>last vidya character you play as must deal with an imposter
can they do it?
Last vidya character you play as must deal with an imposter
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fuck I mean intruder
Probably if I told him to.
what exactly can an intruder do
Didn't you watch it?
They make you go insane if you look at it, causing
you to suicide.
The only way to survive is to follow the T.H.I.N.K protocol described here: youtu.be
>These three
With Laguna leading them, they'll deal with the intruder in the stupidest way possible but still come out unscathed.
He'd just inhale him and turn into a spaceman-gobbling meat monster himself.
>Apollo Justice
I don't know who the imposter is but I doubt Apollo can do anything to him
Looking at them is unsettling but it doesn't drive you insane, what drives you insane is when they start whispering and giving you information you did not want to hear or they annoy you to death like that guy that locked himself in a room and the intruder kept talking behind that doon until the guy offed himself.
She only has a HR Greatsword right now but I'm sure she could still do some damage with it
Apollo might be the only one posted in this thread so far that can deal with it, because Apollo is smart. But he needs to have previous knowledge of what he is dealing with (which should not be difficult as we are assuming the government is spreading awareness)
Oh and of course Kirby could do it too, he is godslaying tier
>didn't you watch it?
No I'm not on top of everything on youtube, what kind of a question is that?
>make you go insane if you look at them
Oh, just a plain old psychological attack. Yes, easy, every Librarian has the cumulative experience of their thousands of lifetimes of Agent employment at Lobotomy Corporation, most of which were already spent dealing with unspeakable horrors that drive you insane if you look at them. They also work and fight under duress with similar unspeakable horrors bona-fide possessing them. Patron Librarians, being ex Department Heads, are even better off.
>annoying you to death
>only way to survive it is to follow the THINK protocol
>K is for Killing Yourself
What? Did they really think this through?
"Kill yourself" was put there by THEM, k actually stands for Know yourself or something in case they try to mind fuck you.
i thought mandela catalogue was scary but this part made me laugh because he's been used in so many memes before MC
Yeah, I concur.
Not that I dislike Memedela but its power level is fairly mundane in many settings and even moreso in terms of Project Moon shit. The whole phenomenon would be TETH or at most HE-tier. Something like Burrowing Heaven or Blue Star mogs the shit out of it.
>intruders begin to appear in the PMverse
>claw fucksquad descends on them in literal seconds for pretending to be human
He'd help set Jesus free
>Ashley Riot
Yeah he can fucking do it.
so basically every Yea Forums user would be able to overcome it because we already constantly give eachother shit information we dont want to hear and annoy eachother endlessly for fun?
They would not be able to handle anyone quoting purpleeyeswtf at them. Beat them at their own game.
Apparently they whisper truths of the universe and humanity's insignificant place within it and people cannot accept it and that is enough to drive them mad so it's basically lovecraftian horror.
I think many Yea Forums users would be shielded from this since all it takes is a mind that wants to know more about it and the ones who go mad are just normalfags.
In a rare bit of effort from my fat, lazy, and retarded ass I read this entire thread and still have no idea what the fuck you fair anons are talking about. Even this video presumes a level of knowledge that I don't have.
nah, that's just how these youtube horror series work now: you have to read between the lines a shitload to even begin to have a working understanding.
This and it's not just the one video you have to watch all the videos in the channel.
Mangayla Catalog might be the worst of the shitty youtube horror series.
If that's true, I'd be immune. Who gives a shit about how insignificant we are, I just want to satisfy my creative urges.
The only way to survive an alternate encounter is to refuse to be afraid. At least as far as we know. If they can actually do shit physically then we are fucked but if they're just weak beta males that go "oo kill yourself boo Haha scary" then just fucking kick their ass
He fails on account of being an imposter himself
This is just a post in the thread.
But what if the last vidya character I played as WAS an imposter?
I don't find mandela scary but I do like the world building. The scares at most are a startle and at worst are just funny because of how silly they look. I do appreciate him not sinking to the bottom of the barrel by doing jumpscares. The peak currently was "distraught at the sight of her missing infant." The sudden cut from simple diagrams and symbols to silhouettes of actual things as well as the rise in music was incredibly done. I hope he can deliver more and make the entire thing great
>My Slay the Spire run that made it through Act 4
Good luck, retard lmao.
such a dumb and funny face
why did feartubers latch on to this picture and never let go? it looks way too funny to take seriously
I guess? Does it matter whether or not the character watches much tv at all?
it also got spammed on /x/ years ago which also didn't help me take it seriously. People should really make their own art for this sort of thing.
I thought he was a Skweezy Jibbs edit at first
>imposter appears
>gets 50 gorillion shivs shoved into him turn 1 and fucking dies
I love The Silent.
he doesnt stand a chance
that chun li literally looks like a chimpanzee
chimp li
>when they start whispering and giving you information you did not want to hear or they annoy you to death
>Arma 3
The intruder will have to whisper over the shitty rap music my zoomer helicopter pilot is spamming over vehicle chat while he does aileron rolls at treetop-level.
I'm not worried about the intruder. I'm worried about that rapidly approaching telephone pole.
Contingency is the one truly spine tingling analog horror video, it's a work of dystopian art.
>last vidya character played as
>unironically a schizophrenic, literal recreative substance addict, suffering from PTSD, afflicted with multiple personality disorder, and who happens to be very good in combat
Probably yes? Would be funny seeing him try and getting even more crazy ngl
Wow. OP frags himself. But to answer, not sure yet, playing a demo and yeah. For now I would say no though. I would be killed by the intruder almost immediately.
>Intruder comes in
>tells me humanity is insignificant and is food for the cosmic slaughter
>just reply with "yeah and tell me something i dont know dumbass, now get over here and lets fucking co-op the shit out of this copy of turtles in time"
Same but the urges are sexual and violent, but never at the same time.
Unless you count wanting to choke some girl while I cum inside her and then have her hold me and run her fingers through my hair while I sleep. I guess that counts.
Man if that's all they do they really ain't that scary. Oooh I will take over your VHS tapes to tell you you're a worthless existence, wow, terrifying.
The thing that gets me is that it's not just the whisper, the thing triggering the uncanny valley is enough to disarm you for a bit while it is whispering shit at you and we don't actually know what the whisper is actually telling you. The video says it has a mortality rate of around 90%, do you really have so much faith in you not being a normie that this won't affect you?
That's where I doubt I would survive.
>If that's true, I'd be immune. Who gives a shit about how insignificant we are
>lovecraftian horror is not scary enough!
Yes it is scary enough, retards. Imagine being unable to comprehend the concept of lovecraftian horror, and yet daring say that you wouldn't be afraid of contemplating your own insignificance.
Lovecrafitan horror can be understood as this. Imagine an ant walked on top of an electric circuit. It wouldn't go mad. Now imagine that for just one second that ant acquired sentience and understood the entire world we live in, everything about it, how insignificant its ant life is, and then, just after that, it is back to being an ant again. The ant willgo fucking mad trying to tell other ants about how insignificant their life is. That's lovecraftian horror but for humanity.
>lobcorp manager
if he has access to my save's nuggets they'll make him a bitch
the uncanny valley doesn't really bother me since im a dollfag anyways, so yeah i'd say im probably pretty well equipped to handle this