Anyone knows any other rts games that give you this comfy feel?

Anyone knows any other rts games that give you this comfy feel?

Attached: age-of-empires-2-screenshot-01.png (1280x960, 653.29K)

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Rise of Nations/Legends.

I sure do, user. How's about "Age of Mythology" for the PC?

there is nothing comfy about a persian faggot dropping a town center right on top of you 3 minutes into the game

OP here: ideally older games for extra comfy feel

learn to scout noob

This shit is pathetically easy to counter, if you're being sincere about it somehow disrupting your gameplay then go watch one of what I am sure is 1000+ YouTube videos on dealing with it.

Starcraft 1 is a lot of fun, I played both at the same time when I was young and enjoyed them in their own way. They are very different, but both give me that comfy, soulful 90s atmosphere that I love

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Rise of Nations

yeah I have SC1 and WC2. played them as a kid, im just wondering if i missed on some other games that were as good

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Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds

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rubenstock is 2200 elo and does like nothing but tc drops
it's hard as fuck to counter if the player is decent at it

the best RTS campaign ever made

C&C: Red Alert 2 is rather comfy for me.

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>This shit is pathetically easy to counter
Then why the fuck is it still used successfully by top 100 players?

yeah I also played this one

others I played but weren't comfy:

KKND Crossfire
Warhammer 40k final liberation

just dont play competitively

i played this one but star wars isn't very comfy in my book



I mean I'm always gonna say Wc3, the atmosphere in that game on some maps was just so relaxing. Maps with perpetual rain and muted color while your dudes are chopping wood and building just brings me back to my comfiest of memories.

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3d games aren't comfy in my book, in fact wc3 was around when I started getting bored of videogames

I will never understand how anyone sees AoE/AoM games as comfy, even remotely. I love these games and must have like 1000 hours in both combined and they're about as comfy as SC1 matches

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*OLD* Warcraft 3

go back to sucking dicks on reddit

Different strokes then, I guess. I hated the switch from crisp 2d sprites in Wc2 to 3 (plus wc2 ogre magi was fucking bonkers) but over time it really grew on me.

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More simcity but Caesar 3 hits some of the same notes aesthetically and for watching the town grow.

keep spamming your "I love sucking dick" image folder you waste of space

Are there any city builder type games with a somewhat fleshed out military gameplay going on as well

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>I can't stop sucking all these dicks like the huge faggot I am

if only sudden strike had construction

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Empire Earth 1 is super nostalgic for me.

Banished in winter is pretty much peak comfy RTS.

>same ip
Play Banished. It doesn't have much for in depth endgame but it is the peak of comfy citybuilding

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Seconded. This game is severely underrated. Fucking masterpiece.

name one genre with more cliché names than RTS

>he's a no life loser that looks at ip count

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Both Stronghold games
Battle Realms
Warlords Battlecry
Tiberian Sun

Battle Realms I dug a lot.

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It's the setting and music/sounds that do it for me. Even better if you play again AI so the stakes are relatively comfy.
You outed yourself as a dumb nigger since you can't actually check specific post ip's and fell for anons shitty bait

Seconding Stronghold, peak base building

Any first RTS you ever played

>I love sucking dick like the good tool I am
sorry you outed yourself as a tool for avatar attention whores

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>no reply

it's only comfy until you realize you have to do shit as fast and as soullessly as possible to defeat strong AI or players.

anyone remembers the name of that rts that was basically AoEII with starwars skin

Wasn't that just clash of clans with a star wars skin?

stronghold franchise is max tier comfy. one more so than the others.
>building your castle
>this kicks in.

>Morale is terrible
>Blight incoming

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is this a bot or just some kind of weird esl samefag schizo

ty brother
tried AoE4 but doesnt feel good and I wanted to switch it up from good ol aoe2

Probably the latter, or an AoE fan sperging out

>retard is a passive aggressive bitch
suprise suprise

>wow ittl only take you 30 years to kill all those scvs and command center
fuckin wraiths

Age of Empires 4


I want to go back to the late 90's bros.

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Gitgud scrub the winrates massively against me, you have no excuse not to still beat me

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>he doesn't know
Galactic Battlegrounds came out in 2001.

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you're the reason why Yea Forums is filled with cancer


something seems botty about this

test test test

trump obama bush 2016 2020 florida michigan haliburton hobby lobby cia fbi epstein soros koch fraud panama election vaxxine virus hoax corona pandemic fake fraud flat earth chud tranny incel gamergate elden ring last of us 2 new world lost ark turning red coomer zoomer boomer reddit nigger cope seethe dilate jews 9/11 bin laden hussein barbara streisand आदमी है सेब लाल हैं मैं हूँ। खाना छोता वे दूध पक्षी करूँगा होता है। barbara streisand