Over 10 years and still the king of Medic melees. After all this time, how has it never been nerfed?
Over 10 years and still the king of Medic melees. After all this time, how has it never been nerfed?
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compfags like it
compfags whispering in dev ears saved it, no chance in hell it'd go this untouched so long otherwise
Because the nerf everyone wanted on this stupid fucking thing was 'can't random crit' and valve decided that wasn't a good drawback worth adding to items that didn't have auto crits in some fashion
" it has "
Because the game is fucking dead
>"stock is best"
>people have spouted this bullshit for over a literal decade when literally the first lot of unlocks to be added to the game included a weapon that has remained an upgrade for the rest of tf2's lifespan
>get hit
>it doesn't crit
>kill medic tard
You guys are dumb.
are the compfags in the room with us now, user?
>>"stock is best"
It is for pyro.
generally speaking stock is best but there are obviously exceptions to the rule due to the situation
pyro + medic melees are straight upgrades, 2/9 is of course the minority
don't play stupid
Who the fuck bothers with the fire axe?
Back scratcher is a straight upgrade
Only as of the reworks. And even then, panic attack is probably better than the shotgun, his melee options are obviously better and personally I'm more of a dragon's fury guy
Every class probably has at least one 'this is generally better most of the time' things. I'm so fucking tired of gunboats soldiers
the third degree says hi
I run shotgun with soldier and you would not believe how often I jump around and then pop somebody off with the shotgun after I've blown four rockets and they rush in at low health
Because its a well designed weapon. Being better than stock doesn't mean it should be nerfed.
Powerjack is the best Pyro melee.
Valve could not give less of a shit about tf2, and it's competitive community. That's why.
100% they desire to completely abandon the game and shut it down, but it makes them a sliver amount of money from the whales.
Because the Ubersaw is fine, it's just that the other melees suck
die troon
>medic and solly are the cornerstones of comp
>only classes to have gone their entire run without severe nerfs or completely ruined playstyles
Yeah, shotgun's good. You don't gotta tell me. I have like a 14k kill shotgun that's almost all pyro. Ride or die on my bullets.
literally instantly crits if an enemy is full health for some reason.
>over ten years
Mostly because we haven't gotten an update in five years.
>Panic Attack
>Scorch Shot
Excuse me?
If by 2/9 you mean 9/9.
>scout: atomiser/wrap assasin both upgrades because you aren't going to be using your actual melee much, mad milk/pretty boy pistol are upgrades for secondary
>soldier: disciplinary action/escape plan both upgrades for same reason as scout
>pyro: you said it yourself, you'll probably want some sort of flare gun if other team has any heavies
>demo: iron bomber, nuff said
>heavy: sandvich/banana, FoS/GRU are both upgrades for the same reason as scout
>engie: wrangler/short circuit
>medic: what you said, plus crossbow
>sniper: jarate, with bushwhacka an attractive option
>spy: amby if you can aim, diamondback if you have no shame
>only classes to have gone their entire run without severe nerfs
>36 rocket ammo to 16
Scout and Sniper have had less nerfs/reworks than both.
If your idea of a bad nerf is a more reasonable ammo pool and the nerfing of a weapon you were spoiled to have to begin with then you really have had it good.
Honestly the only significant nerf soldier has ever gotten was making it so point blanking enemies with rockets didn't grant damage resist.
Wait you guys use the secondaries? I just use the primary weapon.
>reduced ammo for a weapon that's still monstrously good in all situations
>have to pick one direct upgrade over stock instead of both
the horror
>valve decided that wasn't a good drawback worth adding to items that didn't have auto crits in some fashion
explain this
Kind of a shame, because I like the default a lot more aesthetically. I like that it looks like a real bonesaw, those things are creepy.
You forgot
>boston basher if you want to go full compfaggot
>gunboats for same reason and if you're pretty good at rockets
>tomislav since it has longer range
>every other wrench
>hitman heatmaker if you can snipe
>kunai whenever you can abuse the enemy team
Melee is tertiary
I remember there was like a whole year where Valve would balance items by just saying the new one doesn't do random crits.
equalizer was the most overpowered unlock in the game and i wonder how anyone thought it was fine to release it
Oh yeah how could I forget that fucking thing.
I forget when and how exactly this thing got nerfed, but I fucking loved Baby Face Blaster and how fast you could run around.
I remember when the guy who created that weapon used to post on Yea Forums
Because it was fun
I'd call the Winger a better upgrade for Scout secondary but that's just me
If it helps i'm also not a big fan of it
I will always regret not using the BFB before the nerc, especially because i already have a lot of fun with the current one
You missed out, man. Going fast was a blast. I think Party Van runs a reverted version, maybe try and stop by there next time they're up.
Holdover from the era of weapon design being "strictly better than stock other than lacking random crits" that was never touched because it still served a unique purpose, wasn't overpowered, and the no crit thing being a more major downside for an engie melee.
it was beautiful
Wimp Lo weapon, exists as a joke, trained wrong on purpose. Also I think it came out before the 'no random crits downside' mandate
>medic and solly are the cornerstones of comp
uhhh bro he's the worst class in 6s and a meme in hl
You guys remember the old Phlog?
The only substantial Sniper nerf that I can think of was the Darwin's Danger Shield, and the whole reason they nerfed it is because it countered other snipers, and in the process of reworking it all they made it do is remove one of sniper's softcounters.
Scout has gotten a lot of nerfs and reworks over time too but they were mostly deserved (Crit-a-Cola, Atomizer, Soda Popper, BFB, Soda Popper, most of the Sandman changes).
You both also forgot
>market gardener having guaranteed crits while you're rocket jumping, which you'll most likely be doing if you're playing soldier
>degreaser pairing so well with flares where a spray with the fire followed up by a flare will most likely kill a light class
>KGB since the crits you get from killing with it stay as you switch weapons so you can get minigun crits
>Solemn Vow giving you its upside without needing to have the weapon out
>Bazaar Bargain only takes three headshots to become a straight improvement from stock which is easy as shit to get
Equalizer is worse than the shovel
the razorback nerf was pretty nice
I am of the firm belief that darwin's danger shield has never been a well designed item in any iteration of it and it should literally just be deleted. This fucking class that should be 30 times the distance from pyros effective range and can kill him in one hit comically easily should not have the fucking ability to have 250 fucking health and completely immunity to afterburn because if you get hit with a flare, yes, even the fucking scorch shot, and the pyro is not dead, you have FUCKED up
>direct upgrade to stock
why the fuck hasn't this been nerfed yet
Im with you
Yeah current Darwin's Shield is beyond bullshit. Problem is it only fucks over one class so people aren't as aware of this as they should be.
Guys what's that tf2 trading website where you trade with bots?
Sniper's secondary unlocks are fucked in general since giving up the SMG has like zero opportunity cost compared to any other class's secondary slot so basically any item you can equip there is a direct upgrade (unless it's the other SMG) and a means of indirectly powercreeping the class as a whole. His secondary slot is basically the melee slot for classes like Scout and Heavy, where all of their power is focused on the other parts of their kit and it's so rarely used that they may as well rename it the "utility" slot.
it's incredibly niche and useless in almost all situations.
Because despite the "straight upgrade" meme, no one fucking uses it. It's also as if every weapon in this game has the upsides of the alternatives as implicit downsides. Since they're what you're not going to be able to do due to picking that weapon.
>start playing after 2 years
>urge to buy strange weapons rises again