it's be nice if we could change between female and able versions of the mercs
I wish valve went with adding female mercs idea
I don't.
Only a sicko would enjoy seeing cute girls getting gibbed and burnt alive and decapitated
We really don't need coomers in the TF2 community, although it could probably be the only thing that could bring it back from the death.
Making a move like this will only do damage to the game.
>entire enemy team is female
>equips hot hand
I wish valve went to your house and fucked you in the ass
It's a nice idea, but I feel like it would cut into the bro culture that all the male mercs have.
curious how demo is the only character to make the "I fucked your wife lol" joke
spy does say the off to visit your mother thing but it's different
It wouldn't work, even at a gameplay level. The models are all thick so you can better shoot at them, for one.
Coomers have been in the TF2 community almost since its inception. Fempyro was only made as a player model what, one year after release? Two? I've been cumming to huge latex titties for longer than the post-f2p ecelebs who are trying to tell me everything is bad have even been playing period.
Make the female models thick too, then. Planetside did it.
A playable miss Pauling campaign could maybe work
Have you seen HL:Alyx? It's not worth the efforts. Besides, the fps genre still needs TF2 to look up to when other similar games have a lesser chance to make it.
you'll never be a woman tranny
>it's different
Hearing female death screams would get annoying
and then we'll make porn of it!
Females aren’t funny
One thing I never got about TF2 was where Heavy fits in the Rock Paper Scissors. Spy > Sniper > Heavy > ?
do you consider your wife and your mother to be the same?
Spy > Sniper > Heavy > Engineer > Pyro > Soldier > Demoman > Medic > Scout > VIP > Spy
>inb4 so fuck head spy main says otherwise
Spies always get cocky and die to the VIP
>t. fujoshit
t.ranny coomer
>nooooooo muh gay ships
>don't you dare adding stinky girls in my ships Volvo
>female and able versions of the mercs
Tranny hands typed this post.
I recognize this anime, but I don't remember the name. Plz help me user.
>projecting this hard
just admit you want to see demo fuck medic, none of us care about that shit, i just want to see what interactions the woman merc would have with them
>female and able versions
weird, I always thought fujos and trannies get along
why would they retard, do you even know what fujo means
TF3 should have it so one team is all male and one team all female (but the male characters are different from TF2's)
sorry I fucked up saying male
Hell nah OP
fuck that
theres been female TF2 mods for 10+ years user,
just use those
It basically means to girlify a guy for them to easily self insert into.
Basically they make the receiver a tranny.
Also fujos loathe any and every female presence in their yaoi out of fear that shippers would just do the standard m/f shipping.
take your estrogen pills and dilate
I disagree on the basis that I hate women.
It would only be acceptable if the mercs all retained their incredibly distinct silhouettes. They'd all have to look like freaks..
what's the difference between you and a bucket full of shit?
the bucket
There's a key difference about men and women you don't appreciate. Men can call each other fat and ugly and stupid and that's the end of it. Women cannot do this, because they take it personally and cry into their pillows. Even using a proxy like these classes, people would demand for change.
Coombrained retards
>female and able
>being female is a handicap or makes you disabled in some way
I mean, I agree, but it's pretty rude to say our loud like that
who cares, post femscout porn
This spy gets it
>Loud brapping echos through the map
>Camera cuts to the RED base
>Heavy is sitting on Scout's face while brapping
>He's eating beans
>Scout is visibly erect
>Pulls out a hot pepper
>Eats it
>Eyes go wide
>"Uh oh!"
>Lets out an atomic brap
>Heavy gets up
>Scout's face is on fire
>Sniper runs in and throws a mason jar at the Scout
>"I upgraded mates"
>Heavy looks at the Scout
>The jar was full of chunky half liquid shit
>Scout pops a boner again
>Demoman walks in and begins fucking Scout in the ass
>Scout braps hard and inflates the demo
>"I've got two dickets to the cum show and I'm not giving em to ya! I'm going with YOUR dickets!"
>Demo floats away
>Spy leaps up and grabs the demo's legs
>"Well, off to visit your mother!"
>Spy's hands slips and he falls, impaling his ass on the end of the Blu Sniper's gun, because the Sniper was one of the bots constantly looking up and spinning
>Spy begins pissing and sharting from the experience
>Engineer and Medic watch all of this with a concerned look on their faces
Now imagine if they were girls!
I only want female pyro.
Yup, that's right, who would want that? Not me, no siree