What are you gys building in the future?
Master Duel
post cards that will never come out in the Lost Art collections
how the FUCK do you get the "deck out your opponent" title when they just fucking scoop before their draw phase?
i've managed it 6 times in 2 days and you have to do 20. what the fuck was konami thinking
You just have to keep trying until you find people that don't scoop it fucking sucks
New Rikka support when?
anyone got a link to the mod that uncensors the cards? idk why but none of the ones on the nexus are fucking labled properly
not only it's the first mod on nexus, it's also the top rated of all time. how the fuck can you not find it?
What kind of broken support should Rikka get
Can you shop Zeus in there, just for giggles?
I want to finish my Live Twin deck, I don't even remember where I got this one, if I copied it from the public decks or from someone I dueled against but is filled with nothing but handtraps. What changes can I do to this deck? I will remove Zeus and Accesscode, I don't want to spend dust on them.
bad hangover, plus there literally all just named mod
He wearin these ahaha
I rage so fucking hard at this garbage mostly my own misplays or lack of understanding but also the insanely stupid fucking level of random bricks I'll have, do dry runs with the deck 50 fucking times no problem and then I'm bricking 4 turns in a row in multiple fucking duels, activate an effect try to resolve it the fucking UI fucks me up and I fuck my board up, encountering random tier 0 decks with sweaty players behind them in my piss poor low rank barely played account, duel ping randomly seems through the fucking roof for no discernible reason, don't have fun when I win because it's either a stomp or I misplayed so badly but still somehow won I don't deserve to win or I'm slamming my hands on alt-f4 in a rage because my fuckijng bricks are nonstop-le ddvfiksdfj9FJ;KZCVB,KLJDSFXZ DESPITE HAVING A FUCKING PERFECTLY REASONABLE RATIO OF CARDS THAT LITERALLY NO ONE WOULD DISAGREE WITH I KNOW BECAUSE HALF THE REASON I MISLAY IS SBECAUSE I;M STILL LEARNING BECAUSE IT'S A NETDECK AND NO I'M NOT MISSING POTENTIAL PLAYS THNKING I BRICKED I AM LEGIT FUCKIJNG BRICKING WITH AN PPTMALM FUCKIJNG DECK AN INOPTIMAL RIDICULOUS FUCKING BULLSHIT ODDS AMOUNT OF TIME
also jthe fucking time between getting in and out of a match is fucking trash takes too fucking long
FUCK this faggot game yugioh sucks
Hopefully never
>go first and put Naturia Beast and UCT
>Opponent scoops as soon as his Eldlich spell gets negated
And I'm just testing for the event
Remove the twins boss and pot from main deck and you should definitely craft an accescode talker.
Redpill me on ninjas, they are worth it?
Love Rikka.
If he has Twins Boss from pulls he should keep it because it's based.
>remove the boss monster of the archetype
>craft generic beatstick instead
Thanks, but I will not, I refuse to turn my decks into generic engines.
Dumb waifutard
He fears my board.
Based aesthetic, archetypal, waifu purist.
You aren't based for playing a worse version of your deck just because the art doesn't get you hard enough,
I actually got two, I feel I should add them both in my deck, because why not?
Yes? That's the sole reason I returned to play YGO, to make decks of cute girls.
They should make more Marshmallon support
Can anybody post their fabled.deck?
I'm trying to get ideas of how to build.
Fuckers are too bricky for this format, but damn me if they aren't fun
>Yes? That's the sole reason I returned to play YGO, to make decks of cute girls.
That's pretty pathetic
You are based.
You will never persuade me to use a card back other than the classic.
You are playing Yugioh.
shut the hell up, homo
just build True Draco, danm they are really fun i feel really happy
>taking pride in being a loser
Yes actually it is "based" to use archetype specific cards where you can instead of substituting them all for generic fucking boss monsters every other deck uses. Yeah let me just use my cool unique archetype all in service of summoning broken faggot ass Generic Cyborg Terminator Cosmos Autoblow SuknFuk RealFlesh Dragon of Eternity #420 @ 69
Oh no, the insect metafaggot is calling me pathetic, whatever shall I do now?
Wait so VFD doesn't stand for Very Fun Dragon?
Nobody cares, user.
>I will remove Zeus and Accesscode, I don't want to spend dust on them.
Craft something else if you are just going to be retarded.
I wonder how would a burn deck featuring both Mallon and Macaron would fare in the Synchro event.
How did you do it?
I got 3rd at locals today :)
The "boss" is just an useless brick until the real boss (sunny) comes out, there's no reason to run it right now.
>generic beatstick
It's just a finisher, not really a combo starter or an engine piece by any means. Might as well remove that masquarena and unicorn by that argument.
id be lame enough to play them because of how cheap they are, but their art is just so unbelievably ugly
no user, he is satan now repent for using him
Good job user, what deck?
what deck?
I haven't used him yet.
I still need to build a Virtual World deck first
pls respond
Keep unchained and goddess of the underworld, I haven't used access code in a long tme, though it's not bad to have around
Too many handtraps btw, remove pot it's not worth the risk, with the good draw power the archetype has
>Remove the twins boss
retard, it's a great card
Probably not very good. But I used them in N/R event and they did really well.
Live Twins bby
Recently got crossouts and it's made such a huge difference I feel like
I wish I was young(and a first worlder)
Probably Mathmechs next so I have a Synchro deck. After that I want to make a retarded Xyz deck with only Numbers monsters in the ED, all at one copy. Then I'll figure out something for Links.
Magic of graydles
That amancipator insta scooped out of shame the silly snek took his one trick pony
If you are not going to run zeus then remove the other two Xyz as they are only there as fuel for him.
You can always fill the space with the other Knightmares.
Trouble Sunny is a gayer boss because it features a brown woman and a green midget. This Boss coming on field has a sick ass animation and BIG NUMBERS WHOA!!! and has some recursion also it's a free discard for any hand traps that require them because it functions from grave. It also has the 3 or more effect pseudo board clear which is gimmicky but neat.
Ahh. You fought against shitters then. Still, good job!
I got Goddess on a lucky pull a while ago, I also already have Masquerena and Unicorn. Hopefully we'll get Trouble Sunny soon, I'd add them instead of the XYZs, might as well have a full Link deck. And yes, I also think it has too many handtraps, I was thinking about removing the Crossouts but...
Does it make that much of a difference? I haven't crafted them yet.
>Live Twins only wins against shitters
Not only is this not true in Master Duel but it's certainly not in TCG you fucking meta slave mongoloid.
gimme a good synchro deck to use for the next shitty event
This + Wanghu sound hilarious
If you actually want to win you need to play floodgates and stun.
>called by the opponents maxx c
>it negates my own maxx c later in the turn
>>Live Twins only wins against shitters
Sadly it's very true. The fact that you're raging about meta decks out of nowhere is proof you know it's a shit deck lmao
I beat pk, beat thunder dragon, beat virtual world, beat 60 card shit. Pretty typical spread.
I think so. It's a negate against like every hand trap and scythe. I love it. I just need droplets next but I'm not about to drop that kinda cash quite yet. I think they are being reprinted in the mega tin?
What's a synchro deck that has minimal combofaggotry?