Is addiction to achievements a sign of autism? Once I 100% achieve a game...

Is addiction to achievements a sign of autism? Once I 100% achieve a game, I usually won't play it again even if I love it UNLESS I re-lock all the achievements and start getting them again?
Am I autistic?

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I don't know, ask from some doctor or something

Reminds me of people who cared about gamerscore. Achievements are just put their by developers to trick you in to playing every single last piece of content. You can do that without a stupid checkbox popping up. You unironically have a monkey brain


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The fact you can't replay them without the achievements is a bit odd, yeah.
But, I think it's fun to see what the developer's thought were good goals for 100% completion. There are some good ideas, like the one in Far Cry 3 that makes you dive an insane amount into the sea. Doesn't serve a point to the game, but just a bonus.
Brothers Tale of Two Sons is the same way; 10 achievements, none of them tied to the story, just bonus stuff.

But once that's over, you shouldn't give a shit, man. OCD can only go so far. It's more like once you've 100% it, you can now play whatever way you want, as fast or slow, taking your time or speedrunning it, any variables you want ot add.

You gotta let go of some parts of your OCD to live a comfortable life. Steam achievements aren't even worth measured points besides their percentage.

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maybe. don't usually pursue em myself unless it's for a game i really like.

playing vidya at all is a massive sign of autism

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We used to be able to unlock content. Now we can only unlock certificates.

>But once that's over, you shouldn't give a shit, man.
should've articulated better, if I don't really care about the game, I don't go out of my way to get 100%. But even if it's a game I really like, I'll go back and play it until I Hit 100%, but thEn I won't be abLe to Play it again unless I reset the achievements.

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If you want to play a fun and short game for easy achievementpoints try "The Procession to Calvary". I found the game on gamepass today and it happend to be so good that I played through it multiple times to get all the endings. It's a point and click adventure. The comedy is a bit crude but the presentation often makes the jokes funny again. Riddles are logical and there is no weird adventure logic to roadblock progress.

I used to be like that playing any old crap to increase my gamerscore until I finally hit 100,000 and finally stopped giving a shit.

get good, become a faggot like me

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Yes, your brain got reprogramed in the 360-era to work against you. Play games to have fun and actually accomplish things ingame worth boasting about to friends, stop celebrating the cookie cutter tasks publishers came up with that let retards feel like they're good

I quit steam achievements a few months ago.
>never had a guide open on my first playthrough
>would earn all achievements only after finishing at least one playthrough blind
>would look at the achievement % list before buying to see if I could legit get 100%, which factored whether I bought the game or not
>did this because I didn't want to mess up my average game completion rate: 70%
>would feel anxious if I only put a few hours and dropped the game and see 2/51 on the game list
>would feel anxious again the closer I got to 100%, making me feel like I needed to get 100% even if the achievement was grossly unfun

I played all through Cyberpunk 2077 and only earned 80% of achievements or something, and that's because I wanted to do every mission and NCPD stuff for fun, as well as see all the endings. Basically playing organically and how I want. The rest I didn't earn are stuff like killing a certain amount of enemies using some cyberware that didn't fit my character theme/build or something. And one other where you buy every vehicle which I didn't do, because my fave vehicle is the black caliburn anyways that you get for free later in the game.

Achievements should really be baked into the game that unlocks stuff for you to use in a playthrough, or stuff you want to do, not because you want 100%. The worst achievements is something like play the game at all difficulties in less than an hour while farting the alphabet and taking 0 damage while getting your dick sucked or something, or achievements from tacked on multiplayer in a single player game. It's also not fun, achievement hunters do it to satisfy an OCD, that feeling you get when an achievement pops, and the satisfaction from earning 100%. Yeah it was pointless but it was something to do, but it really ruined gaming for me after awhile, and it's hard to drop it when you reach a high completion rate and over a hundred perfect games. If anyone feels like I did drop it completely and don't ever go all in.

>making me feel like I needed to get 100% even if the achievement was grossly unfun
I felt this way until I was doing Fairy Fencer F
the first achievements to break my spirit

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>single player game
>multiplayer achievements
>multiplayer is dead

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The only time I cared about achievements was when they were new and I first got a 360. It looked cool having a big gamerscore next to your name at that time

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I thought they were stupid already when they were introduced and I haven't changed that opinion in the slightest. A game should be its own reward, in a sense. If the genre is suitable for specific challenges they should have some in-game reward or they aren't any more interesting than whatever restricted runs or whatever the community comes up with themselves.

Depending on how you'd look at it, I'd say my most autistic achievement was downloading a complete save of Sonic Adventure, replaying one of the easy missions (those card things in trial mode of inane shit) and getting my last achievement that way instead of just using SAM.

For normal achievement autism, I'd say 7 day survivor.

As a general rule if asking if something is autistic you are probably not autistic. Ritualistic or uncontrollable and compulsive behaviors are a sign of autism. If you only do it with video games then are probably not autistic

Autist/OCD here, the non-vidya stuff was mostly beaten with medication. As a kid I'd have to turn my alarm on and off again until my finger rubbed off it the right way but that has fuck all to do with being an achievement fag.

>20k achievements
>only 27 perfect games

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>Default profile color theme
Opinion discarded

>have 10% as many achievements but twice as many perfect games
I hate not finishing a game if it's doable. Unless the last achievements are total bullshit I'll at least try to get 100%.

>Introduce my friend to Outer Wilds
>He seems into it, gets it on game pass
>Brags to me the next day that he managed to get the Beginner's Luck achievement
>Congratulate him, ask him if he's done Hot Shot yet
>Tells me no, says he hasn't even been to the Sun Station yet.
>Quick math and knowledge of the game's plot sinks in go from docile to raging in an instant
>Turns out this mother fucker didn't even play the game
>He just googled how to complete the achievements and was watching speed run tutorials to complete them in alphabetical order

This moment may have been the singular moment that I have been the most angry about video games.
I was fucking pissed.

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Definitely. I never gave a shit about achievements unless I happened to get 90%+ of them playing naturally. I never force myself to play vidya for some arbitrary goals like achievements.
Meanwhile I have a friend who's a certified achievement nigger and he will play every game to completion to get all the possible achievements, and he will hate a lot of them afterwards because he spent a lot of time on shit he did not found fun. For fuck's sake nigger played Monster Hunter World and spent something like 100+ hours solely on getting that crown achievement by restarting missions and measuring monsters with a fucking ruler while I never gave a shit and just hunted niggers while actually having fun with the game.

Jesus that's lame.

Never share your hobbies, no one appreciates it the same way

This. Much easier to just say you don't do anything and leave it at that. I don't remember the specifics but almost any time I'd share a fun bit of trivia or talk about vidya or whatever I'd always get
smart ass shit or people would get reminded of something irrelevant and start ranting about god knows what. One thing I remember though
>talking with dude asks what I'm playing
>"yeah been playing someactiongame got cool moves there nothing like blocking meteors with bare hands if you time it right or some other crazy shit like that"
>"you do know that that's impossible in real life right it would crush your hand and burn it do you know you can die from burns there's nothing cool or impressive about that"
No shit it's a video game it's not realistic. Throwing knives don't instantly kill people either yet you didn't hear me complain when I had to watch your sick end of the round replay.

Achievements? What are you talking about?

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You can re-lock cheevos?

>>"you do know that that's impossible in real life right it would crush your hand and burn it do you know you can die from burns there's nothing cool or impressive about that"
You're doing something really wrong in life if these are the type of people you attract.

This is worrying but the worst sign is when you buy games just for the achievements. An old friend of mine used to buy barbie games and shit just because he knew the platinums were easy. He did this for over 10 years, now he's 30 and doesn't even play video games anymore.

I like achievements in theory, but in practice they force you into an artificial mindset of "I need to 100% this game just because" rather than because you like it. Achievements should guide you towards cool little optional content, interesting challenges, or impressive achievements rather than "Just finish all the standard content in the game" which is what most games do.

One achievement that sticks out in my mind is from CoD 4: "Rescue Roycewicz". Your squad advances into a building and one of your guys gets ambushed and murdered in a scripted sequence. Most players won't react fast enough to save him, but if you do, you unlock an achievement. This was always really cool to me.

If you actually enjoy game, I don't think is autism.
If you play bad game that you don't enjoy just so you can get all achievements, you are probably autistic

100% pure autism.
You should get pills from a doctor to cure it.

The shitheads at Valve, Snoy and Macrosoft turned gaming into retarded checklists.

i want to get out of the achievement mindset, how do i do it?

>Achievements should guide you towards cool little optional content, interesting challenges, or impressive achievements
Things that never happened for $500, Alex.

I remember actual achievements, like beating some game on hard, to then unlock USEFUL cheats, game modes, characters, etc.

Modern gaming has turned this into retarded thumbnail images. Thanks modern HD gaming. Go fuck yourself.

Force yourself to play games with no achievements for as long as it takes to cure you

You stop buying games on Steam, Snoy platforms and Macrosoft platforms.
Get a Shitch and play on there.

I would like to 100% one difficult game, I have come close to hollow knight but the last pantheon is unfair, also Halo MCC with the LASO challenges is probably genuinely impossible for most players.

>Throwing knives don't instantly kill people either
Depends on the size of the knife and where it hits.
t. Navy Seal knife expert

my achievement addiction is so bad that i wait for steam sales even though it's cheaper elsewhere.
I have fucking issues.

I only ever go for all the achievements if I'm still not bored with the game by the time I finish it. I think the biggest game I got all of them in was Witcher 3. I'm going through Elden Ring right now, I might try and get them if I feel like going through a checklist of activities and fucking around with the saves for all the endings.

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It's a dark pattern to manipulate you.

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Which games did you enjoy getting every achievement for?

none of them

Might have been ori 2, most achievements there unlocked naturally throughout the game and the few remaining ones were fairly challenging without requiring dozens of hours of grind. Even the no death run one was far easier in 2 due to there being less things that could insta kill you. And you could always savescam it like a faggot.

>no one appreciates it the same way
Something like that goes beyond differences in "appreciation".
It's like using a laptop as a frisbee.
Cool, you got use out of it. I'm happy for you.
But you completely ruined it in the process, and now you can't even use it for its intended purpose.

Stanley Parable.
For obvious reasons.

if your computer breaks from being thrown then it probably wasn't that good to begin with

Great logic.
Let me come to your house and put your TV to that test.

i don't even own a tv

Give me whatever you're posting with, I'm not picky.

I will never understand why people care about achievements. What a waste of time.

>obvious reasons
>game has ZERO good or enjoyable achievements and are either generic, or stupid for le funneh memes
Only ones that are slightly okay are the click door 430 5 times one, and the speedrun (but that literally requires a good start spawn) the rest are not fun at all.

>or stupid for le funneh memes
Yes. That's the point of the game.

Still doesn't make it fun though, at least the actual game was fun, and I have no doubt the Ultra Deluxe version will also be fun. But leaving my pc on for 24 hours, not playing the game for 5 years or messing around with config files is neither fun, or even achieving anything. The best achievements are ones where you actually ACHIEVE something, like completing challenging tasks or finding secrets through exploration.
