Kek, Fromtrannies are LITERALLY eating the shitty leftovers from Dark Souls 3

Kek, Fromtrannies are LITERALLY eating the shitty leftovers from Dark Souls 3.

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Literally only BB isn't full of rehashes. Even Demon's rehashed shit from other From games.

zanzibart... forgive me...

Omg it's the original zanzibart

>hands down the shittiest boss in the game, rightfully cut from DS3
>somehow it was considered good enough for Elden Ring though

omg they recycled old assets that went unused XD saving time and money XD
no studio has ever done that before XDDD

I'm pretty sure they did this with EVERY game.

But this implies that From themselves knew that this boss was utter dogshit. Why not just leave it out of Elden Ring too?

How is it a 7 year old mystery if Elden Ring came out this year?

>Why not just leave it out of Elden Ring too?
Desperate for content because muh open world with dozens of samey rehashed dungeons.

or maybe they just didn't have time to finish it and had other priorities and they couldn't just put an unfinished boss in a game
its normal to pull out scraps from the garage from time to time

there was an unused AI file in DS3 called SnakeSoul that was used for the tree spirits. The original was probably a boss connected to the Pus of Man based on some design similarities.

>somehow it was considered good enough for Elden Ring though
Because Fromsoft shit slurpers get lower standards with every release, if it's too trash to fly in a game now just wait for a future release and they'll praise it

god this boss is fucking awful, no wonder they put it in elden ring instead of ds3

>He didn't played sekiro.

Maliketh and malenia exist

Maliketh is fine, only Malenia is literal aids. Inb4 filtered

I actually like this boss and have no trouble when fighting them.

Attached: 20210510003242_1.jpg (641x1076, 119.41K)

Ulcerated Tree Spirits are fucking candy
Literally a free win because the only attack that's any trouble at all to dodge is their explosion.


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pretty sure the red wolf of radagon was one as well. There was the wolrd covenant from DS3 where you get a giant scimitar from.

So what? How does that make them good in any way? They're a fucking mess.

yeah I love fighting a huge log of moldy shit with legs that goes through walls and ceilings of the dungeon they're in

Really scraping the bottom of the barrel for criticism aren't they? These shitposters.

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Unironically filtered

It was never a mystery. Things get taken out during game development, and then repurposed for other games. It happens all the time.

Attached: clara-valac-iruma.gif (498x278, 1.33M)

I don't find watching a boss jump around for 40 seconds only to be given a millisecond of time to hit him just for him to continue spazzing across the arena.

kek fromdrones are literally insane

you need to work on your positioning

I don't see how they're a mess. They have very specific, easily-readable attacks and their AI is extremely easily manipulated. Just because their attacks are wide and long doesn't mean they can't be consistently rolled and punished. Stop panicking and watch the boss.

Anyone who disagrees with this has no idea how games are made


You'll never convince Yea Forums of this, you're wasting your breath.

He's way less obnoxious about it than half the other late game bosses, especially Malenia who unironically does go a full 40 seconds of spastic bullshit. He has meaty openings compared to her and on top of that has a combo that you can attack him through on all the hits (his sweep to slam combo) by jumping and then hugging him.

Ok, they're easy. How does that make them good?

>But this implies that From themselves knew that this boss was utter dogshit.

reminds of when those twitter trannies in the midst of the ubisoft dev crybaby shitstorm trying to dig up old 2011 documents of the FROM studio having unfavorable work conditions

people really want to see this game fall. its pathetic.

They are ugly as shit and hard to read the first time around, but once you fight against one a couple times it becomes very clear, the head, the tail and the arms, it's all super easy to dodge or block, they have a bunch of "PLEASE CHARGE R2 ME" openings and sometimes you can just hug them and mash R1 and they won't hit you.

Because they don't feint their attacks and are consistent with their movements?
Nothing I say will ever fit your unreasonable criteria for what makes for a "good" boss so I'm done talking to you.

>Miyazaki-kun we playtested the boss and his moveset is fucking terrible to play against
>Just add a fucking item to stun him for a few seconds we need to ship this shit soon
Great boss

The boss isn't that bad, it's the fact that most of them are shoved into fucking broom closets where they constantly clip into the fucking walls.

Attached: ulcerated tree spirit retardedly small arena.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

Just stun him, bro


They have like five moves in total, they're a miniboss enemy like all other big ones like deathbirds and tree sentinels and night's cavalry. They're far from being a "mess".

Why? It's harder to pull off than dodging.

Sorry, user. Yea Forums wants to be upset and shitpost for no reason instead.

>post's clip of him being bad
>it's the games fault!

That boss is one of the fairest enemies in the game

This is the least of the problems. They should've made a conversion spell or strategy so you can convert the soldiers of the "God" person you beat so you can build an army. All these games are just some dude wasting the land on his own and that's getting boring. The whole premise is the warring children of Marika turned the world to shit. Turn that around.
Nerds are dumb.

>misses the point of the webm entirely
Why are you so fucking stupid? It's entire head is clipped into the wall.

Flame of the Redmanes stuns the crap out of it and it's weak to fire.
If your strategy isn't working, try something else.

They know it's about the only opportunity to take a pot shot at the game they'll get.


Reusing models is good and more games should do it

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>posting a pajeet article instead of the original video
>not pastebinning modern """journalism"""
Do the sneedful

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Elden Ring is so DS2 tier.
The shitty bosses, like Melania, have infinite combos and almost no safe opportunities to attack since at any moment they make activate frame 1 infinite hyper armor into a near instakill combo.
These combos are Elden Ring's version of DS2's bullshit AoE's and hitboxes.

So is this just the standard for these games now? Change your loadout/build/playstyle for one boss? Cause if so I want off the ride.

Sad to see people arguing against this. They're a shit boss that isn't fun, and clearly weren't good enough for even DS3. But they make it into Elden Ring because Tanimura needed to pad out the world. Game really was too big for its own good, when you have to dig up the dregs of DS3.

I'd ask for examples, but you would have to have been a developer of the games you're naming to even know moron

that's been the RPG standard for decades