This is the most broken incantation in Elden Ring. It basically trivializes "hard" bosses like Mohg...

This is the most broken incantation in Elden Ring. It basically trivializes "hard" bosses like Mohg, Placidusax and Malenia. You can literally defeat them with one button and no preparations. How long until they nerf it?

Attached: swarm.png (200x200, 18.24K)

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Malenia BTFO. Meanwhile the tryhards from Yea Forums are still getting filtered.

yeah i beat malenia using mimic too, not a big feat

Here's a cuhrazyyy idea: how about instead of nerfing everything of value into they ground they actually buff the other 99% of borderline useless weapons and spells into being somewhat effective rather than making everything perform equally like dogshit?

>lord of blood
>is weak to bleed
What did FROM mean by this?

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The game is already easy enough as it is, no need to make it completely braindead

He has the bleesing of the Lord of Blood, meaning that whenever bloodloss happens near him, he gets a nifty damage buff. This also includes when he is the one who suffers bloodloss.
Of course it doesn't matter if its some asshole spamming jump R2 or Corpse piller at his face until he staggers and then dies, doing massive 4 digits damage each time.

Many weapons and spells are in a state of utter pointlessness right now. They should at least add some buffs rather than blanket nerfs across the board. For example, they could add some hyperarmor or increased casting speed to incantations. There's almost no point in using the flashy ones even if they have the potential to do decent damage.

>Using single handed STR weapons
>You're weak as fuck during endgame and bosses are now super hard due to this
>But summoning is OP baby mode where you can't lose
I hate the balance in this game so much.

Broken stuff needs to be nerfed while useless stuff needs to be buffed, both must happen.
Poisecast needs to come back
Standing attacks need to go back to the DS3 standard
Light rolling needs to be noticiably better than mid rolling
A whole bunch of useless weapon arts and incantations need to be buffed
Several slower weapons need to have better hyperarmor frames to make use of poise
Spears need to be speed up in general, they all got awful recovery in their poking attacks

Difficulty in Elden Ring is a sick joke. It's either incredibly easy or ultra difficult. There's no in between.

While I agree, is there really anything actually "broken" right now other than bleed? I honestly can't think of anything at the moment.

Bleed, frostbite, % HP attacks in general, some shields with massively high guard boost, power stance and jumping attacks used together are the greatest offenders

Corpse Piller weapon art does insane amounts of damage and stagger for some reason.

Rotten breath + Swarm of Flies + insert tanky summons trivializes every single boss besides elden beast

Sort of goatse.

It's because anytime you trigger a bloodloss, it staggers them as well. Corpse Piler is guaranteed to bleed out anything not immune to it in like 2-3 hits max, so yeah you just keep chain stunning them with it.

We literally are worse than reddit.
God I hate this board.

Attached: 129083.png (1090x214, 20.09K)

Yup. Not a single boss is at a good difficulty because From, in their infinite wisdom, designed the game around summoning and since it's entirely possibly that the boss only attacks your summon you get free damage and just nuke the boss. Otherwise the boss is spamming 4-6 combo string moves with a .5 second gap to get 1 hit in

Based arcane enjoyer

Attached: Bleed.webm (720x480, 2.71M)

you all didnt beat the game

Wait does Fire's Deadly Sin help trigger bloodloss or something, the hells going on


During release it shared the magic weapon buff like bloodflame blade and blackflame blade for some reason. It's the reason why eclipse shotel + FDS was busted in PVP.

holy fagola

It's bugged and it spreads status effects to foes. It used to spread Deathblight but they fixed that and nothing else.

so its probably intended if they could single out deathblight

They didn't fix the other status spread? Lmao I need to find a way to spread both frostbite and bleed now.

what the fuck
I'd rather die to her 60 times like I did than doing it like this

>discord spammers are "we"

I'm planning to be a holy/lightning/buff paladin on my faith build. How bad a time will I have?

This perfectly highlights why the input reading is such shit in this game.
She dodges the "cast" only to stand there and get bled to death from the actual spell.

Attached: chrisrages.jpg (480x360, 15.82K)

Pure faith is pure shit, but if you put around 25 points on it for the buffs and the rest on your weapon of choice you're good to go. Remember that lightning art damage scales with DEX. Holy is a meme, everyone resists it.

>game is a RPG
>people still want to play as an action game
>thinking it will help in getting skills for other action games

retards, all of you, soulsgames are awful as action games and doing them as a pure action game wont help or increase skills in any way

well lightning scales off of Dex and only Dex (for weapons/weapon buffs), and Holy has the same problem Fire had in DS3 where like half of the end game bosses resist it

Because they didnt test it.
FROM didnt even know arcane wasnt working on release and took a month to fix it.

You can't blame them that hard, they released sekiro last, and they have trash jumping in this. Demon's remake wasn't them, but it got me out of the ninja mood.

Very. Basically every single mid to late game boss resists or is straight immune to holy damage and lightning spells are ass unless you abuse the animation cancel bug.

pretty much this. I didn't remember Dark Souls was this much of an RPG, but Elden Ring is purely a numbers game with an action adventure coat of paint.

Lightning Spear is always good but yeah, everything else just takes too long to get out

>highest potential damage spell per-cast in the game
>doesn't take 20 years to cast

Attached: 1626851793858.png (200x200, 19.92K)

Youll connect with like 2 of these max.

Yeah and I've seen that personally whiff against the Godskin Duo despite standing right between both of them

In older games yes the speed is fine, in this game however none of the end game bosses but the huge ass ones are going to let you sit there and cast anything unless you have a summon distracting.

such amazing combat

I won't disparage people who beat her like this and are happy, good for them, but man does beating Malenia using stuff like Black Knife Tiche and Swarm of flies really just suck the fun out of the fight. You just autowin

>Struggle first couple attempts
>Switch to Great Stars with Wild Strikes and tear him a new asshole
And I was just throwing shit against the wall.

I will continue to use this while shitters sleep on it. It’s more suitable against certain enemies though.

>le buffs are always better than nerfs!!1!1

power creep

I banished my mimic on placidusax because it straight up felt like cheating and I didnt want to win like that.
I have no shame doing it to melania and would gladly do it again.
I don't care if waterfowl has 15 counters or not, its still a fucking gay ass move that ruins any potential fun the fight could otherwise have.

It's fine to nerf things that actually break the game, but making everything hit like a wet noodle is a crime.

Too much work, I just boxed her into a corner and spammed Borealis' Mist
Same deal with Maelnia, you can put Scarlet Rot on her, it just takes four/five full rot breaths. A rationalization could be that status affects seem to be associated with specific Outer Gods, and they're just borrowing those powers.

Attached: fat_chad.png (350x418, 162.35K)

>I don't care if waterfowl has 15 counters or not, its still a fucking gay ass move that ruins any potential fun the fight could otherwise have.

True but I still want it to feel like an accomplishment and not that I could just put the controller down and win.

I also banished stuff like Tiche and Blood Flies late game except against stuff I felt was unfun or repeat bosses and it's a shame that the balance in this game is so fucked. You either use the summons or cheesy stuff or you struggle in fights that clearly aren't designed for you to even do 1v1, instead using a summon to pull aggro.

Based on my experience, awful. My second playthrough is a dual wielding scimitar/flail build and it's considerably easier.
Holy is resisted by a lot of bosses and mobs. Lightning and Fire are better, but you'll find yourself using the same five offensive incantations. The new spells you'll acquire will just get more and more disappointed as the game goes on.

Snakes aren’t immune to their own venom.

Ppl trying to play a Paladin always end up using blasphemous blade. Why, because it fucking sucks until you get that sword. But that’s toward mid-game.

I honestly feel like FROM got so concerned with punishing old habits from previous games they forgot to make the fights fun half the time.

Sorry, (You).

Bussy addicted is known to result in weakness to bleed.

kek based
any fags complaining better be doing a fists build I'll take it from them not from you

I was planning on a sacred claymore.

You would probably be better off with a flame claymore, or a quality claymore that you buff with incantations