How did they screw it up so badly?

How did they screw it up so badly?

Attached: Code Veronica.jpg (1024x1024, 310.65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>screw it up
>it's better than the pretend 'RE4'

Oh look, another redditor seething over RE4 and praising Code Veronica.

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If you think CV is better than RE4 you deserve to be lobotimized

It's poo

remove bandersnatcherfaggots
remove steve

the game goes from 3/10 to 7/10 instantly, unironically

I will admit the Anarctica part is really cool. But the first 1/2 of the game is a fucking slog.

The banderniggers wouldn't be so bad if they didn't hit you as soon as you enter a room

best re game

>those gay poison moths in the arctic base
>that retarded final boss fight
>that broken segment where you run away from Monster Steve
>the underpowered weapons
>that stupid electric tadpole monster
>Steve in general
>not enough Chris kino
>not enough Wesker kino
>BOW gas round


The weapons feel so weak in this game. They couldn't make them feel powerful, but the devs could add that stupid heart beat vibration when you open a door

Can we at least admit it had the best save room theme by 100 miles?

It wasn't that bad. It was more fun than RE3 desu

Not at all.

Very much so. RE3 sucks.

I will now attempt to say some nice things about CV
>at least it isn't RE3 Remake
>the save room song is fantastic
>the 3d environments look great
>the villain is intentionally hilarious and Steve is unintentionally hilarious
This concludes all the nice things I can think to say.

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This is about the fire extinguisher again, isn't it?

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CV is a downgrade from RE3 in everyway, assuming this isn't b8

RE3 was proto-RE4 with its shitty action mechanics. Once you play RE4 you understand what they were trying to do with RE3 and how terribly they failed. Also Nemesis is an annoying chump.

You haven't played RE3, CV, or RE4, because nothing you said was true.

B team from sega

I've played all of them and I'm right. Also CV is the best simply because it actually has a fun knife.

Please deposit any metallic items you have, into the security box.

DMC 1 is proto RE4. RE3 is basically dlc for RE2. CV had an outsourced team work on the game.
I do like the knife in CV though

>BOW gas round
Literally why

no we cant, because RE3's save room exists sorry

it has that "everything is fucked and everything is hopeless" theme

>CV looks nice and I really like the camera transitions
>There's a lot of weapons to play around with even if combat sucks
>Claire is cute
>Alfred is a fun villain
>The environments are nice the first time you visit them
That's all the nice shit I can say about CV

Outsourced to a bunch of nobodies with a literal anime writer in charge of writing the scenario.

DMC1 is literally proto-RE4 but RE3 is proto RE4 in that it had higher action focus. Stuff like the contextual dodge feels like a precursor to the QTE's in 4 which were far superior.

You could also say RE2 is proto RE4 since that game gives you a lot of ammo and guns to play with. I see what you mean with the dodge mechanic.

Claire has a fat butt and a nice face

But you know in retrospect I think RE3 is better for a full playthrough. I really liked the antarctic forward in CV though.


They literally used up all the good ideas they had on 1-3. Look at Hunters and Lickers. They're higher level regular enemies and both have absolutely iconic designs. What did the CV devs come up with to fill that role?
This retarded looking motherfucker.

Attached: der Coomer's final form.png (731x1000, 945.39K)

Mirin delt, routine?

>These are extremely powerful and rare grenades; filled with a special anti-B.O.W. gas (P-Epsilon). They are especially useful in the battle against the Tyrant inside the plane however they useless against zombies,dogs,Spiders,Worm,Bandersnatches,Nosferatu, Alexia and Steve, as they are infected with a different virus.

I killed all these guys then they kept coming back


That's just Tetsuo.

It's better than 1 and 3.

RECV has the best villians and alexia mogs wesker

Attached: 2490468-alexia.jpg (250x343, 20.04K)

I do find it funny that Wesker was utterly powerless against her in the original and they had to fellate him extra hard in the X version.

>How did they screw it up so badly?
by putting in stupid anime crap.

>>those gay poison moths in the arctic base
If you button mash at the right time and hard enough, the eggs don't poison you, Claire just rips them off. The area is ultimately just a progression gateway to punish forgetful players.
>>that retarded final boss fight
>>that broken segment where you run away from Monster Steve
It's not broken, you're meant to heal midway through it. That's why you get an F. Aid Spray in that section. It's really just a way to fuck over players who want the S Rank, but didn't leave any herbs for Claire in the item box and can't pull off the no damage strategy.
>>the underpowered weapons
You're meant to upgrade them. The rapid fire handgun demolishes zombies, the knife can destroy bandersnatches, the explosive arrows fuck up every boss enemy, really the biggest complain is the G Launcher.
>>that stupid electric tadpole monster
It is stupid but you don't have to fight it. It exists as an obstacle for most players.
>>Steve in general
Fuck you
>>not enough Chris kino
He got the best cutscenes in the game
>>not enough Wesker kino
>>BOW gas round
Just use it on the tyrant

The gunplay is really weak. Steve is a shit character. Too much fucking backtracking. Shitty enemies and bosses like Pussysnatchers and whatever the fuck is in that pool.

I think it is the weakest RE, but not a bad game*
*Note RE series ends at 6 + movies and the 2 remakes

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>gunplay is weak
It's the same as all the other ones...

Series was always action but it was full on action since RE2. Putting a clunky as fuck dodge in the game did not change much from 2 to 3.

Try actually playing the other games user, especially 2 and 3. Custom Shotgun in 2 is still one of the most satisfying shotguns in vidya, literally blowing enemies apart. In 3 you are rolling around, popping heads, with bass boosted enhanced ammo or twirling the terminator shotgun. Guns in CV have muted sounds, no fun mechanics and no dismemberment. It sucks.

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>People told me Claire is fugly in REV2.
>Actually really cute cake
>Huge fat fucking ass in her alt costumes
>All her alt costumes are great

Why would you lie to me like this?

Speaking of REV2 though. I kinda don't like that stealth is a general mechanic. It was fine in 6 because you only got to use it in specific contexts, like a few Ada sections. It suits that character and the scenarios it is used on. But in REV2 stealth is like the main to dispose of one of the enemies and the AI is dumb so you never feel threatened by those enemies. Not to mention you can just chuck smoke grenades at any enemy to turn their AI off and get a free kill...

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Why would they do this?

i played cowboy on my first playthrough, i couldn't stop myself

yeah it's more an ai problem than the stealthkill being a problem imo
if you were more vulnerable and make sound within a close radius while doing it that would help a lot already

not all that big a fan of the game overall but the true ending was so tear inducingly funny and based it saved it for me

Funny, i thought the good ending elevated the game immensely as well.

Please. 1 and remake are the best resident evil games

Don't open

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That's not true though, it does affect zombies, the worm and I think Bandersnatches?
Doesn't do anything to Alexia or Steve though.

Code Veronica is good, user. But you're taking this too seriously.

Great game that filters retards.

The BOW rounds deals % damage to all enemies in a large area (nearly screen/room wide) bar: Alexia, Steve, and I think Nosferatu.

It halves health. Can't kill.

The round itself can kill if it physically hits the enemy, but yeah you don't use the rounds to finish enemies off since it's a waste.

Which is worse? Remembering to hold onto the fire extinguisher or holding on to the hook shot in RE0?