Encounter tough boss

>encounter tough boss
>spend time learning patterns
>git gud and beat boss
>check out other people's strats online
>they all cheated by using spells, ashes, weapon arts, summons, etc.
YIKES! no wonder the achievement percentages are so high 98% of people are using cheat engine

Attached: malenia-first-phase.jpg (1920x1080, 240.51K)

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>caring about what people who bought or pirated the game themselves use
Back to discord with you loona.

I can smell the rich odor of copium from hear lad

>implying it is cheating

>beating the boss is cheating
a prosthesis hand typed this post

>le heckin funny copium
Yes, I sure am coping so hard about people using stuff that’s in the game.

>be retard and smash head against wall until it cracks
>discover other people just use sledgehammers

If you pressed jump even once you didn't beat the game.

Why bother playing at all if you are just going to cheat at the game? Save yourself time and just pretend you played it by watching youtube.

it's fun
are you playing for a reason other then fun?

>use features in the game
>wtf you cheated

thanks for you (you)'s suckers lmao

plenty of games have built in cheats user

Cheese begets cheese.
People wouldn't resort to such extreme measures if they were actually having fun with an encounter.

>cheat the game
You mean use tools that are provided by-design? It's not like Malenia strats are like breaking Mohg's/Morgots AI.

>learning patterns
YDBTG you literally cheated by repetition

She kills you in 3 hits or 1 combo unless you are a river or moonveil spammer, there's no learning room either cause there's no patterns.

I never found those and beat her without cheating

Hurt durrr I was only pretending to be retarded
Why do you waste your time?

Is there a push-button cheat that immediately kills the boss? A cheat menu that does the same?
Then it's not cheating. And besides, what would the CPU do if you beat it with an "unfair" method? Complain? Call the God of Gaming (tm) to smite you?

Attached: its part of the game bro.jpg (1414x1068, 229.77K)

Shit tier bait.

beat the game solo like you. learned the patterns know when to roll. rolling toward bosses to punish the punishable attacks.

>might as well help out in comp
>fucking retards die immediately without exception

guess im done with it. still a great game though.

>comparing cheats with features the developer intended players to use

>the developers didn't intend to put cheats in the game

>i have unlimited time
maybe if i was getting paid to play vidya i'd bother beating bosses legit, but they have the option and i got other shit i wanna do so fuck it mimic tear for life.

>learning patterns
You didn't beat it

>PTD faggot calling game mechanics cheats

why not watch a let's play on youtube at 2x speed?

i don't need to operate on extremes, man.

>he wasn't a l1 wretch
you didn't beat her

>larping as someone that beat the game

She cheesed me with waterfowl dance so I cheesed her with a bleed build and a mimic tear. simple

the fact of the matter is that this boss realistically should be a solid seven or eight out of ten, but there are just a few attacks that become inexorably harder to dodge if you just happen to be in an unfortunate geometric relationship when she decides to do it (most notably being too close). this, coupled with the botched ass lifesteal mechanic she has causes people to generally be incentivized to play really passively, like spamming jumping heavies or fishing for the two moves that are easy to parry. the fight is massively lengthened and becomes boring to a degree it isnt equipped to handle (and really few bosses are save maybe gael) and then it just becomes unfun to learn for the vast majority of players because all the issues with it are highlighted under a magnifying glass. look at what happened with all the people that kept running into brick wall radahn at level 30, spamming summons and running around on a horse, only to be one shot by some rocks suddenly flying towards them when he wasnt even aggro'd. malenia's lifesteal just forces every encounter to turn out like this unless you play super passively or have some spammy broken meme build
t. someone who beat her 4 times with collectively about 250 tries

>be me
>bored as fuck
>decide to humiliate Malenia
>+25 honslow's cold petal whip with Hoarfrost Stomp
>+25 Urumi
>+10 Dragon Communion Seal
>Lord of Blood's Exultation talisman
>start fight
>summon mimic +10 with two whips
>change to seal and spam Swarm of Flies
>watch she hopelessly explode in blood and ice in a matter of seconds
Felt very satisfying.

I haven't got to her yet but the second i get to her i will instantly summon mimic tear +10 and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me

Whips are alot of fun.

>i will instantly give her a free regen pool
based retard

i'm the type of autist who backs up his save file to fight bosses multiple times and i've done multiple flawless runs at malenia without "cheese"
she would easily be the best boss from software has ever made but they had to shit it up with some horribly designed element (an uncomfortably common theme in elden ring) and waterfowl is a disgustingly oppressive piece of shit move that quite blatantly did not go through any playtesting. you can easily see that it was supposed to equalize the playing field for players using tanky as shit ash summons or summoned players. otherwise she'd never be able to kill them due to the rest of her moves being so fair
phase 2 is a complete disaster design-wise, you have this boss that is clearly meant to encourage aggressive play and staggers with well-placed heavy hits, but can retaliate with Waterfowl dance immediately afterwards and completely end everything. what the fuck is the point of that?
waterfowl clearly needs to have something, anything about it changed. consistency in when she is able to use it would make sense--she even has an animation where she deflects and backs off from the player while spinning, which is a perfect timing to have Waterfowl go off. that to me would completely fix the fight and make it consistently avoidable unless both of you were stuck against a wall.

Attached: 1647982456162.png (258x234, 54.91K)

>Great Peepee
didn't beat the game

you cannot stop the power of great peepee
I wish it had the charged heavy long thrust of cragblade/bloody helice though, if it did then the moveset would be perfect

They just used a mechanic that is inside the game to make the fight easier.

Nice bait btw.

You didn't beat her

The most egregious piece of bad design she has is the fact that she will still heal on 100% Phsy blocks.
Like, here's this late game boss that actually has fairly low poise, leaves herself open after some attacks, etc. This would finally be a good reason to actually be able to build around and use Guard Counters for a boss. But of course, you can't! Because for some fucking reason she will still heal off when you block! This makes any use of shield almost useless unless you pair with it a heavy blood loss build!

Anyone who resorts to saying things like
>the bosses are balanced around summons
>of course I'll use all the tools the game gives me
>if the game gets to cheat, so do I
>did you roll/use a weapon/use a controller? didn't beat the game!
>don't tell me how to play the game
are all hardcore coping and fully understand they're playing the game on easy mode.

Attached: sippy.jpg (751x845, 234.19K)

>play ARPG
>use your brain and interact with the RPG part of ARPG, and build your character intelligently
>get seethed at by grug tier caveman retards who approached it solely as an action game

Attached: laughing ralph.gif (400x299, 1.35M)

dont care, still beat it, all fields :)

I think the healing part makes sense for her bossfight to reduce trades and facetanking. But it doesn't make sense to have her fully heal on 100% block--that should definitely be at least reduced somewhat. I think if she didn't heal at all on block then the fight would be completely trivial with greatshield poking because she doesn't attack THAT often and doesn't deadangle you that much outside of Waterfowl.


After all that don't you think that her other moves are "too fair" compared to her Waterfowl? Like if you practice them for some time you can dodge them flawlessly. Well maybe a clone attack in phase 2 is difficult too, but still.
Other bosses have anime autism like Morgott for example with 7-9 hit combos that go into another combo if he feels like it. On RL1 with restrictions it's a literal nightmare.
So if we "fix" her Waterfowl in some way her other moves or playstyle in general should be adjusted to maintain the high difficulty.
For example the way she doesn't chase you at all in phase 1 and and allows you to rebuff or do anything you want is really generous. Also she has no ranged attacks. That's from my experience.

Attached: ER James Bousema.jpg (1200x1800, 227.5K)

>you took damage and died
you didn't beat the game

I literally just beat it today solo melee as a lowskill/average player. Lots of jumping attacks with a fire knights greatsword on a SL130 STR/Faith character. Majority of my deaths were, of course, to that flurry attack when she started right next to me above my head.

Honestly, I would say that if the flurry move had enough startup that you could easily run away from pointblank and avoid the 1st burst, then it would feel fairer. As it stands, you simply can't overcommit near her and it leads to a dull safety first fight. I basically ran away to reset spacing after she recovered from a crit, or a gianthunt knockdown. No momentum or back and forth. The only 'fun' part was recognising when she was near stun and actually committing to a guard counter>stancebreak, although in the end I abandoned a shield altogether to just two hand throughout.

I just wanted the game to be over at consecrated snowfields. So yes I summoned my mimic and doubleteamed her phase 1 then Azur'd the fuck out of her phase 2. Then rushed ashen capital and beat the game.

I didn't beat the game because it's a shit game.

yeah I mentioned that. her other moves are very much vanilla besides maybe the triple swipe which demands you roll past her. the problem is that I wouldn't want to touch them because her moves strike a nice balance of being well-animated and fair and the only thing that stops you from completely unga-ing her down is the looming threat of waterfowl on the horizon.
in the end I don't really have the answers because balancing a game like this is a total nightmare. the only thing I can really point out is the fact that Waterfowl needs some consistency as it's the only part of her moveset that is unfair for the majority of players.

Also just made a webm from this video youtube.com/watch?v=xywpJ26hS70
Early version of her Waterfowl, interesting.

Attached: Waterfowl beta version.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)


The solution is obvious. She waterfowls only if you run away from her. If you stay close to mid range she doesn't do it. Maybe a single scripted occurence at like 50% hp.

yeah this looks... entirely unthreatening and I'm not surprised they retooled it into the gigawaterfowl probably because she was completely unable to kill any ash summons.

Funniest thing about being a coop phantom vs Malenia is watching the hosts using the most broken shit possible like the Carian Retaliation bug and still get killed by her multiple times.

I remember when fucktards used to whine about people using consumables in WoW pvp in 2004~2008 or using their skills with longer than a 20s cooldown. If devs didn't want me using it to have a power fantasy, they wouldn't of put it in the game, Now mind you souls shit is a fucking joke and if you can't melee duel every boss in these titles you're just bad at the games. Forgivable if this is your first time on this boat but for most of you, it isn't.

I encountered her today and I'm using finger greatshield with luthel the headless for my summon. 60 in str,l and the only fully upgraded weapon I have are lance, golden halberd, and dragon halberd. Will I be fine bros?
It takes a while to get her to phase 2 and she seems to get staggered quite easily

If you're not allowed to do all these things, then what strats were you expecting? Git gud?

Remember that if you you beat the game, you didn't really beat the game.


Attached: 1639779901354.jpg (1920x1080, 528.39K)

I get you. The fact that she is balanced like that - no ranged attacks, almost no chasing, doges AFTER you hit her with a jumping bow attack (for example, you can keep headshotting her indefinitely if you keep running away and jump bow at least in phase 1) very easy to stagger, easy to bleed, easy to frostbite makes it really hard to not ruin her fight if you just nerf the Waterfowl.
I can see it coming. They "patch" Radahn in 1.03 only to make one more micro update just to revert some of it back (lol).

Attached: stuck in a loop.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)