What planet are you exploring today bros?

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Is the game worth it?

I just finished empire strikes back this afternoon. Going to finish the stories before moving to free play. Unfortunetly, I have yet to play the new trilogy games.


I'm not exploring anything because fucking Gamestop apparently didn't have enough stock to send me my copy of the Deluxe edition despite me pre-ordering the game 2 god damn years ago

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is there a mod to replace the lego troon models with actual models? i don't even care if it's fortnight tier luke and leia models

I got the "Speak to Maz" glitch where she doesn't spawn. So I've been exploring for a bit until it's fixed. I've cleared Kamino and Kashyyyk and most of Theed. But I'm gonna check out Coruscant and Bespin next because I remember from doing the story mode that they look really good.

>He doesn't appreciate lego models
No, the troon here is you.

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I have finshed up to Empire and cleared Kamino so far.

lego troon models.

>lego troon models
>fortnight tier
You have brainrot, buzzword-kun.

If you like the lego style of small puzzles and relaxed gameplay, you'll definitely get your money's worth. Probably the most expansive lego game to date and it's chock full of collectibles. If you like lego games, definitely get it.

This shit is so boring

Does the game run well on switch? I've been meaning to get it for my friend for her birthday, and she has almost all of the Lego Games on the system

Is the game cute and funny?

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Yeah. It won't look nearly as good but I haven't had any game breaking glitches yet. I even have it downloaded and not a single force stop in the dozen or so hours I've played it, which is pretty good for a switch eshop game.


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Same, did a bunch of theed and seed today

I have no fucking clue what you're even trying to say
the only gripe I have with the new lego games is how the environments aren't entirely lego but I have zero idea what your post means

what the fuck is this

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>the environments aren't entirely lego
That was always the case

Your mom, I have a hard time breaking her gravitational pull but I'll be free one day.

If you like Lego games, this is the best one yet. If you haven't liked other lego games, you still won't like this one.

What's the deal with that stupid hint droid

I recall the general area being 'real' but all the props were usually lego models, and now stuff like the OP has very blatant real props like the flowerbeds or flagpoles
might be misremembering though, its been fucking ages since I played the old ones

i finished the story today. wasn't great to be honest, definitely not as kino as TCS, but pretty fun anyway. decent 6/10 I guess. gonna try and 100 percent it though, already done everything on Kamino.

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Hey bros what Lego do you feel are the most erotic to shove up my ass while trying to cum in my own mouth?

Do you actually believe that this image you saved and posted is funny? Honest question.

it was the first star wars related thing i had saved, but yes, it makes me chuckle

hang all wojakniggers

Nta but its pretty funny and i laughed. Hope that answers your question.

>lego star wars?

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Don't pay for this game, Disney doesn't deserve money

I was hoping Luke would have dialogue with Padme

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grown ass men playing with legos?

>"mature" video games

there's a fine line between non-mature games and fucking legos user

I've only seen singleplayer gameplay on youtube. Is it still fun with friends, I've only played lego games with friends

I've heard its fun with friends but vertical split screen seems weird, offline only btw


legos are fun to build
I buy monuments and put them on my desk and the last person to joke with me about them, I fired.

is it pozzed in any way?


Waiting for ahsoka dlc. Not gunna prime cunny ahsoka but its good enough I guess

>Doing some sidequests in space
>A capital ship shows up out of no where for a space battle
>Proceed to board and begin a siege battle inside the ship
Was not expecting this from a lego game. What a crazy unexpected experience. Pretty ok/10

aside from having the sequels in not really. i suppose the stormtroopers are oddly diverse but they put them through a randomiser so i can't say that it was intentional

I haven't bought a LEGO games since my mom found it hard to play the games, it was fun to do multiplayer, no interest otherwise.

I finished exploring
>The steadfast
I'm trying to do the shitty sequel world's first before I start with planets I want to explore like cantonica and bespin.

The OT got fucked by modern diversity nonsense, with Rebel troopers having a jarring number of darkies and women, as well as the Stormtroopers (and they made a point of having their helmets come off when you fight them, just so you never forget). That's more than enough, far as I'm concerned.

Go to bed Cangus.

Nah, imma consume.

I always find the /pol/ use of the word troon weird as it was made by trans people to be used on trans people. Meaning a trans person had to have put it in the /pol/ lexicon.

You are misremembering. The levels in TCS were mostly realistic-looking except for the props you could interact with. This game has a lot of levels that look like they're made from Lego

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Ah, now you're beginning to see that /pol/ is actually just self-hating trannies.
No, but pirate it.

you ever seen pictures of /pol/ meetups? No surprise a few trannies ended up there on top of the self-loathing niggers, r/The_Donald boomers, Russian astroturfers, Chinese astroturfers, and bots

Holy.shit this image kek

>lego troon
everything is troon to you /pol/fags, huh?

this is a kids game (the difficulty is scaled for children with the AI being appropriately passive which is disappointing)

return of the jedi

Wait isn't is just a collection of the games we already have or is it something new??

Hot take, but Lego City is actually the best Lego game so far. The one in which you play as a cop. It's just really fun to play a GTA clone in lego format, and run over lamp posts with your car in a straight line.

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totally new game

>self-hating trannies
So, just trannies? Do you know why their suicide rates are so high?

My dad is playing Return of the Jedi right now.

Oh awesome! Going to have to pick it up, thanks dude