Why are battles so long and slow? What am i doing wrong? I want to love this game because i love the music and the characters but damn this is just not fun.
Why are battles so long and slow? What am i doing wrong...
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Zoomers with ADHD being the target market hurt gaming a lot.
Im 30 years old alright. This shit is just a drag
Consider using the SYN and SAB roles even during normal fights, they add so much to your damage output. Don't spend too much time in a paradigm with a MED role, if you find yourself spending too much time healing or getting interrupted use a SEN. Keep in mind that it's not always faster to stagger every enemy.
Im trying but its like every battle lasts 5 minutes its sucha drag
To add to this, you get a free full ATB bar when you paradigm shift the first time in battle then every 11 seconds after, so make it a habit to paradigm shift every time you complete 2 strings of actions, this also plays into paradigm deck building since you can exploit this effect even with duplicate paradigms. Your paradigm deck and to a lesser extent party composition will really dictate how your fights go, so you should a build your deck around a series of encounters in an area or even a specific enemy.
This feels so overwhelming for me. How about weapon and Equipment upgrading? Like why is this game so overly complex compared to like ff6
>design every encounter around a 3 party system
>don't give you 3 party members until 40 hours in
>text boxes pop up telling you to avoid fights you can't do with 2 people, in areas you can't even backtrack too
what were they thinking?
Like idk if im playing the game wrong or something. I just run into every enemy so i can gain exp or whatever but whats the point of shops at every save point if i cant afford anything at all.
You're fucking up.
Please explain this shit to me
Your first problem is even playing this game it is shit.
*punches her in the face*
Upgrading is another can of worms entirely. You raise the multiplier to 3x with organic components then you pump the minimum amount of mechanical materials needed to max out an item. I recommend looking up the amount of XP needed to max an item if you want to upgrade without risk of losing components because the game sure as shit won't tell you. I'd recommend upgrading Black Belts and Rune Bracelets first since they'll last you the whole game
use buffs and debuffs
RAV RAV COM stagger
She was so perfect too bros. I would have made her the mother of as many children she wanted.
What the hell.. tell me are xiii 2 and lightning returns this complicated too or do they dial shit back?
Upper thigh tattoos are kino.
XIII-2 and LR have upgrade systems that are even worse than this sorry. At least weapon upgrades in LR were made much simpler
>the worst you play the less money you earn at the end of fights based on a score
>the less money you have the worse you'll do
have fun
Lightning canonly is branded though
God damn why is this game like this? I think ill just use cheats to plow through thr battles or something because this is just not fun
I'd rather be single than date a woman with tattoos. It's not the image it's the principle. Women with tattoos are always trouble.
>Why are battles so long and slow? What am i doing wrong?
Learn to buff/debuff and stagger
>What am i doing wrong?
playan ff13
The mark of a l'Cie is not the same as a tattoo and you know this mortal.
Based and truthpilled
If it's any consolation you don't need to upgrade anything until endgame. You just need to be smart about the battle and you're set.
I do. I just don't play on turf marked with a gang's brand.
Like most things in this game it doesn't really start making sense until you get to mid-point. The shops are there because the engine provides them and there's no reason not to. But unless you're abusing a FAQ there's little chance you're going to be doing much buying and weapon upgrading until you can travel around and farm the things you need to farm and unlock other things.
They basically recycled ff7 and ffX and rolled the games into one and you got this game there's nothing really that novel or interesting about it, they stripped away all the aspects that made previous games good and playable. They were basically looking for a way to make the series more marketable to mainstream audiences since typical JRPGs weren't as popular as they used to be and the game company was not sure how to revitalize the franchise and keep the games selling well so they did this and then spent over 10 years on FF15 which is just unbelievable along with all the sequels to this game attempting to create some type of real time battle system. Was it really that hard I imagine? years later, it seems like most people don't really give a shit but they managed to bring the Final Fantasy series into the modern era with action elements which was worth all the effort I guess, sorta? Meanwhile, are these games still even that relevant? apparently a lot of people still play them.
The bit I felt could have used better explanation for newbies is how the paradigms and the crystarium grid play into each other. Like there's a bit where you wind up with 2x RAV and suddenly you can't do shit. And like any jRPG I just kept plowing the points into the stats those characters were strongest in because I didn't want to waste any levels making a Lv1 COM. Except that's not how this works at all and simply unlocking the COM tree is enough to hit enemies with a physical or ruin attack and slow down the chain gauge. Those battles went from a terrible slog to a rapid victory in my second playthrough once I knew how the whole thing worked.
How is this mainstream? The old games are more mainstream than this. The old games were simple as fuck you go to dungeons, pick up gear that makes you stronger, clear the floors using ykur best moves and go on. The battles in this one just go on forever and require you to constantly switch paradigms
great game.
>RTC filteres turn based faggots
>cast libra
>use MED/SYN/SAB until buffs/debuffs are applied
>switch to COM/RAV/RAV until stagger
>switch to COM/COM/RAV while staggered
>rinse and repeat, switch back to MED/SYN/SAB when you're low on health
>you only need to press autobattle during the fights
Indeed XIII's tutorials are awful. They don't even say how SAB spells or SEN provoke abilities slow the chain gauge as well
Serah. Serah Farron
The one with Claire is better...
not to mention you have grind levels just so you can enjoy the story
Lightning getting drunk and given Snow a handjob!!
He cums all over her hand 5 seconds in
Those liquid physics...
It made my small pp into the big pp
Use buffs and debuffs. Ideally you want to start every fight with at least Haste on your team and deprotect/deshell on the enemies.
Ravagers are there to raise the stagger meter, not do high damage. Commandos slow the rate at which the stagger meter drops, so COM/RAV/RAV is generally the best for staggering enemies. Saboteur spells also raise the stagger meter and slow its decay (just not as good as the other two roles in either regard) so something like SAB/RAV/RAV or COM/SAB/RAV can also work for quickly staggering enemies while adding debuffs. Your ATB refills when you shift paradigms after two full action queues or so, so it's good to double up on major roles so that you can switch back and forth.
Every role gives a passive buff to the rest of the team. Commandos boost the entire team's damage just by being there, Ravagers buff the team's stagger meter gain, Sentinels reduce the team's incoming damage, etc. These buffs stack, so if you have three of a single role in a paradigm, it means each character will be better at that role than if they were the only one of that role out. In other words, COM/COM/COM is the best for doing damage, RAV/RAV/RAV is the best for staggering, SEN/SEN/SEN is the best survivability, etc. Note that three COMs only really works against single target enemies because the AI are retards and spread out when there's multiple targets.
With very few exceptions, you generally always want to focus on offense. Only switch to paradigms with SEN or MED when absolutely necessary, and when you're buffing, prioritize offensive ones (Haste/Brave/Faith) over defensive ones.
Use Sazh's Blitz against big enemies and watch their health bars melt
Serah and Noel
the girls are so hot but the game is so boring..
I'm at the part with vanille and sezh with the main theme playing so i dont have a choice in party members or anything.
Relentless assault styles all over everything.
Just think about the musk coming from Lightning's damp curls when you're bored, user.
In that case, you mostly just want to focus on buffs and debuffs. That part of the game is there to force you to learn how to use the SAB and SYN roles. You probably want to start every fight with SAB/SYN until Sazh has got Haste and the offensive buffs on both of you, then switch to SAB/RAV, RAV/RAV, and COM/RAV for staggering, and have a second COM/RAV so that you can paradigm shift back and forth to kill the enemies once they're staggered. Put a SYN/MED in your last spot for healing. If you're controlling Sazh, you can manually use his Blitz when a staggered enemy is right in his face to do a ton of damage.
Where can I find a woman like Lightning?
I hate tattoos so that cuts out like half of American women.
>Where can I find a woman like Lightning?
Women like Light are too perfect for our imperfect world...
Because the game play sucks ass user.
okay thanks user.
Bro no, I refuse to believe this. We have to have hope. If we don't, then who will?
Kys Motomu
There's no hope, user... we have to let it go.
Bro, didn't you see the ending to LR? She lives in France. She's a model for Louis Vuitton and has done car commercials too
You're doing it wrong.