You lived long enough to see PS1 games outperform PS5 titles. We have not progressed

You lived long enough to see PS1 games outperform PS5 titles. We have not progressed.

Attached: thatll be $60.jpg (1009x833, 493.86K)

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Devs have been making shit ports since before you were born.

God I wish I could break Leena in

Is that really the new portrait? Why didn't they just scan in the original, official renders with better quality like Legend of Mana did?

I'm not surprised. Have you SEEN what the PS1 is capable of? Not even the Xbox 4 can compete. Nothing on it looks as good as this and that's the most powerful console theory.

Attached: omegaboostspider.webm (586x448, 2.96M)

it just gets worse and worse...

>buying any modern Squenix game or supporting the company in any way
You fags deserve what you get. I pirated and played through Chrono Cross via emulation two fucking decades ago.

Attached: Frankie.jpg (369x487, 87.07K)

Also the game runs at like 10fps.

So the idiot who changed it didn't know the origin of that phrase.

>liberal faggots and inhuman corporations attempt to sterilize the past and scrub off any personality the original had so as not to possibly offend any tissue paper skinned homunculi in their possible audience.

And in other news water is wet and your dad is disappointed in you, have you not been paying attention over the last 10 years?

Attached: 1448943703416.jpg (569x629, 90.87K)

Square remasters are the most hit and miss remaster ever. Sometimes they'll fucking nail it with only a few snags but they'll fuck up the vast majority of the time

They changed it in the Japanese version too.

why did they make her white

>>liberal faggots and inhuman corporations attempt to sterilize the past and scrub off any personality the original had so as not to possibly offend any tissue paper skinned homunculi in their possible audience.
You don't even know

Attached: 1649362373313.jpg (1920x4320, 2.15M)

Anyone have the JP script?

Lucky Dan was his name in Japanese so they just restored it. Fucking with the dialogue like that is just souless though. Also why the duck did they change the portrait?
Before: Facing 1/3 portrait that looks like a person talking
>Staring directly at the player
It's fucking weird.

Not for all of them, but here's the second line in Japanese. His dialogue in Japanese wasn't changed between releases.

>Lucky Dan was his name in Japanese so they just restored it.
The name was set by the player.

Attached: dan.jpg (783x573, 135.83K)

My limited N3 Nip can at least comprehend that his speech pattern is pretty different than the dry magazines and newspapers or more artistic poetry and classic literature I had to read for my classes.

>remaster not only ruins the original art style but also sanitizes the script
Probably the worst SE remaster when not counting technical issues.

>not counting technical issues.
it's the most poorly optimized game on the PS5.

>Square remasters are the most hit and miss remaster ever.
They have had remasters that were hits?

>All the Saga remasters
>Legend of mana was outsourced M2 and was mostly good
>Pixel remasters are competent

Maybe, but their FF7-9 remasters were worse

zoomzoom discovers artstyle and polygonal optimization.

Zodiac Age

Why is that faggot blushing lol it doesn't even fit with what he's saying

ff12 will never be good.

The enemy like Little Brown Girls so they had to censor her.

>the original job system isn't even an option

I'm older than you :)

kek the top looks like some shadman shit

>The enemy like Little Brown Girls so they had to censor her.
This isn't a war against little brown girls, it's low level character assassination. This line adds character to Leena's story. It establishes that she's a little bit of a Tomboy.

>Everyone can have 2 jobs now so even a neanderthal can walk through the hardest content :)
>No option to play it IZJS style
nope, it sucks

>the original job system isn't even an option
Don't pick a second job

We were talking about the change in character portrait skin color user which just looks lazy since the NPC is still brown.

I agree but ZA was still a good remaster.

That's on IZJS.

>>No option to play it IZJS style
Just don't pick a second job?

That's not it, the original game didn't have jobs at all, everyone just started in different places on the same massive board.

oh fuck she is white, my mistake. That's even stupider than I thought. They live on an island, she should be tan as hell at the very least.

user's got a point. A ton of modern games ignore fundamentals because the studios are run by yech industry retards who want to flex new tech instead of making good games.

When you said "original job system" I thought you were talking about the IZJS. The original game didn't have a job system.

The original system was so bad the devs abandoned it a year later.

Why do they always use that shitty arial font?

yeah but ff12 is literally in the bottom 3 list of FFs alongside 2 and 13

It's probably free.

No idea but I'm sick of it, it's the most soulless font they could use aside from Comics Sans.

You haven't seen anything yet

Attached: dark serge.jpg (727x589, 121.58K)

because caring is for ...well not square

yeah but all those lists were made by people who didnt even play them

>the fang


Funniest shit is that that font's texture file is 256MB
That font ALONE is 1/5 the size of the entire original game

biggest example of soul and soulless I've seen for this remaster.

He's evil now. If he wore glasses, he'd have taken them off.

I've never even played this game but this makes me livid.

>yeah but ff12 is literally in the bottom 3 list of FFs alongside 2 and 13

from 2019:

12 is 15th
13 is 14th
2 is 18th

not exactly the bottom 3

Thank fuck you can play with original portraits


Attached: 1631776724163.jpg (850x672, 195.66K)

The second one isn't so bad, but he really shouldn't be smiling, and the fang is cringe.

NEO twewy and Trials of Mana are the last decent games SE will ever make.

Makes sense.
JRPG fans can't handle anything that isn't completely bog-standard generic combat.
X is especially bad with the "This character one-shots this enemy type" random encounters.

Live A Live will be good
I don't understand why their lower profile games have better remakes than the ones people actually know but it's a running trend at this point.

Is the X really there in the portrait? The fuck is that?

SoP was alright

Limited is right. Speech patterns in Japanese often have quirks that are essentially untranslatable, mostly because they're just dumb and gimmicky. This is one of them. If the translator tried to account for this in English nowadays people here would call it cringe.

what's the point of the X?

>X is especially bad with the "This character one-shots this enemy type" random encounters.
It wasn't exactly thrilling, not like any FF is, but at least it was neat getting to use your whole party for the entire game, minus the giga-endgame where you just used rikku-wakka-tidus and deleted everything

Whoever it was that decided to hire a tumblr artist to make the portaits deserve to be shot.

Isn't it the same artist?

Why though?

Attached: langrisser remake.jpg (3243x2880, 2.84M)

I can't even call the new portraits here bad. Just bland and generic I suppose. Not nearly as bad as

>removing the giant shoulderpads

There's some criminal activity right there.

yes, me thinking about hitting the game directors in the head with a bat!

Really need to get a version of this that also shows the Chinese phone game's designs to show how they did a way better job than the actual remake.

It's absolutely depressing that a fucking phone game looked better than the major remake

Attached: Langrisser.jpg (718x470, 70.25K)

It's an achievement icon so I think it's there just for that

It's okay, the gacha guy inherited the Urushihara's soul, they only need to bring him on board

Attached: 1640948457944.jpg (884x1478, 195.36K)

Play the SaGa remakes, dude.

Honestly getting rid of the accents/verbal ticks makes the game much worse considering how many party members you get and how much they already struggled to have distinct memorable personalities WITH unique speech patterns.

absolute state of pauldronlets

It's just Mojo they did that to from what I've read.

Im glancing through footage and it seems inconsistent.
Looks like Korcha and Mojo lost theirs but Poshul and Harle still have an accent. I'm not gonna check every character but there's not much rhyme or reason to who got a script edit and who didnt.