Dog from Star Fox

Dog from Star Fox

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i dont care for hmofa

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>yandere pilot
I will now simp for her

Shoutouts to the Fayfag in the garyc threads. Her art is amazing and I wish she had an archive somewhere.

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new fay art

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hmoff is where it's at


Dog pussy?


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Me too user. Me too.

Why couldn't we have her instead of cringy ass Krystal

Por que no los dos

Because Krystal is superior

here me out
Fay... but with krystals fur colors and tattoos

Why not both? Fay can be the girl pilot of the group and Krystal can keep her tribal outfit and be the team's cheerleader.


Give her these but in XXXXL

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nah. black tribal tattoos ware hotter and contrast her skin

Those white circles on her ass

Get back in your kennel

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No, I like Fay as she is. Quit trying to ruin her.

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Thats a man isnt it

Why do dogs and wolves exist in the same universe when dogs are evolved wolves?

This guy gets it. Fay is pure.

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maybe wolves were resurrected with dna tech.

here op. from me

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Very cute.

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You mean like in real life?

fay if she cartoon network

i like it a lot

ask miyamoto.

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Its actually a biological women.

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Furry Discord?
Back to your containment board!

So a man? Woman don't exist besides in video games.


wolves aren't space fighters in real life.

So what would happen if I were to unravel the bow? Would she die?

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thanks you

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why do you even care.

Oh its that girl.
I cant believe she tries to tell people she doesnt get off to that shit kek

Why do I only find her attractive with the furry head?

Females can't be real furries

I would tell you why but you probably won't accept the answer

It would be extremely cute

Is it because I'm a furry?

>dumb ugly annoying e-whore improves when covering her head

They exist but they are ugly 99% of the time.

exotic character so your imagination is more out

Looks like she fucks human men alright.

Containment board, user? You're in one!

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Some time after that article where she said it wasn't a fetish she made a NSFW Twitter account for drawing bondage art. Buying a large dog kennel with the intent to act like a puppy whilst her boyfriend films it is the icing on the cake.

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My GF is a "furry in denial" (her words, not mine).

Bot thread

Here's the optimal solution.
>Fox hires on Miyu and Faye as additional Arwing pilots to replace Peppy due to his old age
>meanwhile Krystal remains on the Great Fox as its navigator being trained by Peppy so she stays out of the way and we don't get retarded plotlines like Command ever again
Seriously if Assault's multiplayer is any indication, Krystal is the worst at everything because she's the only one on the team that's NOT military trained to a certain degree; even fucking Slippy has that much to his name.

why can't a crew have more than 4 pilots?
7 dorks in a spaceship isn't that much.

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Star Fox 2 had 6 pilots.

right i forgot.
Is my favorite game in the series and i keep forgetting is canon.

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an anthro intelligent character yes

no need to clarify. thats whats in the picture.

Miyu and Fay aren't in Star Fox 64 because having 6 characters on the field at the same time would probably overwhelm players. Miyamoto is very clear about the idea that the start of a game is the most important part, so it was likely best not to have too much. They went with 3 crewmates because it's a good safe number, and it's what they went with in the original game. Katt and Bill arguably are their placeholders as well. They aren't in any other games because SF2 never came out and everyone moved one.

That's just my take on it.

Krystal probably stopped appearing in games for a similar reason, because "back to the basic simple formula" is the god at Nintendo.