>Japanese "humor"
Japanese "humor"
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Can't wait for her to appear in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
fucking mocap looks so cheap.
Giving the Japanese mocap tech was a huge mistake in general
Looks like a kids game
>this thread again.
You retards are the same
>western humour
>le benis
I don't get it, what's a one eyed monster?
>Played xc1 and xcx
>Loved xc1, neutral on x
>Everything I see from 2 is embarrassing or stupid like how ridiculous the battle system has become.
>Next xc game is heavily tied into it.
Time for me to find a new series.
Just let the glorious cringe of wapabanese humor crash on you like a wave on a rock. Embrace it.
Phallic object you stick into a chocolate starfish...
Why do the japanese love sexualizing children so much?
That's not humor that's just meme faggotry. It's painful sure but still not as painful as the webm OP posted.
>qt goth autist game dev in the front right
Man mocap animation with those bugeyed kawaii desu anime designs is creepy as fuck.
>The slap into battle transition
>japanese humour
Damn, this is depressing because XB1 is a very PG rated well written game with basically no slapstick
wwww 笑笑笑
Calling someone a dick is considered humour in burgerland?
because children are sexy
>slap into glass shards battle transition
that's how you do it
>attack the blonde cunt who slapped you until she's KO'd for her bullshit.
THAT'S how you do it.
No slapstick and no sexual tension or innuendos, the latter is the most important part
>90% of them are white
Umm sweatys, this is 2022, y'all should step down and let more poc folks take your place.
That will never happen because our mode of society is white European and POC's can't do shit about it
Nomatter how many times you post that, it doesn't change that most players will never get the skill checks to actually see that cutscene.
Be mad, MELIA cuck
ok, keep us updated
>Got me XB1, still getting through it
>Already downloaded XBC on cemu before Nintendo nukes the wii u eshop
>Hear about how XB2 is universally mocked for being overtly weebish
So far I'm enjoying xb1, though I'm sure I'm not taking full advantage of the affinity charts, and the skill trees.
Is xb2 worth it, and how important is the dlc?
why do they put this same shit joke into every single fucking thing
xb2 has some weird scenes but it's good overall (combat and exploration).
the dlc is a prequel to flesh out some prior events, it's not necessary but it's good enough for one playthrough if you enjoyed the main game, they tweak the combat to be faster as well
Japanese humor
Eh there are maybe 15 minutes of animu cringe in XC2. It's otherwise a pretty mature story, and with Torna I'd say it's even better than XC1
Of course these 15 minutes are a really easy target for mentally ill people, i.e. resetgenders, male soccer-moms and people who come to Yea Forums to whine about anime
God I hope X3 is better
this scene alone made me drop playing this game.
Sure, but that's going to be really hard because XC2 is damn great.
>western mental illness
A trouser snake
I haven't watched an anime since NGE aired and I handled the cringe shit just fine. Definitely feels overblown.
Worked out great for SFV, except for Cammy's air throw, don't know what the fuck happened there.
People really will shit on Final Fantasy X laughing scene then pretend these games are any better
It's some real uncanny valley shit
That's only the tip of the insanity iceberg
>Japanese "humor"
is Mythra a virgin?
Lmao every time.
Piss off.
Why do Japs use mocap so much? Is it just laziness?
Why am I only seeing a couple of these posted when the game is 100+ hours long with hours and hour of cutscenes.
i usually see these threads and don't think much of it, but jesus christ, just for how long are these being made
i loved every single Xeno game but this one have a dialog so cringe, the characters act and move so weird on the cutscenes that not even the design of the female characters manage to keep me playing it. and im a massive coomer. what a waste, hopefuly xeno 3 fixes this
This only proves that there's no such thing as a "good" cutscene. Video games should ditch this blatant pandering to hollywood types, and go back to being gameplay focused.
>b-but I need context
Why? Fun doesn't need context. If anything, context is movie-speak for "please take away control of the game, this is too videogamey".
None of that is even remotely hollywood nigger. Dumb frogposter
If Japan didn't have mocap we wouldn't have DMC cutscenes and that's not a world I wanna live in
>Same thread since 2 months and counting
Forced meme
There is no difference between Xenoblade and Uncharted. Both want to tell a "story" erego neither one wants to be a game. Pic related is as deep and emotional as any JRPG cutscene (and it's a shitty corridor with no input from the player besides pressing forward, so...)
Take a guess
ACfag you were(to an extent) right....forgive us
Now we suffer through the dreck of moviegames and constant western kusoge dominating the market..........
dumb frogposter
Bro it can't be helped because that cat girl will never forgive you while that boy will protect everyone