Are you excited? Eager? Anxious?
Are you excited? Eager? Anxious?
>being excited for anything to do with modern square enix (read: sony cum drinkers)
>stated they wanted to appeal to the west
>also said they were going to do fundamental changes
no, im not excited for blacks trannies and censorship
I fear that this game will be turned into garbage once Forespoken flops and Sony acquires Square
At least DQ3 will be good if it isn't canceled
All we have is a fucking title logo, which probably isn't even final artwork
I'm waiting to see more. I didn't care for DQ11 too much
Dragon Quest is basically the last franchise they haven't ruined yet, so yeah, I'm anxious.
I'm excited for Yuji Horii to save action RPGs
Worried it's going to be to edgy for a DQ game
I'd like to play 11 but I find it offputting that you an GF a loli.
It's staying turn-based
>you an GF a loli.
its okay when japan does it in that case. sylvando is a good character
Have you even played the game? You're projecting hard if you somehow got to this part and read it as pushing some kind of agenda.
>sylvando is a good character
He's a walking stereotype
It's borderline offensive
solve what? my obvious typo? you too stupid to put a letter on there you ESL nigger?
>that you an GF a loli.
Extremely fucking based.
Even better
Ik looking forward to it
She's like 17 or 18, and the least prudish of any girl in your party. She's also the canonical wife.
Fuck you this was funny
I was pissed the magic didn't work and only turned her old for a split second
I'm not worried about the gameplay at all but I do have concern about the art style. DQ has always been synonymous with lush green fields and in 11 they looked better than ever, I don't want a gritty brown Dragon Quest
It was funny for about two seconds, but walking across the map was tedious
She’s a 20-something that got aged down in body only by a spell and will grow back up anyway. She just gained 10ish years of life
Lolibaba just makes you even more pathetic because it sounds like you're coping with liking lolis.
But you get to see her in her original body every time you boot the game up.
>thinking mainline will ever go action based when they threatened to lynch the company over DQIX's early announcement of it being action instead of turn based.
>canonical wife
wrong, her sister is better and her scene before act 3 is basically a confession
As long as it's still Akira deciding I'm OK with it.
You can like both, you know, and this is coming from someone who doesn't like lolibabas as much.
Your wife is technically Serenica, and whichever one you choose the other one obviously comes along.
You're both fools. Princess is the only wife
just stop being gay then
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 is so based
I hope 12 is more difficult or has more difficulty options. Draconian Quests were a great idea but even if you turn them all on there are still way too many campfires and enemies are too easy to avoid.
So you want 5 hour long boss battles instead of 2?
so dont? retard.
No I just want the non-boss encounters and dungeons to have any sort of weight to them.
Why are you posting Hendrik's wife?
The option being there is problematic.
Get back on your ship and let it sink
That's like claiming that Tifa is your wife just because Aerith dies.
your existence is problematic
The hard mode and no overleveling options were nice but shit like shypox was just begging for the RNG to fuck you and waste your time
It's probably my most anticipated game, right above BotW 2.
Tales of Arise was heavy Western Twitter pandering kusoge. No one talks about that game anymore because it's uninspired and soulless for the sake of scoring social credit points with Western """Twitter gamers""".
If DQ12 kicks out turn based combat and Toriyama; I'm out, period, don't care that the composer is dead.
What do we know about it?
Tifa is the second strongest character after Cid.
Veronica is the second strongest character after Erik.
DQ is based on turn based. The game isn't for you
Shes always in my party along with Erik, but jade and grampa are the real throw up. Who do you pick? Every character in Dq11 is good to tell you the truth. I like jade though
>If DQ12 kicks out turn based combat and Toriyama; I'm out, period, don't care that the composer is dead.
That was an improper use of a semicolon.
Based Jade enjoyer.
I pick Serena and sylvando. Rab is probably better, but I don't care.
Jade is by far the most boring character.
Mildly interested. I definitely had a Dragon Quest game on NES, but was too much of a stupid kid to know what was going on. And other than that, I've never really given the series a chance.
I like Toriyama's designs, but not his style. I think the main theme is catchy, but the rest of Sugiyama's music is shit. Evidently Sugiyama isn't going to be especially involved in this one, so if the art style is a little less aggressively Toriyama, I'll probably buy it.
DQXI was great but in just the last few years Square lost a lot of goodwill with me.
I'm not writing it off completely, but they're trying too hard to appeal to the west, and that's not what people buy Japanese games for.
How can 11 be topped?
More open ended exploration and introduced sooner to the player, vocation system from 6 and 7, otherwise I'm sure whatever is put out will be fine.
Do you think Square is going to be retarded enough to make it a Ps5 exclusive?
I think I'm more anxious for the DQIII remake.
Probably be a Switch timed exclusive. It's the only place that cares about classic jrpgs at this point.