>Now that we're all undead and vampires communism will work!
Now that we're all undead and vampires communism will work!
they nailed that NPC lefty look fr
It would work exactly because they aren't all undead and the community is fairly small.
>Some vampires are inherently, provably, better than others
>But communism will work!
Yeah sure, the 13th gen who can barely lift a car is totally equal to the 4th gen who can destroy an entire city single handedly.
I don't think there was a single one that weak in the whole game in the first place and it's not like anything proposed would have farther reach than the Masquerade already does.
Does she do ANYTHING to actually work towards vampire communism, the anarchs aren't communist by nature
fully automated gay space luxury vampire communism
She was acting like any true communist
Doing whatever a charismatic strongman told her to do
She stands in a corner and seethes at the Camarilla
They are literally called the Anarchs. People have no fucking idea what Communism means anymore. It's just a buzzword people throw around to mean whatever political ideology they want to be mad at today.
is the game supposed to be buggy even with latest unofficial patch or have i been memed and i shouldn't be using it at all?
one time i used the taxi and after the loading screen the taxi turned into a street lamp half-burried in the floor and the cab driver was just floating but reloading a save fixed it
same thing happened when i went inside a building but it was doorknobs turning into an unanimated school of green fish for some reason
I'm confused.
When did Jack switch out the Sarcophagus insides?
I haven't had any of that, but the collision is god awful throughout the game.
use the official patch but only do bug fixes, don't restore any of the cut content
He's back...
Has any game ever achieved a similar amount of honest-to-god harem worthy goddesses? The tit physics were decades ahead of their time.
He switched it out when it was still on the Elizabeth Dane. The most ironic thing is that your throwaway joke line to Beckett (which he dismisses) about shaking the sarcophagus to find out what's inside would've revealed this.
>I don't think there was a single one that weak in the whole game in the first place
So he's the one that broke in initially and not Xiao? Then what the fuck was the point of the whole game?
Does he have some kind of quest I missed? Only he and the fortune telling woman just sort of fucked off while the others had their own quests.
>Anarchism works, bro
>Yeah, we got strongarmed out by the Cammies last time
>But next time we'll be more organised, perhaps even under a system of hierarchy with leaders and--
"Anarchism was going great until people who aren't anarchists exploited the overt weaknesses of our systems of organisation!" is a cope as old as political theory itself.
Imagine the hatefuck
No, she's not obese
This is my speculation, we know Jack knows the cabbie guy and that the cabbie guy is probably Caine, they even share a cutscene. Jack gets clued in about the sarcophagus and while the key and the sarcophagus are in the same place he plants the explosives to troll people (most likely Lacroix). We see the actual corpse that was inside was king Messerach who may have been a vampire from in-game speculation. My guess is that Caine wanting his brood to not cause Gehenna/antediluvian awakenings stepped up to Jack with the info and sent Messerach back into torpor or just offed him(Stroke of mercy from Caine). The entire game everyone was chasing a box full of TNT.
>pirinces all change thier title to baron
>anarch heads explode
Why did anyone think the sarcophagus twist was a good idea? It has no place in the plot and doesn't add anything to it. It was such a stupid decision that blots an otherwise extremely well written game.
>tfw no chunni anime demon hunter ending with yukie
They nailed what the were at the time.
Yo what the FUCK
Have an unironic CHAZ-endorsing anarcho-communist friend who tries to argue that their """education""" system will be SO good that nobody will even get it into their heads to commit a crime. Not just stealing more than their fair allotted share, but even shit like rape or assault.
And thus no structural hierarchy is necessary to equally divide resources or command any kind of law enforcement
Yes he's 25 and lives at home and has never had a job for more than a week
Yeah, I guess that'd make sense. It makes it irritating that the entire plot is just the chase and Jack somewhat implies your actions have any significance.
At least I can be happy with my gut feeling not to open it myself despite forgetting all the direct warnings throughout the game.
AnComs are the most naive retards on the planet. At least tankies realize the only way to enforce class cooperation is at the end of an AK barrel.
This game has such a specific atmosphere that nothing else scratches that same itch. You're both blessed and cursed by having experienced it. I just want more vampire kino.
So are the other games in the series any good?
There's this rhetoric of "who'll do the dishes after the revolution?" around anarchism/communism, and the ancoms always say "we'll do our own!", then you actually go to the home/hovel of someone who claims to be an ancom and they live in absolute filth and the dishes are never done and there will always be at least two broken guitars.
Not really no. They all weird game design choices that you gotta deal with. But I mean what else are we supposed to play? For a fan of the setting they're fine for one playthough I guess.
>then you actually go to the home/hovel of someone who claims to be an ancom and they live in absolute filth and the dishes are never done
Jesus christ that's accurate. His house smells like a zoo and there's trash everywhere, webs and big black spiders from all of the busted walls and flyscreens too.
I know never stick your dick in crazy but she is so perfect
>Bloodlines 2 canceled for a fucking battle royale
It still hurts bros
it's a shame all her alternative outfits are so shit, I had to stick to using the original throughout the entire game.
>Does he have some kind of quest I missed?
Not really. You can lie to him about vampirism cures and sell him a bunch of shit to convince him to leave the city (or try to get him to kill LaCroix for a humanity loss), but otherwise he doesn’t do much.
Anarchs aren't really anarchists.
i sided with strauss and he helped me get into the pyramid
I started watching buffy the vampire slayer for the first time and there was one bit in the first season that for a few moments gave me VTMB vibes. It was a bunch of teenagers possessed by hyenas though, not vampires.
>convince him to leave the city (or try to get him to kill LaCroix for a humanity loss)
>Not convincing him to try and kill the President
Be fucking happy. Do you really want the bloodlines 2 that it was shaping up to be?
There's also how despite being a Neonate, you're incredibly strong, and by the end of it, you're able to overpower the Dominate of a Ventrue Prince, who SHOULD be several Generations stronger than you. It's quite obvious Caine took an interest in the events in LA for some reason, and chose you to carry out the mission, empowering you specifically.
You made the best choice.
Exactly, also on a completely unrelated note there are no longer any cattle to feed on. How is it that even in hypothetical fantastical settings communism will still lead to starvation.
Anarchs aren't actually anarchists or anything. They're just 'fuck you dad, I won't do what you tell me' vampires, a loose conglomeration of vampires with different goals. Nines and Damsel want a communist society, the Baron of Hollywood wanted the power the camarilla wasn't giving him, etc.
why did the world of darkness team sperg out about caine being a taxi driver?
So you can side with all of them each? How many endings are there and are they all that different?
I just assumed it was some freakish luck for game purposes.
So what, the whole point was to make the player the center of attention and dispose of the sarcophagus with no one knowing the truth?
Also what was with Beckett's 180. I got the impression he was an imposter at that point.
>What was with Beckett's 180
he's about knowledge, not unleashing potential monsters. He wanted to know the secrets of the casket, not to let Lacroix or anyone else diablerize a REALLY fucking powerful vampire.
also, Beckett and Jack are both horrible characters outside VTM:B.
White Wolf at the time were fucking cringey, awful writers. They got a bit better, then shat the bed so hard that they got bought out and replaced by Paradox.
That said, the entire point of Caine is that he's a super mythical character who may or may not actually exist. Him not only existing, but explicitly helping some random-ass neonate is kind of weird.
it's not cancelled and that br is an entirely different game, user
Now that I think about it, who or what clan is Cain supposed to support in the story or he just doesn't give a shit and that's why he's a taxi driver
yes, you can side with:
strauss (true camarilla)
lacroix (powertripping fag new to la)
the sabbat (restoration patch only)
the ching chongs (why would you)
Reasonably, if the cab driver is Caine, his sole ambition seems to be no matter what to fuck over LaCroix in particular. I could get why he would be utterly apathetic to any other struggles or machinations but just hate that little shit, and could almost get why he's amusing himself by guiding a whelp in on him like a cruise missile instead of just, say, snapping his fingers and vaporizing LaCroix's tower
>Who or what clan is Caine supposed to support
He doesn't support anyone. He's above clan shit. He's a taxi driver because he was cursed by God to constantly wander. Why he's a taxi driver in LA, and why he works with Jack to help you fuck around with the sarcophagus, I have no fucking idea. He did it as a lark.
don't forget that you can side with noone and just try and take the power for yourself.
>I just assumed it was some freakish luck for game purposes.
It's not got attention drawn to it but your generation is definitely being raised by Caine, Andrei comments on it when you fight him in hallowbrook and he notices how much more potent your blood smells compared to the first time you met.
>Also what was with Beckett's 180
He either caved into the hysteria or figured out what was actually inside.
Cain doesn't give a shit mostly, he just kicks back and lives with his curse. That being said he probably feels some level of sadness for the state of Kindred. God is basically forcing him to watch what he did to Able on an enormous scale and on Cain's own children. I'm guessing he has a soft spot and tries to stop his kids from killing each other.
best ending
I don't know. He was really fucking far into the typical Atheist go science!1!! mindset and just turned around to act the exact same way he ridiculed others for.
Like I shouldn't play the others or they're just disappointing?
Good to know for replayability then. I just assumed taking power for yourself killed you instead of Lacroix though.
Now that makes a lot more sense.
I did not get a PoliSci degree to discuss politics on Yea Forums
Beckett and Jack are in the old world of darkness lore, and are both super special snowflakes. Beckett is a master of his bestial tree, but never ever ever kills innocents and starts cults of vampires to be super amazing to kine!
And Jack is apparently hundreds of years old and a super powerful agent of chaos who topples kingdoms and empires!!!