Will it save vidya Yea Forums? Why or why not?

Attached: unreal-engine-5-guide.jpg (1024x576, 165.13K)

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I don't care if the game looks like shit, I only care about the gameplay

Since when the fuck is more boring realism what games need in order to be saved?

It will save film.



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>Will it save vidya Yea Forums?
>why not?
It's shit.

Attached: unreal_engine.png (1491x1002, 1.09M)

Pre cooked shit

Your GPU doesn't have enough VRAM so it's using fallback proxy textures.

It seems that most studios can't handle developing their own engine. Tons of bugs and bad performance.
There is less to fuck up with Unreal, it's easier to get qualified programmers since they don't have to learn your engine first, and it will lead to generally better performance.

it'll make it worse actually if you saw how lazy "developers" were working with UE4
some get it right but most are HORRIBLE

No, it'll kill vidya.
The widespread adoption of UE5 even at AAA companies just shows that the modern vidya industry has so much turnover that all the people who worked at these devs and made them relevant and knew how the old engines worked have left, because the companies are shitty places to work.

>and it will lead to generally better performance.
Is this bait?
The only UE games I can think of in the modern era that actually run well are UE3 games and Japanese games.
95% of UE4 games run like dogshit.

Loots crates, unfinished games, rehash after rehash, stupid old mechanics, only two companies that are any good, just a horrible industry overall now with new textures!!

First we need GPUs cheaper and PS5s more accessible, but I suppose this is a work in progress to implement in games so we have some time until our 1000s series GTX GPUs are obsolete...

It's the release that will kill GTX 1xxx (Pascal) GPUs.

Not even PS2 textures look like that, those textures wouldn't even be acceptable on a 512mb gpu from 2010, still, UE gives you those textures even if lowering every other asset to the minimum, 2gb, 4gb, doesn't matter, UE is fucked and its texture management is utter SHIT.

>all games shader stutter on your $3000 pc
huh nothing personal

Unironically yes.
Widespread adoption of UE5 will make it cheaper to hire developers and reduce the time of development significantly.

Since 2007

My experience with UE3/4 games is... tons of bugs and bad performance... Sure, with enough hardware you could power through them, but then you were left with the "distinctive" UE look that was rather marmite, loads of input lag and multi-gig patches because the kind of dev who uses an off-the-shelf engine can't into UE's patching system and just distributes the full archives every time.
And with bugs, while the engine doesn't crash often, mostly you're dealing with bugs caused by devs not really understanding the limitations of the physics, collisions, etc. and just iteratively trying to paper over this lack of ability to fix it.

nanite and lumen are both amazing features, nanite is a massive gamechanges if works as advertised

No, it will help kill it faster once it doesn't run on anything less powerful then a 7090ti

A competent devoloper will release a well optimized Unreal Engine game. A non competent developer will release an unoptimized Unreal Engine game.
A competent developer will release an ok engine. A non competent developer will release an absolutely broken engine with plenty of crashes and bugs.
Unreal Engine wins out unless you are one of the few developers that are good enough to have their own engine.
How many good modern engines from game studios even exist? I guess REngine and Decima are pretty good, but there aren't that many. Even some Nintendo games use Unreal now.

GPU prices are in freefall right now and the new Intel Arc desktop GPUs are coming out this summer.

Attached: screenshot-camelcamelcamel.com-2022.04.09-21_30_34.png (1200x619, 89.05K)

>fallback proxy textures.
its called texture streaming you fucking robot lmao literally just turn it off and everything goes back to normal.

Dude, it's been 15 years since UE was "king" on the 360 and they still haven't learned that ever so slowly paging in hi-res textures "live" through their painful dynamic loader is a million times worse than simply taking an extra 500ms on a black screen to do the whole scene in one go. They are married to a dumb system that never worked and they just can't drop it. Worse, it leaks memory like a sieve so as time goes on you'll start seeing more and more "fallback" textures that persist for longer and longer until you restart.

>if works as advertised
It doesn't. Neither does Lumen. You're looking at at least another five years before both of those are production ready.

wait. is it over?... is the nightmare finally over?

Enable virtual texturing in your project and this problem should go away.

Attached: talk_thumbnail.jpg (400x267, 67.07K)

> if works as advertised
Nothing works as advertised anymore, user.

Yeah cant wait for 8 hour long games to have over 100gb file sizes for no reason

You missed one. An okay dev could make an okay engine for some simple game that works well for the game they wanted to make. But that same dev could get utterly fucked by UE because it's just so very complicated when you just need some simple things. Seriously, watch some tutorials to make some basic test games, there are ALWAYS weird counter-intuitive bullshit you need to do to get these "simple" games working. Fine when helpful youtuber has already figured out that you need to tick "alternate centers" and "apply transformations to bones before loading" but if you're trying to make your original concept there's no one out there to tell you what you need to do to make it work unless you can afford to pay Epic to consult for you. And if you can pay them, you can pay for a real engine dev.

no matter how much you hate ue, right now it's being pumped with absurd amounts of development money. no inhouse engine will ever be able to compete in the future.


Save? No. But it'll certainly shake things up, I'm excited.

A lot of development time used to be wasted baking (pre-computing) the lighting for levels. Thankfully now with Lumen which handles all the lighting in real-time, developers can focus on working on other parts of the game now.

Attached: unreal-engine-5-lumen-in-the-land-of-nanite-demo-screen-6-15_5mmw.jpg (2491x1401, 479.34K)

You will have games being the same cum coated buggy garbage they are now but with twice the system requirements.

There is no way that creating your own engine is cheaper or easier than using Unreal. Clicking some box is nothing compared to the amount of work that you'll need for creating a modern engine.
If you don't like Unreal you can always look into other engines like Unity or something else.

nice argument

Lumen is fucking garbage. It's got more leaks than a Smash roster and more ghosting than the Amityville house.

>You WILL download the 200 GB soulless realism game

Yeah I hate all those realistic looking UE games like Borderlands, Fortnite, Psychonauts 2, Dragon Ball FighterZ, and Guilty Gear.


A lot of people forget that Unreal and Unity aren't even primarily game engines anymore. Epic and Unity have been diversifying their engines for different industries like film, architecture, automobiles, broadcast, field training simulations, etc., and a lot of these industries crave the most photorealistic realt-ime results possible from these engines.

It's gotten to the point where Unreal Engine's website calls it a "real-time 3D creation tool" instead of "game engine" and Unity's website calls it a "real-time development platform."

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-23 at 07-20-41 Architecture Engineering & Construction.png (1499x805, 1.55M)

>How many good modern engines from game studios even exist?
RE Engine
Apex Engine
Snowdrop (webm related, this game is 6 years old and still looks better than the vast majority of modern games, runs better too)
id Tech 7

Attached: 1648169151976.webm (1280x720, 1.89M)

>Unreal and Unity aren't even primarily game engines anymore.

Godot is, and that's why we got this. We're gonna make it, GodotChads.

Attached: Godot-Picture.png (1024x1024, 19.17K)

>bloated slow engine that is only useful for looking pretty
>saving anything
no user.
there isnt any single good engine on the market.
unreal is only popular because it has a lot of documentation and tutorials around aka good marketing.

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>It's gotten to the point where Unreal Engine's website calls it a "real-time 3D creation tool" instead of "game engine" and Unity's website calls it a "real-time development platform."

Come home to Godot.

Attached: screenshot-godotengine.org-2022.04.09-22_06_55.png (660x450, 32.31K)

If there's no good engine out there then what would you consider a good engine

>Inb4 a million shitty asset flips

Thanks unreal

an engine that meets those criteria does not exist so its a mute point.

And indie devs can't use any of these for any price. Great.

I guess devs want their engines to sound cool

Attached: Naamloos-2.jpg (600x600, 34.54K)

How good is Godot?

it's a good strategy desu. Also makes it easier for hobbyists and students to learn.

I mean, there are literally indie games that run on Cryengine.
And Apex Engine was created by a studio that, at the time, was basically a low-tier AA developer.
Hell, to this day Hunter CotW is still one of the best-looking open world games on the market, and unlike your typical UE4 open world game, it doesn't run like petrified shit.

Attached: 1487999760692.jpg (3840x2160, 2.33M)

My mistake, didn't notice CryEngine was in there for some reason.

I wish more studios would allow third-parties to use their engine instead of locking them behind closed doors. More competition in that space would be great.

But it also devalues work produced.
It's getting borderline impossible for a lone artist/developer to make a high quality product people are willing to pay money for. Standards keep climbing and the value of work goes down even as it gets easier.

I agree, my big issue personally is when big-name studios like fucking Crystal Dynamics and CDPR dump their engines for UE because they have insane turnover and no longer have anyone capable of working with their custom engines because all the people who actually mattered just fucking left.

The more options there are, the better.
That said, >Epic
We are lucky, if it doesn't kill vidya.

I'm not a game developer, but I'm a 3D artist who primarily uses Blender and it does look impressive. I've been stuck with this GTX 1060 for too long because of this chip shortage and it's really showing its age. If I can get a great enough quality for a fraction of the rendering time, I'd feel really tempted to switch from Cycles.

I don’t see how it’s a bad thing. It makes game dev more accessible

Pretty sure most of the people whining itt have never touched a game engine in their life anyway.

>It makes game dev more accessible
That just means more shitty games.

So? The free market will filter them out

It also means more kino games from people who wouldn't have had the opportunity to create them otherwise.

A new version of UE isn't going to result in new game devs who wouldn't have gone into development before choosing to do so now.
Anyone who has the chops to be a game dev is just as capable of using UE4 as they are of using UE5, all it means now is better graphics and worse performance.

So basically every other medium

>The free market will filter them out
Then fucking explain how EA and Ubisoft are still alive.
Shouldn't the "free market" have "filtered them" long ago?

That applies more to unity desu
Unreal will make passing around devs between aaa studios easier though

>Then fucking explain how EA and Ubisoft are still alive.
Because burgerland isn't capitalist

Ubisoft is French, user.

Maybe: since it has realistic graphix it will allow anyone to make "movie games" and crash the market since nornies will get mad and stop buying games from playing all the shitty asset flips