ITT: Books that'll make good vidyas

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the stormlight archives would make a horrendous game. You'd probably end up having to play Shallan the whole fucking time.

Ah, so it'll play like Doom but with a kid?

kind of? in some parts I guess but it would mainly be some espionage sections, lots of exposition dumps, and a whole lot of crying

I'm still mad, Shallan was based and enjoyable in book 1. It was straight to shit once Sanderson got lost in this schizo garbage.

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>it's another pampered rich girl getting with too perfect to reasonably exist pretty boy
they have nothing in common except physical attraction, I'm still seething

At least Adolin's a good lad, a shame he won't fuck his sword, she is clearly the better woman

>that anime fight at the end
what a shitty way to end the first book

when I first started the books I actually liked her parts a lot more than kaladins. I especially liked the dynamic with Jasnah but then sanderson decided to toss all that potential in the trash for schizo/mary sue shit

I’m torn about Stormlight Archive making a decent game. On the one hand, the metro games already gave us “currency as a combat resource” and I love the world. On the other, the surges are way too open ended to make satisfactory in a game, and modern game developers are incapable of making something where your starting class changes the entire game (Windrunners aren’t going to play the same as Truthwatchers or Lightweavers)

Shallan made me drop the series. Her schizo chapters are a pain to read

>Check out Branderson's news to see if he released anything for Mistborn
>He literally wrote four fucking books in secret and revealed them in a kickstarter
>One of the four has major Stormlight spoilers

The man's a machine, I'll give him that

She chose

>he still reads books in 2022
top fucking kek

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It would likely not be an RPG, not because it wouldn't be good, but because it'd be too much work like you said.

I think they'd do a retarded RTS, completely wasting the concept btw, and have the Radient and shardbarers be champion type units, or a beat em up where you don't get stronger, you just get more combos

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O yea because a game that's 40 hours of non-stop dumb-as-shit philosophy would be totally amazing.

The mans a fag but china melviles perdido street station could make a good deus ex style game.

He actually wrote 5 in secret, he's just publishing 4 under kickstarter. This is all the while he wrote misborn 7. Definitely a machine, has prose like a machine too.

You could probably do a decent RTS with Radiants as normal units,

It already has a video game.

Edgewood Chronicles

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Not this mormon shit again...

I'm looking for a fiction novel to read where the corporations won, the military-industrial complex is in full effect and everyone is some form of soldier and hates their life. Not looking for heartwarming stories or life lessons. I want misery ontop of sci-fi. Suggestions?

>stormlight is mana
>2 factions with 10 classes each
>each class with 5 skills (ideal levels)
>factions literally activate their pvp status in the books and seek duels with enemies
>huge world with different biomes, rife for exploring by adventurers

it's HEAVILY inspired by WoW, and it shows, but it could make a decent game


Been there, done that.

you know orson scott card's a mormon too
the first few books of the ender series are pretty good

The Malazan series, imagine being a bridgeburner kicking it with the bros.

Dune is technically that.
Except its so far down that path that the heads became merchant nobility.


sounds like you want Old Man's War, by Scalzi, or The Forever War by Haldeman

Read both of these, you're on the right track anons. Forget about all the popular things we talk about often enough, I need something way more obscure.

Alright, thanks. I'll check these out.

I think humanity has accepted their own reality far too much to write any more "the corpos win, suck it common man"

>tfw just started gardens of the moon yesterday
only read the Pale chapters (1-4) so far but I'm liking it

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Bakker is king.

>Writing a fantasy novel
>15 chapters in and the fatigue sets in
>Spend all day daydreaming about the story I think is nice and cohesive, doesn't bloat too much and keeps a tight scope.
>Can't seem to put it into words anymore.
I really want to write the rest of the story. I'm excited to put it into physical, tangible words instead of a cloud of ideas wafting around in my head. Should I take a break?

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books 1-6 are all really great, 1,2 and 5 especially
7 is ok
8 is horrible
9 and 10 are non-stop action but it's so much that it becomes legit tiring, i had to force myself to finish the series, and was burned out out reading for like 6 months after

No, breaks are bad.
What you should do is reset your position, work from a different angle.
If you take a break you might ease your fatigue but you will also forget. It's much better to ease up on your workload and instead try and reinvent your schedule.

Same, I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes given all I've heard about the series over the years.
You could start doing writing prompts to fill wordcounts user, even if they're not related to what you're already working on. It's more about discipline to get more words down on paper than a few sentences you pick over endlessly, and it also helps to train yourself into writing things that don't come naturally to you.

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break down the story into chunks, and then break down the chunks into smaller scenes, i find this approach helps me best.
also, you need a routine, set at least 2 hours/day for this and KEEP AT IT, the moment you say "i'm not feeling it today" you're gonna say the same thing every other day

Brandon Sanderson sucks. And you should feel bad for supporting him

If only they weren't overpriced as fuck.

I've tried to write a book once by winging it, now I record everything in a spreadsheet file and I won't start until I practically have a small summary of each chapter

8 is the most divisive book in the series. In a recent poll of Malazan fans, Toll the Hounds actually came in near the top of favorite books. 9 is consistently ranked second worse, with Gardens always being the worst (and it's undeniably the worst). That's because 9 and 10 are intended as a single book.

I didn't get tired out by any of the books, but I read the series in 20 minute bursts on the bus to and from work. It really just depends on if what the series does works for you.

I'd say 8 is slow until the last quarter or so which is one of the best parts of the series.

mistborn would probably be a better pick, you can make a new story during any point of the final empire

You know remember a vaporware Mistborn game with Sanderson writing a unique story was indev at one point

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>rpg where you play as power-hungry wizard trying to rise his position in politics by using demons/spirits/djinns against other wizards
>stealth game where you play as shapehifting djinn sent on near-impossible suicide missions by crazy power-hungry wizard

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Simp book. Man walks around aimlessly, becoming infatuated with every piece of pussy that shows him a lick of attention, accomplishing little to nothing. Every once in a while, he he has to use his sword. He proceeds to kill everything in a single blow, because of the magical weight inside the blade. Then the author writes something about mirrors being windows to the past or some shit, before going back to simping.

Wait, isn't this the book where the MC is a cuck faggot?

Holy fucking cucks.

He's more of a whiny bitch, I would say

Try writing short stories that incorporate your ideas instead. You can actually finish those and you'll build a "world" instead of having them stuck in your head.

no, that's Name of the Wind

This really sounds awful. Why do writers do this?

Is this shit actually good? I bought the first book when it first came out but never read it.

>written by a woman
You get what you deserve.

Seriously, about the only decent female authors I've ever read were like Anne Mccaffrey.... no, wait, that's it. I was gonna bring up Leguin but the cunt went crazy a long time ago.

>Joanna Russ

Still waiting for a good Ghost in the Shell video game.

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On the upside, since you're fan of cyberpunk you'll be happy to know that there is a metric fuckton of them coming out within the next 24 months. You may not even care about GITS in the end.

It's good if you like worldbuilding, autistically going into how the magic works and virtuous characters doing virtuous stuff or trying to.

>On the upside, since you're fan of cyberpunk you'll be happy to know that there is a metric fuckton of them coming out within the next 24 months.
Will they be good games though?

These books are absolute awesome&comfy.

>(western) isekai
>but multiple people and multiple continents and multiple pov (and the natives arent as dumb)
>innkeeper, dragons, runners, drakes, cat people, magic academy, an alpha male [king] of destruction, good gobs/bad gobos, a gobo [lord], a necromancer, ant people, a blind [emperor], an awsome [lady], a [doctor] in a world full of magic/warzone/nobody knowing about not killing doctors, a bee, chess
>a class system

It would work really well as a vidya.

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It's basically a fantasy underdog sport story for its A plot, then I guess mostly political maneuvering foe the B and C plots.

Everyone loves the A plot, but you get mixed feelings on the B plot that follows a mary sue, then everyone likes the C plot, but it isn't as good as the A plot.

I'd suggest it, but not liking shallan(plot b) is extremely common.

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A distinct possibility that some will be. This latest slew of cyberpunk games (of which there are many) seems like the 80's and 90's fans of the genre got a little pissed off with the current market and went into creative overdrive.

I wonder why you don't see alot of red wall like stories anywhere...

Or redwall anything passed the books. I saw a couple novies, but never of the entirety

Beat me too it, I want this book tho. But any Redwall would be insanely good I think.

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new audio book at end of month user

Such as?

Or really anything with that pseudo Arthurian feel

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Author is too based
Why Marlfox specifically

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Is there an intended order to these?
I remember reading redwall and then Lucas or whatever the prequel was called

Just pirate it... just give a looksy, not claiming it's good or anything, but just try it.

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EXEkiller, Core Decay and Vigilance 2099 are at the top of my list.

I only read way of kings was that the retard at the library or whatever? I hated reading her shit too

>Author: Pirateaba
Is this some wattpad fucking tripe?

Honestly looks cool, I'll try it thanks user.

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It's generally recommended to read them in the order they were published, but a lot stand on their own. If you want a really solid standalone one I'd say Long Patrol's your best bet

To where will they go,
This is a secret nobeast may know.

Plundering murdering vulpine thieves,
Who blend with stone,
Or meld with leaves.

See the pale eyes and swirling cloak,
Appear like nightmare,
Vanish like smoke.

What steals upon the silent air,
Gleaming fangs, mottled fur,
A deadly axblade lying there.

Nobeast living can hide from thee,
O thou who treads invisibly,
Cross hill and vale, through woods and rocks.
Marlfox! Marlfox! Marlfox!

I dunno I just thought the Foxes were the coolest villains he came up with and would make neat boss fights/enemies

I think this book would make as pretty good game.

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