For too long have we suffered the tyranny of huchi001 the JEW!
If you didn't know, he makes some decent mods
only problem is: he is the biggest patreon asshole there is. Here is a list of sins of the top of my head:
>Need to pay 8$ on patreon
>He only opens the patreon on the last day of the month and closes it the next day
>He has to give you personal permission to access the drive folder
>There is a limited number of people who can enter the drive folder each month, if you didn't get in, tough shit, you paid for nothing, try again next month
>Thinking about just waiting until a lot of mods are done and then subbing? think again pal, this faggot DELETES old mods as he adds new ones
>I'll just sub every once in a while you say? Wrong again asshole, this nigger BANS you if you ever unsub

But now THIS MAN (on reddit) is here to give you everything for free, all you have to do is ask him
(keep in mind he sleeps korean hours)

thank you everyone for your attention and remember to sneed after downloading

Attached: a small sample.png (888x1575, 2.88M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Based. I don't even play those games but fuck faggot modders.

No thanks. I will now support the modder

i don't have reddit but yeah fuck huchi and any other jew
gas'em up

omega based

Attached: 1621641347533.jpg (324x432, 31.56K)

>charging for mods
What a fucking faggot, make your own goddamn game if you want to make money. That can't even be legal

Attached: 1649048992267.png (1076x1076, 729.17K)

there is obscure shit here too like battle circuit

Attached: biker gal.png (1900x1689, 3.97M)

>Mods that only show off ass and tits
I would never pay a faggot for mods like this. At least make it enticing by creating armpit hair mods.

Attached: Gigachad.jpg (500x500, 34.34K)

>deleting old mods
what the fuck
what a fucking asshole

Attached: 1649300018567.jpg (568x447, 37.11K)

And good porn?

also fuck r*ddit

Yeah really, is this worth the effort or what?

I love Kasumi

Normally I'd say >3D/SFM but Kei and Juri are great.
Shame DOA is dead because the FGC is cancer.
I don't have a reddit account though so I hope someone makes an archive somewhere

user why even make this thread if your not even going to post the download link. Nobody is going to beg some gook for the download. Delete this shit, or be useful and not just shill some reddit post

>calling someone else a jew as you take their work for free

He's a modder, he does it for free.

he literally has a patreon

>have to private message for the link
Someone sacrifice themselves for us, please and thank you.

Would be a shame if it got mass reported for intellectual property violations.

>the battle circuit biker enemies
I can't speak ill of this little faggot of a modder after seeing this

Attached: 1647544344944.png (600x689, 387.98K)

Get a link and then post a magnet

>have to make a redit account
>have to pm the faggot
meh, keep them faggot


It's 3D fap bait models. This isn't life changing shit. Get fucked morafag.

I don't normally condone snitching but call up the IP holders and let the bigger jews take him out for profiting from their stuff.

user what are you trying to do here?

Attached: beggingpeopleforfreeshit.png (360x34, 1.81K)

>paywalling mods and deleting older mods
He should work at blizzard or bethesda

>take video game company dev's work for free and repackage and sell it
>not a jew

rabbi, no matter how much jewjitsu you know, better lawyers than you have tried to stop modding and failed, now go rape some children or something

unfortunately that "faggot gook" is the only guy who has the torrent 100% because nobody seeds
that's why you have to ask him so he actually turns his pc on (also so he sends you the new links every month for updated folders)
the magnet is useless by itself otherwise but here you go I guess, I will share my part


Attached: splattyboy.gif (400x270, 3.95M)

and better pirates have made sure jewmods have had their assets liberated for the righteous masses and jew lawyers can't stop them, lmao eat shit whitebread

Why didn't you seed it with him?

I don't have it, bro


Are they just visual mods?


anyone know what tekken 7 mods there are? definitely interested in

Theres elden ring and tifa

a few it looks like

Attached: cats.png (1346x781, 1.5M)

Why DOA6... Who the fuck still plays that shit. I'm surprised people still make mods for it. DOA5LR Beach Paradise has thousands of free character mods, costumes, nude mods, hd texture skin mods and even lewd animations for people who just wanna bust a quick nut.

Attached: Beach_Paradise_7_Preview.jpg (3823x1224, 1.06M)

Is there sex mod?

>Who the fuck still plays that shit
more people than DOA5LR lmao

Maybe DOA6 is a better fighting game or the engine makes the girls look better

Nope, Custom animations is the closest thing you going to get, for example like girls pole dancing, ass on screen, stepping on you. It even has VR Support if you wanna take it the next level

No shit it has more people, DOA5LR is old

Beach Paradise is not a fighting game and it also has better looking textures with mods then DOA6 lol

Attached: Preview.png (912x998, 1.05M)

Any mod of female characters in low-rise flared jeans? This is very important.

Nigger, it's literally just the fucking poledancing scenes from xtreme volleyball with some clay ass looking models
why not just look up sfm porn at that point?
I like to actually be able to play the game

bumping based thread

This dude thinks it only has pole dancing. No wonder people are begging some yellow skin for free mods for doa6 that were posted 3 months ago and is probably no longer active.

>Playing a fighting game just to see some tits instead of looking at sfm porn

>This dude thinks it only has pole dancing
can I fuck the girls yes or no
no? then what the fuck is the point retard

>>Playing a fighting game just to see some tits
more like playing a fighting WHILE seeing some tits (enhances the experience)

Attached: 1572375360446.webm (976x550, 2.73M)

>Dead or Alive 6
Ah too bad. Why mod for a game no one plays any more

Playing with AI with shitty combat just to play with custom characters sounds fun. Why do you think they moved away from the fighting scene to the gacha market because people only care about seeing the girls in the least amount of clothing and would pay money to do so.

If you wanna play a fighting game there are way better options out there because doa is not one...

also if i wanted to face fuck the girls i would just boot up HoneySelect

>shitty combat
>people only care about seeing the girls in the least amount of clothing
we get it you secondary faggot, YOU don't like fighting games, but other people do

>also if i wanted to face fuck the girls i would just boot up HoneySelect
so again, why not do just that?

Alright calm down my guy, I'll leave and let you continue begging for mods when most of huchi001's work is on deviantart posted by other people if you look hard enough. I said my peace

Any good?

Wait are they all just women? Why would anyone waste time making mods like this instead of adding Kamen Rider to the game?

Attached: Kuuga forms.jpg (1413x1998, 664.45K)

No idea what you are asking user... but I'm sure you'll find your answer soon enough to your question.

Attached: yesitsgood.png (722x723, 782.29K)

If it's not a game, why are you on Yea Forums and not /e/ or /h/


> It even has VR Support if you wanna take it the next level
Are you sure? I've never heard of DOA5LR having a VR mod yet.

Because Beach Paradise is not DOA5LR . It's a standalone mod that lets you import custom characters and have them do animations as you watch. It's nothing mind blowing.