Why are battles so long and slow? What am i doing wrong...

Why are battles so long and slow? What am i doing wrong? I want to love this game because i love the music and the characters but damn this is just not fun.

Attached: Final_Fantasy_XIII_EU_box_art.jpg (250x310, 36.25K)

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Zoomers with ADHD being the target market hurt gaming a lot.

Im 30 years old alright. This shit is just a drag

Consider using the SYN and SAB roles even during normal fights, they add so much to your damage output. Don't spend too much time in a paradigm with a MED role, if you find yourself spending too much time healing or getting interrupted use a SEN. Keep in mind that it's not always faster to stagger every enemy.

Im trying but its like every battle lasts 5 minutes its sucha drag

To add to this, you get a free full ATB bar when you paradigm shift the first time in battle then every 11 seconds after, so make it a habit to paradigm shift every time you complete 2 strings of actions, this also plays into paradigm deck building since you can exploit this effect even with duplicate paradigms. Your paradigm deck and to a lesser extent party composition will really dictate how your fights go, so you should a build your deck around a series of encounters in an area or even a specific enemy.

This feels so overwhelming for me. How about weapon and Equipment upgrading? Like why is this game so overly complex compared to like ff6

>design every encounter around a 3 party system
>don't give you 3 party members until 40 hours in
>text boxes pop up telling you to avoid fights you can't do with 2 people, in areas you can't even backtrack too
what were they thinking?


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Like idk if im playing the game wrong or something. I just run into every enemy so i can gain exp or whatever but whats the point of shops at every save point if i cant afford anything at all.