Is TF2 the only good game with a spy class?
Is TF2 the only good game with a spy class?
spy crab
its perfect
are there even other games with a "spy" class?
You could disguise as the enemy in Wolfenstein ET
>Loud brapping echos through the map
>Camera cuts to the RED base
>Heavy is sitting on Scout's face while brapping
>He's eating beans
>Scout is visibly erect
>Pulls out a hot pepper
>Eats it
>Eyes go wide
>"Uh oh!"
>Lets out an atomic brap
>Heavy gets up
>Scout's face is on fire
>Sniper runs in and throws a mason jar at the Scout
>"I upgraded mates"
>Heavy looks at the Scout
>The jar was full of chunky half liquid shit
>Scout pops a boner again
>Demoman walks in and begins fucking Scout in the ass
>Scout braps hard and inflates the demo
>"I've got two dickets to the cum show and I'm not giving em to ya! I'm going with YOUR dickets!"
>Demo floats away
>Spy leaps up and grabs the demo's legs
>"Well, off to visit your mother!"
>Spy's hands slips and he falls, impaling his ass on the end of the Blu Sniper's gun, because the Sniper was one of the bots constantly looking up and spinning
>Spy begins pissing and sharting from the experience
>Engineer and Medic watch all of this with a concerned look on their faces
The fuck?
Spy is the most fun you can have online
soulful drawing, souless meme
Spy was one of the main reasons I decided to try Team Fortress 2.
I remember being amazed at the idea that he could disguise himself to trick and instantly kill enemies.
>soulful drawing,
Yeah it looks nice
>souless meme
What would you prefer? Soijack?
>make thinly-veiled stick-chan thread
>don't even bother lurking enough
Putting the lol in lolicon
>playing TF2
>knowing anything about TF2 at all
go back
funny enough it feels like theres been less soijack spam since this stick shit started
really makes you think
I get what you're implying, but both of these autistic groups seem at odds with each other
see pic related
Soijack schizo made this unironically.
there's one dude that's absolutely obsessed with her and has been acting like a total retard on multiple boards
his autism impresses me though, as it has singlehandedly earned him tons of art of his waifu for doing roughly nothing but shitposting
and having seen some of said art, I'm definitively not complaining
Who are you talking about?
none other than the guy mindbreaking namefags and taking every single possible bait hook line and sinker on /i/
>game depends on community created content to survive
applies both to tf2 and this thing
I wish they would roll out that supposed :BIG" update for the game already
also fuck year lolis
Oh hey that's me....wait a second!
you were 5 seconds away from pretending to be lee goldson mate, you have no excuse
that’s just a coincidence
the truth is that the soijak party got reborn so most of the /qa/fugees just post there instead.
>you were 5 seconds away from pretending to be lee goldson mate, you have no excuse
Look I'm a retard faggot what do you want from me? At least I didn't do it Hu? You got to give me that.
Now that explains why the art appeared out of nowhere and has so many drawings, it's the mentally /i/ll board
you have it backwards, this is Yea Forums raiding /i/
>this is Yea Forums raiding /i
thx user
can you really call it a raid if their posts are higher quality than the average Yea Forums post?
don't forget the fact that their average traffic is several orders of magnitude lower
TF2 is the moment valve started catering towards zoomers.
It's kind of funny. When TF2 started it was a completely different audience, now it's populated almost entirely by 14-20 year old furry autists
Can't be higher quality if it's inherently an imported meme from Twitter.
Why is that image so pixelated? it looks like it came out in 2007
why is it in such low quality
>from Twitter
I'm pretty sure that's not the case
you got any more of dem pixels
Is there even an archive for the images?
>it even kind of looks like Yea Forums-tan
only a bunch of archive links
Imagine this in Gmod animation style. But without the erections.
Uwooh came from Jap Twitter and now it can be seen pretty widely on the internet. The fact that lolicons embraced it so readily speaks of how little they lurk beyond "Yea Forums had a loli board", I've kept an eye & ear out and everything from behavior (spamming and overused jokes) to crossposting between sites (apparently there's a KYM presence for stickchan) says most of this is posted by zoomers who used to be ironic weebs before falling for the forbidden apple meme and I dislike that they're trying to get themselves called oldfags by posting lolis, feels too much like a trojan horse containing tourism and even more internet homogenization rather than anons trying to keep some semblance of culture alive, which is worsened by them overusing the same arguments like "would you rather have basedjacks???". The recurring art also makes me think there are 2-3 drawfags churning out art every day on both /i/ and /trash/, addicted to the approval received from every image posted, which is a highway to autism and drama. I don't like it and I haven't seen anything to convince me otherwise.
Post link to full image right NOW!
No wonder you like to eat up rehashes.
You're stagnant cancer.
If uooohposting made western artists realize the tremendous demand for cunny, then it has been a net benefit for the world, simple as.
>artists have fun drawing oc
>this is bad because softcore spam and tranime is no longer free to flood the board
ss13 with the right clothes and a cool HoP
Are you using a bot to search for "basedjack" in every thread or do you just Ctrl + F in the catalog?
The only thing that seems to attract pearl-clutchers and concern trolls is loli art.
Is there any pic of her bare soles?
>what’s that? A 100 health mini sentry that deals small damage to me, and is completely stationary, is shooting at me? Instead of just shooting it, I’m gonna just stand around and complain on /tf2g/ and r/tf2 about the gunslinger being op
pedomemes are literally the best method of gate keeping normalfags even if some of them decide to embrace it
Piccolo dick, non-PC jokes about niggers and trannies, whining about kikes and lolicon are the last vestiges of real internet culture and that should be horribly upsetting.
wow...................... nice """culture"""
If you got a problem, fuck off.
Stupid fucking nigger.
Nobody's forcing you to stay. In fact many of us would be glad to see you leave.
wow user.... edgy!!! I'm gonna run off to reddit!!!! you scared me!!! gatekeeping successful!!!
>forced krautmeme and a way past its expiration date meme that even my uncle used to seem hip
This is one of the most ironic baits I've ever seen
kill all pedos
no i don't think i will
With cunny.