will you play my new game, god of war ragnarok?
Will you play my new game, god of war ragnarok?
I would prefer raping her, killing her and then defiling her corpse.
Will she marry me?
she is like a 6 or 7
massive nose
out of 7
unironically how did she get the job?
im a content writer like she was, but i dont ever see it to writing scripts
How the fuck do you think
The loathsome dung eater
by sucking and fucking, do you really need to ask?
Imagine how well she sucked Corey Balrog's cock, lucky faggot
are you a moderately attractive woman?
*intense sucking noises in your path*
Heh, nothing personal, incel.
how did sam maggs manage to get work after claiming she was raped in gta online?
>she is like a 6 or 7
Only if those boobs are real
Let's see your writing bro. Post some articles
She or her mods (Tranny employees??) either remembers my Twitch name or has a system, because I typed in her chat and was insta-banzed for having an opinion on a game.
Literally who?
what a cutie pie, but no because it has blacked people in it.
As someone who somewhat liked god of war I'm afraid they're going to mess up ragnarok.
Tbf even if he's bad he'll still be as good as her
Same. Doing the entire rest of the story in one game is kind of bold, I'll give them that. Hopefully it feels as fast paced and as varied as all of Fimbulwinter and Ragnarok together should be, and not rushed and half assed.
>it has blacked people in it
>unironically how did she get the job?
Here, let me illustrate
wasnt there an incident where some girl got into the industry by sucking 5 guys or some shit
You're using "unironically."
this has been debunked
>be a plagiarist piece of shit
>get hired by a triple A studio
female privilege
I know what you mean.
(((massive nose)))
In Africa.
Seriously, how good is her head? We all know she isn't actually doing anything of value.
>incel seethe and obsession thread
touch grace
She only needs to let a guy put a dick in her mouth and swallow, sucking is secondary.
>anime reaction image
Yeah, she was the one who started gamergate,
How is it plagiarism if she actually drew it?
>tranny seethe and obsession reply
Have sex, oh wait you can't.
She claims to be a very skillful writer who has an extensive collection of stories she writes in private.
If anyone asks her to read one of these stories, she'll immediately get defensive and mad that nobody values her privacy.
Read you idiot.
she doesn't suck dicks. she loves to be a big fish in a small pond, the 8/10 with perma-orbiters. this started in grade school and will never stop. "a pretty g-g-girl likes p-p-pokemon? do you think she will date me if I give her enough attention?" all she had to do was flash a smile during the job interview and she was in. the interviewer couldn't think of anything other than fucking her (in a "respectful" beta sort of way. very consensual!) and she goes to work and makes a dozen autistic computer programmer's life worth living, because they have one more day of imagining when (not if) they are going to get married, happily ever after. "alana smiled at me in the break room! there HAS to be something there!"
they forgot the joke
the cucks in game development would probably be satisfied with just a kick in the balls
err what
She literally copied it 1:1 without crediting the actual artist. Do you not know what plagiarism is?
you tried to ban evade with the same fucking name? retarded?
>45 mins
This is hilarious. This dumb whore, on top of being an art thief and plagiarist, has absolutely no clue how long it ACTUALLY takes to make art like that.
What the fuck
what a piece of shit fucking thief
Referencing is not plagiarism in art.
Specially for something that looks so generic.
ah the old
>not to get all JK Rowling BUT
is it a bad writer dog whistle? discuss.
Copying someones painting 1:1 and posting it as yours IS plagiarism, you mouthbreathing retard. Its literally the definition of plagiarism.
That's not referencing you absolute retard.
lmao what an age we live in
so heavily photoshopped its actually unreal that you'd simp for this ugly whore
no charisma
no talent
literal hack
fake tits
your taste? also fake
consider suicide
Dude... no one cares.
This is what she writes
yeah man its so out of control. I just cant believe it.
the image is a bit flawed becaause it doesnt show the year the instagram post was made. but since she talked about wow classic you can it from that it happened after the year 2018.
>haha yes I actually always intended to represent the current trendy hot topic I only never mentioned or hinted at it until it became socially acceptable and benefited me
Retards why are you replying to obvious bait
This is the reason why muslim men silence women with stones.
She’s a strong 7 at worst, brah. Be honest.
Exactly it's so forced that it becomes annoying
is that the same girl that ruined a game jam for attention
To see
Her tits
or india
Then Trump became president.
it's a weird thing to say since it's admitting that it sounds like bullshit and is trying to excuse for it
can you expand on that?
Who is this chupmunk faced hoor?
cause she's a pretty girl
check out her foot tats
Why the fuck do women sit like children?
Gross filthy tattooed pig slag
Am I correct in assuming if I was a mentally ill foot degenerate, these would be disgusting feet?
Honestly I haven't played a God of War game since the first one, and I don't have any plans to change that.
man i havent even played any of the games but i recognize that kratos probably never even thought about sex before his wife because he loves fighting so much
You are correct. Not only the tattoos but her feet and ankles are club shaped
yeah that's a highly unattractive foot
dont talk to me whore
Hello poop eater
I love women bros
yes, they remind me of a pigs trotters
what is that cross? look problematic to me
IIRC she married a Bioaware manager
Now Elyse's feet, those are some cute feet