers, they didnt even release the promised red kit
>onions jacks ate it all up and even thanked them for making such a 'great' game (kek)
>some of them even refuse to believe that the downgrade happened, calling it a 'art style' change

>bethesda made fallout 4, hyped it up but had to downgrade it a shit ton because 'muh consoles'
>you ended up with a shitty story, niggers, thousands of bugs and 4 dialogue options 2 of which are basically the same (again, kek)
>onions jacks again thanked them for it and got ready to coonsoome their new product

>rockstar released gta 5, they wasnt any huge downgrade but the lightning out right sucked (still does) andd it lacked many key features of gta 4 (physics, even ordering tacos on the street and going into fast foods, as well as meny other small quality of life features)
>onions jacks ate it all up and asked for more, they released online so people can play together and retards started shitting on the story asking for more online content
>executives saw the profit and ordered them to make more
>ffw a few years, all story dlcs are canceled and you have a new saints row instead of gta but even worse

those are just the 3 main games, there were many more but those were the most 'promising' AAA games and they set a standard for the industry

they got away with so much shit, that they just did not give a fuck anymore and decided to make shit games on purpose

as over half percent of the 'human' population cant imagine a apple in their heads and the rest is either plain retarded, coping, or just likes to get fucked over they asked for more and barely any of them complained

>w-who cares that they didnt even deliver half of the features promised!!! its still a great game!!! j-just grow up, okay!!!


Attached: downgrade.jpg (1920x2068, 657.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:


since then we have only gotten shitty souless games with graphics slowly degrading despite technology progressing

just compare ac black flag and origins, not too far apart but ac black flag is 10 times better in terms of everything

and im not talking about muh we wuz kangz i mean quite literally, the main charcter moves a lot better and clearly has better path finding

the reason they downgraded is not because of muh consoles, but because they wanted to save costs and see how much they can fuck the goyim over before they notice

and the goyim never noticed

so go ahead user, enjoy your new cape shit 2022 shooter with the main character as a black commie tranny in which you get banned for wrong think

oh and now that im writing this did you anons also notice that despite many games being pc exclusive and having no console limitations, they somehow never manage to deliver the graphics and features showed on e3? interesting isnt it?


ignore shills which tell you that gayming died years before

ignore shills which use nu speak buzz words like 'bullshot' as it barely happened before 2013

ignore retards/shills defending downgraded games

link to the previous general on which more anons post examples of downgraded games like final cucktasy:

Attached: water.webm (960x540, 631.39K)

game devs have lied for fucking YEARS you goddamn underage b&
>ignore shills which tell you that gayming died years before
yea ignore people who weren't 8 years old like you were 15+ years ago
>lists asscreed as example of when gaming was good
this speaks for itself

in conclusion: kill yourself

>he thinks that 2d rts and cardboard cutouts were peak gaming

kill yourself

Attached: pathethic.gif (948x540, 699.92K)

Top: Ds3, sekiro
Bottom: Elden rangs

Many such cases

How did get away with this bros?

>same thread again
how many rupees do you get for this?

cherry picked bullshot for promotional material vs cherry picked misty day with draw distance turned all the way down on medium to low settings. Witcher 3 is to this day one of the best looking world games.

>>some of them even refuse to believe that the downgrade happened, calling it a 'art style' change

i saw some retard on youtube deny that tf2 got its graphics downgraded, he said the same retarded thing lmao "art style" change

oh and i forgot to add, ignore shills defending multi milion dollar corporations which want us dead

will add that in the next general

pic related is cybertranny 1984 team, dont get hyped for witcher 4

by the way, i get paid 17 cents per post and i shit on poor fags

Attached: ESmDFM2X0AEjndp.jfif.jpg (1920x1202, 2.26M)

>as over half percent of the 'human' population cant imagine a apple in their heads and the rest is either plain retarded, coping, or just likes to get fucked over they asked for more and barely any of them complained
normies are pure cancer indeed. it's not "over half percent of the population", it's like +98% of people

oh i forgot to add 'jewish' in front of the multi milion dollar corporations, again my bad

Attached: village.jfif.jpg (154x327, 12.28K)

oh posted the thumbnail

many such cases

by (((offical))) data its 50% but i agree, its more like in the 97% range

Attached: gLQRd7N.jpg (2000x4232, 667.46K)

another image, i have many

check the old thread for more downgrade images for diffrent games

Attached: lk.png (1333x1500, 3.04M)

Why are you bringing this up now, 7 years later?
Why witcher 3 specifically and not CDPR latest game Cyberpunk which also had a downgrade?
I do not understand.

Just remove AA, desaturate a little and put on some sharpening.

Just download some visual mods if you care about it that much you schizo nonce

Attached: 1627274625504.jpg (525x278, 29.04K)

Actually it was 2007

they took a real world looking game with dark themes and made it into a fantasy sex simulator for onions jacks

just look at the lighthing, it looks like a childrens coloring book

oh and the yellow filter on top of it all...

because everyone reasonable that new cyber tranny would fail, with witcher 3 they were still a new studio and many people didnt know what to expect and got scammed

they didnt tell us abou the downgrade till after the retail release of the game

18 posts 12 ips, someone in the office is very lazy...

Attached: lp3.png (1333x1500, 1.08M)

Would you prefer a game to run like shit, but look very pretty or to run at a consistent framerate, but look worse? Seems to me that CDPR made the right choice. The last gen consoles barely managed to handle the downgraded game at 30 fps.

Don't bother. He won't listen so It's better to just let him scream into void until he tires himself out.

I don't get it. The downgrade screenshots still look beautiful? Many games use promo material that doesn't reflect the final result, but Witcher 3's final result still looks excellent almost 7 years later.

I agree. Reminds me of what Accursed Farms said in his video on The Division.

>posting a static gif screenshot comparison

i dont know shit about video games but cant they just turn lots of settings down? use less lighting, lower res textures/shadows, decimate every models polygon count, etc for old consoles? why did they downgrade the game on better hardware

Attached: The Division.png (905x836, 142.59K)

hello rajesh

i simply do not give a fuck, console fags get the rope and people with beast pc's could have enjoyed the e3 2013 witcher if they didnt downgrade it

Attached: glow niggers.png (3006x1543, 271.39K)

Based, glow niggers get the rope

They didn't. Witcher 3 on Ultra looks amazing to this day. The water looks admittedly kinda shitty and the sky boxes are much less detailed than in the trailers, but that's about it.

>trannies are still mad at witcher 3 seven years later

Attached: 1645725241346.jpg (423x400, 118.41K)

Your PC in 2013 couldn't handle TW3 at ultra high and locked 60 fps.

downgrade scams ALWAYS happened, you were too young to realize it. also 2007 is when gaming died, laddy.

Attached: 1649565058788.png (800x473, 13.53K)

In fact, I bet your PC in 2015 when the downgraded version came out couldn't even handle the game on high settings in 1080p.

Witcher 3 looks fine to me.

Attached: TW3-dlc-6.jpg (3840x2160, 2.51M)

>posts his shit ~100 reply thread for the 4th time
get a hobby

Attached: TW3-dlc-15.jpg (3840x2160, 2.18M)

soulless vs soul

what mods

back then you would still have to port your games to PS3/360 iirc

IIRC, a lot of games in the early ps4/xbone generation had significant downgrades because developers were building their games around hardware that was significantly more powerful than the final console specs. It's why Assassin's Creed Unity was such a mess. By the time they realized what was going on, they were too close to launch to fix it.

>Changing Touissant's lighting and colour palette

Attached: 7a68965.jpg (1920x838, 1.41M)

I couldn't care less about the graphics, but I hate that every rpg series turns in to a movie game once the american publishers get involved. Fuck the Witcher 3.

Your pic is probably taken in the very earliest hours with it's heavenly cloud formations and soft colours.
The reality is once it strikes 8am the entire sky is one shade of cyan blue which burns into your retinas

It can change sometimes, but sucking the colour out of Touissant is just nonsensical to me, since it's suppoe to be stark contrast to places like Velen

Attached: 6eSMWWd.jpg (1920x861, 1.53M)

Wouldn't it make more sense to just not advertise the game as something else? Same thing happened with Cyberpunk, except that was more towards how the game would play out and how much their game would feature big bustling crowds all on independent cycles. Witcher dumpstered it's visuals and admittedly still managed to be a pretty good looking game but it's not what the final product should have been similar to pretty much every Ubisoft title.

Meh, the clear lighting mod for toussaint is basically mandatory. Looks way nicer without the yellow piss haze.

Attached: toussaint2.jpg (3876x1239, 3.08M)

It doesn't, I wish it looked like this throughout the day

That pic explains so much.

Gtfo zoomer

No it doesn't. CD Projekt has almost 1200 employees and they rounded up every woman for that photo for international women's day (lol) and it still only amounted to what? 100? 125?

>using AC as a sign of quality
Bro u are the problem. Imagine thinking asscreed has ever been good

>cdp, new studio
I fucking hate you stupid fucking kids
cdpr is nowhere near new studio. Who the fuck you think made witcher 1 and 2

2012 looks a lot like Witcher 2.

CDPR lied about the downgrade right up to the day before releasr and Yea Forums was full of shills and idiots who defend it. Gaming is a joke now. AA games are the only ones worth playing really. AAA gaming is just the new Hollywood

I think this downgrade should have been an early warning sign of things to come. The fact that people shouted down everyone who called out CDPR just makes this even more hilarious, when now those same people are shitting on the studio and calling it out for the Witcher 3 downgrades.

Is that what you also said when Watch Dogs released?

shills will defend this

Attached: 1607941755919.jpg (989x523, 410.28K)

it doesn't explain anything unless if you're a retarded incel

Devs can make games that look crazy good but are extremely taxing on hardware. they avoid it because poorfags and people with mid-tier rigs scream their lungs out at not being able to run everything on ultra. RDR2 on PC is a PERFECT example of this. It's a game that looks crazy good that got review bombed because most users were seething at getting sub-60 FPS with most settings on the high end.

This, people are delusional as fuck if they think their PCs could run the bullshot version in 2015.

more like fag