Master Duel

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>until there are no more

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I hate crooked cock stall. If I don't have a Kaiju I may as well go get fucked.
Anyways, does anyone know how to slot Eldrich into ZombieWorld Shiranui? I don't know how to use El Guapo there but I heard good things about it.

are you ready Yea Forums?

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Master Sex with Tori

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>Againts Tri Brigade
>havinga fun back and forth
>he goes zoo zeus
Nah fuck you coward

Didn't this card have an effect in the anime to make it so your opponent can't see the cards you play? The one in the game has nothing like that.

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Are you talking about the anime where they put Gaia on Turtle Catapult and destroyed the castles flotation ring to destroy his field?

He probably bricked and was doing his best to say in the game and win at all costs
They don't care about having fun

>The one in the game has nothing like that.
What else is new?
>Card is so powerful it was literally erased after the one duel the character played it in because the writers knew it was bullshit just like Exodia

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>They don't care about having fun
Projecting yourself onto other again, eh?

Would playing Crossout in a 60 card Pendulum deck and stuffing it with 1x of every handtrap that could possibly fuck me over be a bad idea? I've noticed most of them play 60 cards but 90% of them are extenders


Nope, I know how it is
After playing DL for 2000 hours
Nobody wants to have any kind of fun, only like 1 out of 3000 players do, the rest are all le win at all cost overextending edgelords
They all over extend ALWAYS ALWAYS even petdeckers over extend

I should feel bad for bullying AI that hard but then this little shit OTK me yesterday.

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>If they don't play exactly how I think they should play then they can't possible have fun!
You're pretty stupid lol

>artifact deck makes my UCT change it's effect to destroy backrow
>chains a quick spell to summon another one
>Chain Maxx C
>opponent goes full retard and summons 3 different artifacts on the field ON MY TURN
>starts chaining them for destruction effects
>at the end of the chain throw in Miscellaneosaurus
>They scoop after they keep targeting Tyranno with destruction
This deck looks really interesting tho

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reminder that in the anime the pharoah sends panik to the shadow real and then he continues with his life like normal and eventually goes to the afterlife.
the pharaoh sends panik to a hellish realm of endless torture and still went to heaven.
he got away with everything.

Duelist Kingdom operated under DnD rules so a lot of the time it was just making up effects that seemed reasonable because lmao.

Konami does take inspiration from Duelist Kingdom every now and then and turns the bullshit into actual card effects like for example

Alright boys wish me luck, the game has given me its blessing.

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Badass. Good luck, user.

The Arc V manga explains what having fun in a duel is
Over extending is for edgelords


It's just me or servers are choking?

BASED, he's easily one of the coolest boss monsters in the game, pay no attention to Chadlich haters

The guy had just played Tenki formation and added Fraktall to his hand, I was at 800 LP
I'm playing fucking Trickstars for fucks sake

nobody cares about eldlich
they care about skill drain

Your waifu belongs to shota cock.

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>ᴼᵒᵒᵒʰ ᴵᴹ ᴾᴸᵃʸᴵnᴳ ᶠʳᴵᶜᴷᴵnᵍ ᶠᴿᴵᶜᵏˢᵀᵃᴿˢ ᴼᵒᵒᴴᴴᴴᴴᵒ
That's how you sound.

Meta netdecks are chimps
They just wanna win OHHH I'M WINNING
The kind of guys who would cheat in every game if they could. They are completely insane. Like why even play the game at that point, they don't watch the yugioh anime, they don't even like anime. They just play to win, at something. anything.


>need CP to finish the deck I'm currently working on
>nothing left worth pulling from a secret pack for
>no idea what deck to make next so I'm just sitting here about to hit the gem cap again
How do I break this vicious cycle of indecision?

Eldlich zombie world is so much more fun than eldlich with a bunch of floodgates desu, unfortunately zombie world is extremely expansive with basically all cards needed being URs and SRs

should I make a roid deck bros?
it's so bad but... maybe there's a place for indestructable un-negatable MOBILE BASE in this meta?!

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Eldlich is super cool but I just threw my copy into a traptrix deck and pretended he's their dad

how does it make you feel for all the outrage reddit likes to create over this card, it's not even on the minds of the Asians on average, and completely slipped by Konami for the festival?

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That's a weird looking speedroid!!

you wait for konami to add more car-
AHAAHAHAHAAHA yeah just roll on the packs with kaiju. theyre always useful, you might get a shiny turtle, and the deck is so expensive if you ever actually want to make it youll have some pieces laying around

fuck no

My decks rarely find it an issue so idk

I have no clue why all of its cards are URs but I recently got plenty of stuff to play with by melting down all the cards I don't want to use. I'm gonna miss using my Mayakashi in there but I'll try and bring them back up again later

If the average asian player in this game has taught me anything, it's to never trust the asian playerbase's opinion on anything. It's either stun or FTK and nothing in between.

Also Skill Drain gets to be at 3 because the meta decks don't care about it. Everyone else gets to suffer because Branded can summon a bunch of 3k beaters even through skill drain.

Tell me user. What card is literally (you)?

Artemite slay
>Send 1 monster from your Extra Deck to the GY, then target 1 monster your opponent controls with the same card type (Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, or Link); shuffle it into the Deck. Your opponent cannot activate monster effects in response to this card's activation well all of you who wnated more going second cards here you go, also this can even be used with cards that either have effects in the GY or which harm the oponent when sent to gy and there's actually a bunch of those, based konami making board breaking easier

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>well all of you who wnated more going second cards here you go, also this can even be used with cards that either have effects in the GY or which harm the oponent when sent to gy and there's actually a bunch of those, based konami making board breaking easier
This was supposed to go after the greentext im fucking retarded reeee

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>tfw have a higher winrate on @Ignister over my HERO deck due to no one wanting to wait through my turns

ironic since i immediately collapse if they get over the Arrival @Ignister

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who got cucked harder
firewall or flamewingman?

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This goes so fucking hard.

The Asian banlist is mostly the same as the TCG's with the major differences being that a bunch of non-OPT burn monsters are banned.
It's made more in mind with everyone being able to afford any cards, so everyone's equally busted. Unfortunately this doesn't work for Bo1 and leads to shit like Eldlich being amazing vs just alright IRL with siding.

I'm a brick

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>play Sky Strikers
>keep winning coin flip and picking second
>switch to Virtual World
>lose every single coinflip
>somehow keep winning anyway


Send this bad boy to GY, banish hkm, get rid of oponents Borreload savage dragon, take down effectively two negates and get a free powerful boss monster, nice, this can actually break so many synchro negate heavy deck boards

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Firewall, 100%. At least Flame Wingman didn't need to be taken out behind the Konami office shed and get castrated like Firewall did.

Which Dogmatika cards are the best at just getting my extra deck monsters into the graveyard? Preferably without locking me out of using my extra deck. I only need to get 2-3 in there.

Blue eyes i not even a MC monster

The depressed little goblin from Gift Exchange

that card sucks
>not a quick effect which means you can't use it when it matters the most
>non searchable either

It is however, the main mascot of the series now and the most popular and well known monster from it, unless you count porn in which case it's DMG.

>declare attacks to monster in ranked duel
Worst mission ever, what a pain in the ass since everyone either scoops or negates everything you do.

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You can use it at the start of your turn to break established boards

kaiba is the main character of dark side of dimensions

this, i unironically liked the old mission system better of just getting 2 wins

>monkeybrain presses go first when playing going second deck
>monkeybrain presses go second when playing going first deck

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you will get negated 80% of the times

>abuse the coinflip bug so i never go second

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Droplet isn't searchable either and having both makes breaking boards much easier, the point isn't to disrupt setting up a board but to break existing ones

>implying Kaiba isn't the MC of the franchise

the old system sucked
the easiest missions to do every day now are
>win 1 time
>play 3 spell cards
>normal summon 3 times

>Your opponent cannot activate monster effects in response to this card's activation
Lmao, good luck pulling traps you need the stop it every time

is it really considered cheating to coin flip exploit? You're not breaking the rules of the ensuing duel, you just want to be first.

Sometimes I can't even tell which button I pressed until one of our boards lights up at the start of the game. Most of the time I can't even remember if I actually won the coinflip or if my opponent chose. I think my brain's turning to mush.

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golden flying fish.
he is the only light attribute fish type monster in the game, there are no other monsters with that exact combination. he has no frens.
in addition, despite being a fish type he is light so he doesn't belong with his kind.
he is me

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It's literally breaking the rules of the game and very cheap but do whatever you want, this community isn't good to begin with anyway

>the easiest missions to do every day now are
>>win 1 time
h-haha yeah

4 cards for entirely free.

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Shouldn't have got that 4th jab, user.

Nigga your pentastag