What is The Room of video games
What is The Room of video games
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Sonic 2006
I can see this.
dragons dogma
When I was a teenager I rented it and got shitfaced with a friend playing it, it's was a great time
I would say No Man's Sky, but that's a bit too mainstream. There aren't a lot of "it's so bad it's good" video games because playing through them is such a slog. Watching, at most, 2 hours of bad cinema is way easiier
Something the dev thought was going to be really good but ended up complete shit?
Balan wonderland or no man's sky
Heavy Rain
Ride to Hell: Retribution
deadly premonition is the closest
Deadly Premonition
The original Mortal Kombat
How does that even happened?
Deadly premonition
fpbp and /thread
Death Stranding
An ego driven mess only remembered for how bad it was in execution? Gotta be Daikatana for me. Or your pick of David Cage game.
Daikatana actually isn't that bad once you get out of the first time period
Two worlds comes close. Like most other games though its way too drawn out.
Balan Wonderworld
what the actual fuck did i just watch
pajeet as fuck
Deadly premonition
The Room: The Game
These are the only good answers
I actually disagree. The cutscenes are hilarious, yes. But the gameplay is just flat out bad, and not a "fun" kind of bad.
>Creator was genuinely passionate about the project
>Main character is a self-insert
>Initially was really upset at the reception, but has now leaned into it and capitalizes on its bad reputation
There's really only one answer
Death Stranding
Bob's game
Strangers of paradise
What is The Disaster Artist of video games?
Underrated post
final fantasy 10 specifically Tidus laught scene
It's hilarious and unintentionally funny but it's a genuinely innovative game and mostly succeeds in what it wants to achieve
that's what makes it great though, it fails at everything. you can play through it and imagine what they were trying to do, but fail spectacularly at every attempt. thats why i fucking love it.
I think being "The Room" of video games requires the actual video game to be bad in a funny way, which I don't think HTTF is. I'd look more towards Sonic 06 for that kinda thing. Or Ride To Hell.
I think this is one of the few vidya that can fit the "so bad it's good" description.
Isn't it obvious?
I would that nigress on the far right side.
>a game considered by many to be the greatest game of all time is comparable to a movie considered by many to be the worst movie of all time
swing and a miss
The Newgrounds Game.
I don't get how Mdicke games are "bad" doesnt he shit them out in like less than a month? It's one autist making a game in a month of course it's gonna be bland.
Pokemon,almost everything about OG is bad but then just happened to be so simple than any retard could pass/enjoy
and being honest,hype and merch do the job.
The first resident evil and first silent hill.
I was gonna say FFXV, but YIIK is far and away more worthy of the title.
this definitely
i would like to add fahrenheit/indigo profecy
Fucking zoomerboard now, if it isn't post-2015 no one remembers it.
this was already posted ya dingus
Learn to read ya fucking dweeb