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destiny is the only video gamer (political commentator) who's opinion is worth caring about. his only problem is that he's a cuckold
>Vaush calling for another holocaust once again
How does he keep getting away with it?
>black people are orcs
>I can't discern fiction from reality!
I think this pseud paedo loses to people like Sargoy of Mossad in arguments, that says it all. Anyone unironically giving a fuck about what he says is a retarded NPC.
>evil, greedy and ugly fictional race
How have normies not caught on by now that these woke faggots are the biggest racists out there?
Vaush hates yikes?
How is he a cuck?
Destiny cucked a zoomer out of his 19 yr old gf. You can even hear them having sex while he just sits there
Poor guy. Not his fault really. Zoomer girls can't control themselves around Millennial dick.
because he was in an open relationship where he had sex with women and men and his girlfriend too had sex with women and men
>no u
Normies catch onto your right-wing dogwhistles first.
>destiny is the only video gamer (political commentator) who's opinion is worth caring about
lets not get too ahead of ourselves. he manages to be the most rational person in a see or idiots but he has some terrible fucking take sometime
/incel/ - Internet Celebrity
I know a dude who has literally ERPed with Vaush. In fact I know two.
Leftists actually listen to a self-professed pedophile with a horsecock obsession lmfao
Where the fuck is it. This site needs it so bad. Every board would be better off over night.
holy fucking shit lmfao the actual unedited first line of the video:
>"As everyone probably knows: the goblins in JK Rowling's universe in Harry Potter are kind of an anti-semetic stereotype. Like, it's not just that they're hook-nosed, it's that they're hook-nosed with like - they look like they have filed teeth and their default expression seems to be like, evil."
i hate jews as much as the next everyone-else but this guy must be running to get elected fuhrer. he literally says he visualizes them as hook-nosed sharped toothed evil demons.
god I want to fuck Titania so bad right in her feminine anus and caress her womanly breasts uuuuuhhhhhh aaaahhhhh
A dog left an anti-semitic stereotype on my lawn this morning, so I shot it. I won't tolerate anti-semites in my neighborhood and neither should you.
>Immediately tries to deflect the observation
The fat paedophile is completely oblivious to it as well that's the funniest part.
>see or idiots
I feel so bad for the devs... they tried to hard to appeal the infected ones yet it's never enough. Sad they never learn from it.
It's always funny when these people out themselves like that. I remember there were a bunch of """progressives""" saying that the whole Oscars controversy was just white people being racist and getting upset because they were afraid of black people acting like their true selves by not showing restraint and acting violently; I don't know how you can lack the self-awareness to see how much more that says about how you see the world than anything resembling profound social commentary.
>Every board would be better off over night.
that's literally why mods haven't made it yet. They don't want this website to improve.
I just want to fuck the sexiest woman posting on twitter
Looks like you misspelled kikes Jaush.
to be fair, he also immediately adds that it's what he believes an alt righter (and definitely not he) would depict an 'inferior race' as. his words, the inferior race part.
no no no... we clearly need more video game boards, maybe /vplt/ for platformers or something
You have to understand, they don't read anything. The statement of "don't stare into the abyss less it stares back" is lost on them. So they argue with racist till they see all the same things and boom. That or they're just racist but guilty about it because they have no moral system other then victimhood.
The only board that is even close is /vt/ and the only reason it is allowed to exist is because everyone there has to pretend that the people being talked about actually are the cartoon avatars.
>Flabby and weak looking
>Dark rim classes
I can guess his opinion.
It's literal jews on twitter getting upset by how the goblins look. It's almost like they innately see something that's vile and greedy is like them.
Destiny is a fucking c-uck. His wife is out getting split open in Miami right now while he's jerking off in front of a computer taking meth. He's a disaster site whose opinions are completely irrelevant.
post his pathetic cut cock already
His opinion of horsecock? He loves them.
this is how the goblins look in the MOVIE version of the story, not the books
these morons look for any reason to shit on JK so they resort to making shit up
she wasn't the character designer for the film
I don't care about the opinions of fat pedophiles.
I thought he was going to fight in Ukraine. Is he back now that the war is over?
I'm a non confrontational pussy but I would wreck Vaush in a fight.
Why are /pol/tards trying to pretend liberals are the real racists? It's getting old.
Not totally true. Hes had really bad takes before. Like he thought the wall was bad because people can potentially get around it. So he doesn't understand how not everyone is willing/able to and a detriment is sometimes just a detriment. He also apologizes for niggers like Vaush does in a similar way that makes it seem like they have no sense of agency. Otherwise that and the cuckold shit hes okay. Vaush seems genuinely horrible at video games.
It's totally his fault. He allowed it to happen because he was a fan of Destiny, literally. The were not in an open relationship before meeting Destiny. The guy was just such a weirdo fan that he let it happen, whether it be him too pussy to say no or whatever.
You're the one attributing Jewishness to goblins in a book series written by a woman who based Lord Voldemort partly off Hitler.
look man its 3am, i just drunk 5 budlights, and its dark okay
How can anyone look this dude in the eyes and not see a child grooming predator who wants to destroy western society and open our borders to masturbate to white women getting culturally enriched. I will never commit suicide to fight people like this to my last breathe
because i haven't yet achieved a level a racism that instantly makes me think of jews when i see sharp teeth or 'evil' facial expressions. i aspire to reach it one day, but i'm not there yet.
>Why are /pol/tards trying to pretend liberals are the real racists?
Because we used to not be racist. Because we didn't hold any racial prejudice until the other races attacked us.
Lead dev is based tho
Melina is a hypergamous meth-addict slut who destroys anyone she touches. The only reason Destiny is marrying her is because he has agreed to be in an open relationship.
The zoomer is better off.
I haven't worked out since my contract to fight for israel expired and I've since become a lazy fatass and I could still wreck vaush in a fight
Is he bad at games? I've never watched his shit.
>his only problem
And the trans stuff.
And making twitch left political discussions
And playing lol.
>Melina is a hypergamous meth-addict
where does this meme come from. ive heard people joke about destiny doing meth but he doesnt actually right?
If you were in Korea or Germany it's more likely you became a fatass first and got kicked out.
that board would become kiwi farms or /snow/ really quickly which could lead to a ton of liability
now, if Hiro made a splinter site domain that specifically hosted /incel/ and only that board, then it might work
but I doubt that possibility ever crossed the Jannies' minds, they're too busy erping with other trannies in IRC to fucking do anything, not even joking
nigger i was in the desert
>heard about this guy many times before
>first time I bothered to listen to what he has to say
>all that weird political garbage coming out of his mouth
This guy is satirical right?
he "left" the company (read: got fired) for his views after Liam Robertson (read: a flaming faggot) got his friends in the game journo Industry to write smear articles about him
he bought mdma in Amsterdam that was bunk. it was some type of random drug that kept them up for like 40 hours
>This guy is satirical right?
What would you say if I told you that he's not trying to be satirical?
Were you one of the guys told to hold down the mcdonalds in kabul?
>kept them up for like 40 hours
Why would anyone want to do that? Your sleep cycle must be thrown for a loop. By hour 30 you must just be miserable.
Dog whistles, why are leftists such schizo's that think everything is a secret nazi dog whistle. Is it bc their enemies don't have the same beliefs they claim they have?
>the goblins side with dark wizards in the new game
>that's like how Nazis think Jews are controlling black and brown people
wtf I don't know how he came up with that but im vaushpilled now
I would think that he's just as much of a crazy parrot as /pol/ is.
destiny does MDMA/molly/ecstasy.
one time whoever was dealing it to him gave him actual meth and he tweaked out on stream really badly and got so sick he had to miss out on a few days of debates
>see an orc
>immediately think "this is about black people".
>not racist btw
why would you listen to a paedophile
They make our job easier thats for sure
>attributing Jewishness
You mean the devs falling for stereotypes that were created from artists hundreds of years ago.
>but sHitler
Joanne named the Asian girl in the books Cho Chang lul
that sounds amazing. link?
afghanistan turning into a meme was after my time
>The commie with morals or principles besides ""winning""
Why would I listen to this twitch retard?
Eat shit and die commie eceleb fanboy
welcome to Twitch/streamer politics
these fuckers are the commie tranny leftist fringe opposite of /pol/, right wing grifters and groypers despite profiting way more off the capitalist system than they do
e-celeb cancer thread
mark and move on
Alt righter- Jews run the world
Leftist-This is how a alr righter would depict an inferior race
Because he's a Yea Forumsirgin.
based dalibani.
Fuck VGG
that fucking clip was too much, you LITERALLY hear them fuck, I wasn't expecting that for some reason
all political commentators are cringe, especially that faggot named destiny.
do you guys think vaush has what it takes to get a REAL job as a sensitivity reader?
You should see his video where he goes from #believewomen to saying a women is lying as soon as she said her rapist was muslim.
Are you just not allowed to have a mythical race in your fiction who's defining trait is greed? How come dwarf gold lust gets a pass then homo?
It's not secret anymore when people figure it out. It's almost as if leftists in the US have seen and heard right-wing dogwhistles before.
Wait till these people get into office.
I consider myself a racist but at no point in my life did I ever look at orcs and believe them to be black purely on account of them being stupid, ugly, and violent. At no point did I look at goblins and believe them to be jewish exclusively because they were creepy, hook-nosed, and greedy. Even as a self-proclaimed racist my thoughts cannot compare to the unthinking racism that the average leftist indulges in every single day.
I wish I was that racist but in all honesty I simply am not and so I must pass on my crown to the liberals, the true kings of bigotry.
he didnt actually stream while on it. he did record his huge shroom trip forever ago though.
>political videogame streamers
>zoomers NEED the funny man on twitch to tell them what is good and bad
Is this why there has been an uptick of polshit on this website? are you really fighting a culture war just because a streamer told you to do it?
>Yea Forums unironically listens to retards like Vaush and Destiny
o i am laffin
This site is dead.
>muh southern strategy
nigger, by your standards JFK is a Nazi
Getting someone fired will always be way worse than someone having opinions. This is something these retards just can't seem to understand
>This site needs it so bad. Every board would be better off over night.
I disagree severely. Don't give these asshats a platform. It'll only make it worse and soon you'll have people unironically going like
>he realized this just now
Yea Forums is just blue Yea Forums.
i only listen to destiny to watch him dunk on /pol/ schizos and twitter retards
>He allowed it to happen because he was a fan of Destiny, literally. The were not in an open relationship before meeting Destiny. The guy was just such a weirdo fan that he let it happen,
man, the reverence zoomers have for their ecelebs creeps me out. Like, I was a teen in the late 2000s/early 2010s. My equivalent were channel awesome and their ilk. Would I have been excited to meet them irl as a teen? Sure, cringey as it sounds now, I won't lie about it.
But at the end of the day, they're normal people. Zoomers treat their ecelebs like gods.
Well look at /qa/. They still come around.
this is the culture these days
you can't just be a nerd or whatever, you have to be part of some dumb political "thing".
Oh look its the political brain (everything is political and made to be political and I cannot tell the difference between fiction and politics)
Dude she is just a whore in a sea of whores. He can get another one destiney got saddled with her and is probably worse off for it.
This is what happens when you have no religion or parental figures.
>They still come around.
Yeah and that's the thing. You give them a board and they'll still come around. You're effectively saying "this garbage is okay"
At least when they don't have shit like that you can just report them because they're only here for fucking attention whoring.
I assume its zoomers