I miss bimbo stripper MK girls
I miss bimbo stripper MK girls
i miss when normies hated video games and the internet
>when normies hated video games
That wouldn't be when MK was around.
Uh, yeah it was you fucking moron. MK was the reason the ESRB became a thing because normies saw it and was sickened and appalled by the "realistic" gore.
And at the same time, normies who weren't into games got into MK because it was the 90s and edgy gore was in style.
MK9 - 2011
MK11 - 2019
For fuck's sake, what has happened in these 8 years that from this beautiful peak of character design and coomer kino gaming has become leftist politically correct shit
All I've heard from the fandom of late is a call for the return of sexier outfits. Maybe we're over this fad.
it's over for you chud, it's women wearing burkas only now.
its over bros
if you think this shit is beautiful there is no helping you
MK11 is one of the ugliest games I've seen. Even 9 and X looked better
not into MILFs that look like GILFs, but i'm sure someone is.
>tfw when no latina/mullato/arab gf
Me too. There's no reason to be so scared of traditional beauty the way the current western videogames industry is. Especially when the counter cultural wave has at this point exhausted all the novelty of an ugly FeMC.
never did fatalities with jade in 9 because i liked her poll dance win pose too much
>mfw NRS asked Stallone if they wanted to tone down fatalities on Rambo he said fuck no, and did the grunting/pain sounds for free
I'm not even an NRSfag and MK11 is easily the best looking fighting game ever made to this point graphically.
The graphics in that game are legitimately beautiful.
I think you need your eyes checked user, you're seeing things funny.
take your meds
this kid is trying way to hard
so this faggot is still trying to say this is shit is sexy or is this bait?
I miss MK9 Mileena. The giant teeth perfect and I hate nuLeena's pathetic excuse for her chompers
>For fuck's sake, what has happened in these 8 years that from this beautiful peak of character design and coomer kino gaming has become leftist politically correct shit
Faggots like pic related started getting into the gaming community.
I know this is a random youtube comment, but this is on a video regarding the mk11 costume controversy. This is how these people think. I've seen many other people on the Feminist perspective say this sort of thing. Btw onlyfans is good because women chooses to do it, but men creating sexy women in.games is bad.
>they brought them back for mk11
>you can have her maskless all the time if you want
>one of her outfits has open-toe shoes
>her umk3 suit has the cleavage window
You should try her MK11 witch costume, it's great
The most based man alive
Find one (1) fighting game with better graphics than MK11. Show your work with an unbiased side-by-side
There's a lot of shit to pound MK11 about but the graphics are a 8/10 even outside the genre and a 10/10 in it
I'm always annoyed when vidya girls get censored outfits because its "unrealistic". What's the point of fiction and fantasy if you have to keep circling back to realism?
Injustice happened and with it came a new comicbook audeince and staff that actively hated the classic campy fun MK
The result is X looking like Injustice 1.5 and 11 looking like Injustice 2.5
>Zero good porn of Sheeva
I just want a bombshell babe with washboard abs and four arms.
The awful hair is literally the only change needed
Every straight male does.
funny how mk9 faggots only post fanart
MK11 Mileena was made entirely for coomers
They gave her lordosis just so she could compete with Cassie and Skarlet in the ass department
>not retrocade
what would would you do?
i have lots there wanted to mix it up
>mk2 scorpion costume is perfect
>it makes his eyes human
well he is in the game story he is human
just post nyl2's sindel already
>thinking about meds
they did her dirty in the new game. actually disgusting.
80 IQ retard, those are old graphics. That improved would look way better than muslim kombat
This muscle mommy version of Sheeva could tear me in half and that would make me happy.
I want to kill the new Sheeva.
>Zero good porn of Sheeva
there is if you like futa
Literally nothing, i rejected girls like her once a month.
Ah yeah i forgot that a lot of men like that ugly girl called pokimane
she'd still have the manjaw user.
I'm surprised anyone shits on MK11's graphics when it came after MKX, legitimately one of the ugliest games to ever be released
Actively off-putting to the point where I just can't play the fucking thing
NRS are still fags for claiming skimpy outfits were lorebreaking then gave half-nude outfits to every male character and also making Rain both hideous (without cosmetics) and zero-damage
I want to dick her, not be dicked
And goddamn is the futa porn good.
how do you unlock that stage¿
Sluts was half the appeal of the game, the other half was violence
which is weird because even his tag assist when you use his katar calls in a different look than his default.
This really should have been his default
i would ask you kindly to never reproduce but i know you won't
The MK movie only existed because MK was fucking huge.
the virgin mortal
the chad revenant
Reminder that MK11 user was found out to be a RWBYfag.
are zoomers fucking retarded
the esrb was made because of pearl clutching suburbanites who thought it was turning their kids into violent psychopaths
>normies saw it and was sickened and appalled by the "realistic" gore.
You mean "parents", not normies. Mortal Kombat was a phenomenon in the 90s, even if it offended soccer moms
But I notice millennials seem to think that if boomers don't like something, it's automatically unpopular